Analysis of Army Ads Advertising has been one of the most fundamental activities in the contemporary society. It underlines a marketing communication tool that incorporates composed, structured and non-personal communication that is persuasive in nature as to boost patronage for a service, product or idea. Irrespective of the message incorporated therein, any advert has the sole aim of inducing individuals to buy into a service, idea or good, with a large number of adverts being persuasive so as to win converts who would be enticed to patronize the services, goods and ideas that are advertised (Kenechukwu et al 952). Needless to say, adverts primarily aim at enhancing loyalty to a particular idea or brand and, essentially, must either be touching …show more content…
In the video, the sense of urgency comes to the fore at the very beginning when a timer is seen and heard counting down to zero from ten at an increasing rate. This may be compared to the statement “the nearest station” that is written on the poster advert for recruitment of soldiers. The incorporation of a sense of urgency in the adverts is bound to underline the fact that the time is running out for and that individuals would need to sign up as soon as possible for the recruitment before it is too …show more content…
Of course, this should not be surprising particularly considering that fighting and paying the ultimate price for one’s country is the epitome of patriotism. The two adverts stir feelings of patriotism by the messages that they incorporate, as well as the subtle image that is portrayed. In the case of the poster, the image of Uncle Sam wearing American colors is bound to elicit some element of patriotism in the audience. First, Uncle Sam gained popularity when, as a meat packer, he provided meet to the troops in the course of the war. The incorporation of his image in the poster was a subtle message calling on all individuals to be sufficiently patriotic as to do all that they can to defend their country. Anyone across the country could identify with Uncle Sam and would have wanted to follow in his footsteps or join hands with him. On the same note, Uncle Sam dons American colors, which are demonstrative of his patriotism and allows all people to relate to him. These colors are also a symbol of unity given that the circumstances at the time required that Americans stand together and fight for their country/. This is also complemented by the fact that Uncle Sam has his finger directly pointing at the viewer, an element that creates a considerably higher personal connection. In the YouTube
The video entitled Army Strong depicted a combination of all three appeal. From the video logos was being portrayed as the video was typically marked by facts and data. The information was quite quantifiable and would enable one to make a rational decision about serving in the army. In portraying the pathos persuasion, the advertisement succeeded in lowering the often-perceived risk persons have of joining the army. As it relates to the ethos persuasion, the advertisement painted the United States Army as an entity that builds strong character, garners respect from the public and provides an avenue for career advancement. This essence was painted in my mind through the convincing data
Pathos: This ad also uses emotion to persuade the viewer to vote for Hillary. A dad tells the story of his son giving up his life to save others. At the end of the video, the dad asks if his son would have had a place in Trump’s America if his son was still alive because his son
Did you know that patriotic ads or notions influence how we think? It can also positively influence the way we make a purchase or make us think of a product in a different light. It can also persuade us in making decisions based on what we feel is the best patriotic decision. It is usually at its peak during election time when everyone is watching and waiting to see who will lead our country for the next 4 years. When the country is divided by who they feel will be our best patriotic leader and what they stand for. It also peaks at times of historical tragedies, such as 9/11 or the ongoing war in Afghanistan.
The Call of Duty: Black Ops ad certainly incorporates the slogan “There’s a Soldier in All of Us” into the ad with a diverse cast. The ad uses a cast of people of different ages, gender, social status, and cultural backgrounds dressed as regular everyday people in place of a cast in soldier uniforms. According to David Vinjamuri (2015), “the increased diversity in television, film and advertising is based on sound marketing principles simply put, we are more likely to identify with someone that looks like us” (para. 6). The whole ad uses the persuasive technique Pathos to create “an emotional response in the consumer,” (Rosenau, 2012) a sense of
There exist advertisements in which invoke methods aiming for consumer's emotions and trust to buy their products. Beauchamp provides in-depth examples and explanations of the variety of advertising that may occur such as coercion, persuasive, and manipulative advertising. The use of coercion advertising is the use of threats in order for industries or companies meet their wants. Persuasive advertising is the rational means to encourage someone's informed buying decision through the appeal of reason known as informational advertising. Lastly manipulative advertising in which uses deceivable promises or results about consumers emotions and experiences to encourage consumer's decision-making
The messages, add an eloquent and motivational aspect to the commercial. In the commercial, you will see motivating messages such as “this is your jersey” and “this is your acceptance letter” to signify the importance of the Army uniform. This is a great way to capture an audience of people who might not be able to attend college or be great at sports. However, it also adds a little solace to viewers who might think that their opportunities are limited. The Army gives opportunities to young men and women to become marketable within the USA without having to be top scholar or top draft picks, and this is great to know in today’s society because unemployment plays a huge role in today’s economy. The commercial ad also uses concrete messages such as “breakthrough” and “wiser”, this tells the audience that becoming a part of the Army will give them a sense of new life and wisdom. This is a remarkable way to let viewers know that their life will ultimately change if they become a part of the Army. Many people might find the motivational messages as persuasive. However, it gives a wholehearted approach that cannot be denied as
Over the last few decades, American culture has been forever changed by the huge amount of advertisement the people are subjected to. Advertising has become such an integral part of society, many people will choose whether or not they want to buy a product based only on their familiarity with it rather than the product’s price or effectiveness. Do to that fact, companies must provide the very best and most convincing advertisements as possible. Those companies have, in fact, done
Advertisements, right off the back, are notices or announcements in the public eye promoting a product, service, or event. In Jib Fowles, “Advertising Fifteen Basic Appeals” we uncover the fifteen forms of appeals in advertisements, their meaning, and how they are categorized. Advertisements are categorized based on the audience and the targeted consumers are. The content that appears on the advertisements must catch the consumers attention either emotionally, physically, or mentally. Wording, colors, and pictures all affect an advertisements effectivity.
