CONFLICTS OF A 21ST CENTURY MILITARY 6 leadership decisions that further degrade the military influencing enlisted members to end their careers early. The cost to maintain our national security has skyrocketed due to political and economic changes over that past two decades. Furthermore, the current system is under pressure to perform with a decreased budget proposals. “Policymakers are currently debating the appropriate level of U.S. military spending given increasingly constrained budgets and the winding down of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan” (Walker, 2014). As a result, the troops are forced to do more with less which leaves members tired and stressed. It is impossible to maintain our current show of force with a steadily …show more content…
Additionally, the overall system of how we treat each other, how we promote, and our outlook on the modern society all need to change. As mentioned above, the current system is based on a post World War II mentality. Furthermore, the system needs to incorporate changes that reflect our current worldview. Since 1990, we have been in some form of conflict big and small that has shaped the world we live in today. The current generation has only known war on terror. To elaborate further, my personality of the ISTJ type influences me to solve problems like this. The decisions made now will affect my remaining nine years in the military so I feel a need to get involved. According to, people with a judging personality are perceived as stubborn and opinionated. In this case, it will take a person that is not afraid of taking risks to get matters settled. Biblical Reflection According to Fischer (n.d), one of the easiest ways to apply biblical principles in an organization is to make a covenant. Hence the idea is expressed by you putting a personal and professional unifying contract with God. Furthermore, we need to trust in the Lord to provide the guidance and wisdom that we need daily. “And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not” (Isaiah 58:11, KJV). It is easy to get distracted and CONFLICTS OF A 21ST CENTURY MILITARY
1932; thats when the chaos started. The elated recently homebound veterans were thrown into a whirl spin when they got back to their homes. Instead of having a peaceful return, they come home to the great depression and become unemployed. The government promised all former Veterans a bonus check worth $1,000 to be obtained in the future. Considering that they are now unemployed and need money to survive, they requested to receive their bonuses earlier. As you can tell, that did not happen. At this point, that was when the Bonus Army was formed.
This strategy should focus on the vision, mission and culture of the company in a Christian perspective. Managers should focus their company principles on integrity and excellence. Companies with integrity concentrate their goals in doing the right thing instead of work for a profit from their customers, these organization with integrity will make its business decisions based on the standards and principles of God righteousness, truth and honesty. Companies that focus on excellence as their main point has a commitment to offer an excellent service to their customers and make them feel valuable to the company, this type of strategy make them extremely successful in the business world. Therefore, organizations with these types of Christian principles is more likely to success. Their purpose of doing the right thing for their communities give them an advantage on the business market. Also, the appreciation of hard work is rewarded in different areas as fair compensation, performance recognition, and providing growth opportunities, both professionally and personally to their workers. It has been determined that organizations that recognize the needs of their people and create opportunities for them to fulfill those needs are able to bring out the very best in
Consequently, the Obama Administration has silenced defense leader for a long time, so he could keep his Budget Control Act or (BCA). For example “8 years under the Obama Administration, top defense officials were largely silenced and prevented from articulating their concerns about budget cuts and decreased readiness”(Cooper pg1). The Obama Administration neglected top defense officials, which has resulted in “Army has lost more than 205,000 soldiers, or 30 percent of its staff”(Spencer). Nevertheless, this has also resulted in “3 of 58 Army brigade combat teams are considered ready for combat”(Cooper). Conversely, Obama cut down the military so far that America has 150,000-225,000 troops ready in the Army when all of our combat teams should be ready for combat, so that the armed forces can protect America’s interests at home and abroad. Moreover, the Army is not the only who has experienced decreased readiness, for example, there have been budget cuts across the board which have resulted in “The Air Force is the smallest and oldest it has ever been”(Cooper). “80 percent of the United States Marine Corps or (USMC) do not have the minimum number of aircraft they need for training and basic operations”(Cooper). “The Navy’s fleet is the smallest it has been in nearly 100 years”(Cooper). “Maintenance period will increase costs 2.6 times”(Pickup). Accordingly, all parts of the Armed forces have experienced budget cuts
The United States should not reinstitute the military draft. The draft is unconstitutional and morally unjust. The draft violates a United States citizens simple rights. Not only is the draft unwise and impractical but also undermines a persons freedom.
The Battle School’s method of training the young soldiers appears as brutal, degrading, and unsympathetic. The school has made the students fight against one another and cause them to hate each other. Since their arrival, the students have been forced to compete against one another to earn their place at the top of the food chain. The Battle School has had it in the peoples’ mind that the enemy has and always will be the buggers. None of the students have considered that the Battle School has a malicious system. In any battle or war, all sides share a similar goal- to win. The correct way to win the game and the best tactics to use will always be different. Based on several observations by using their monitors, the school hand picks their soldiers.
America spends over 650 billion dollars a year on having the most technologically advanced military in the world. Much of this money comes straight from U.S. taxpayer dollars. But there is one major problem in our military; the number of troops enlisting is dropping from previous years. With terrorist groups like ISIS, this is a bad time for numbers of soldiers to drop. The country needs more soldiers to keep freedom, and remain the powerhouse of the world. Without troops, our country might not be what it should be.
The most critical issue that we face when it comes to downsizing the army is the readiness and security of our nation. Politicians say that downsizing the military brings back the nation’s financial stability. Army leaders do not see it that way, but weakens our nation 's defense capability and our commitment to the rest of the world. General Odierno, the Army Chief of Staff (2013), states that “In his professional military judgment, that the projected end strength and force structure levels would not enable the Army to fully execute 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance requirements to defeat an adversary in one major combat operation while simultaneously denying the objectives of an adversary in a second theater. Additionally, it is unlikely that the Army would be able to defeat an adversary quickly and decisively should they be called upon to engage in a single, sustained major combat operation” (Chief, Congress and DoD hammer out Army 's future manning levels, par.18). The military is not just weakened by the numbers, but by experience and
As the US military opens combat roles to women, several politicians ask that registration for the draft be required for women, eliciting the support of some young Americans.
The United States of America has not used a draft for their military since 1973 and some people wonder if it should be put back in use. The U.S. citizens are worried that volunteers will not be enough if a bigger war breaks out and that we truly need the draft. The big question with this idea is, it it a good idea to bring back the draft?
“This book is a call to leadership by the Book, that, is the Bible.” The essential elements of biblical leadership are discussed in detail in the book, the most indispensable being “teaching the Word of God as the life-changing power of God.” The crucial function of the biblical leader is teaching God’s Word clearly, in context to those willing to