Immediately after the commercial begins, the viewer is introduced to two middle age white men. The men are wearing overalls and lumberjack style shirts with a trucker’s hat and construction boots. They also carry a large backpack with old canteens hanging off the side and a hunting gun. Their main facial features include gaps in their yellow teeth. The appearance of the two men further exemplifies the characterization of the backwards southerner who are uneducated and unsophisticated. The presence of the gun is part of the masculinity that the advertisement seeks to portray. Further into the advertisement, the viewer sees that the men are wearing wedding bands but there is no presence of a female character. This plays into the common theme of old family dynamics in the South as the women are typically at home taking care of the children while the men are out hunting. The appearance of the two white men portrays the false realism of southern masculinity and family dynamic that the advertisement seeks to exemplify about the
The theme of hard work is very prevalent in the ad and demonstrates how it is a good and positive thing. The ad plays positively toward rural and blue collar workers because most do not wear a suit and tie to work each day. They know the importance of hard labor because they experience it each day in their profession everyday. This relates to pathos because it plays to the pride and sense of importance to such workers. The ad is of a man wearing Levi's jeans with the quote "This country was not built by men in suits", appealing to the fact that many of the hardest working people do not wear suits. This appeal to the American Dream is huge because that is what our country was built off of. Other people would come to America to try to enhance
This controversial 1:30 min. advertisement was targeted towards those who are unsure about current immigration issues in the United States. The advertisement shows a family of a single mother and her daughter who live in poverty in either Mexico or a Latin-American country trying to find a better life for themselves in the United States. Even though the entire advertisement is cut into two portions, the mother and her daughter are able to travel by foot, motorcycle, train, and truck to an open field by the end of the first half of the advertisement. This advertisement also shows the mother and daughter crossing rivers, sleeping outside, and making fires to do what countless others have died trying to attempt. Throughout the advertisement, the use of music, the contrast between light and darkness in the advertisement, and the symbolism of features in the advertisement they travel upon illustrate how difficult and perilous the expedition to liberty truly
In terms of business, advertising is a type of marketing communication that is used to encourage, persuade or manipulate groups of people to take some action or continue with the actions that they were taking (Percy, 2008, p. 82). In majority of cases, the outcome that is sought to influence the actions of the customer in terms of profitable contribution even though other forms are also popular (Hansen and Christensen, 2007, p. 82). This particular type of work is in a category that is referred as effective labour and the commercial advertisers more of than not seek to elicit increased consumption of the products that they promote through branding that entails linking the product to particular qualities in the mind of the
To begin with, there has been significant discrepancy regarding the explanation of advertising’s role among advertising researchers. According to Weilbacher, success or failure of advertising has always depended primarily on the ultimate sales when citing that ‘advertising-- if it is successful-- ultimately results in the sale of the product or service advertised to at least some of the consumers that have been exposed to the advertising. If such sales do not happen, the advertising is judged not to have been effective’ [8, p. 19]. Meanwhile, others have regarded advertising as the communication process that attracts customer’s attention or features the product that will satisfy their
Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people’s habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and society.
Advertising is a persuasive communication attempt to change or reinforce one’s prior attitude that is predictable of future behavior. We are not born with the attitudes for which we hold toward various things in our environment. Instead, we learn our feelings of favorability or unfavorability through information about the object through advertising or direct experience with the object, or some combination of the two. Furthermore, the main aim of advertising is to ‘persuade’ to consumer in order to generate new markets for production.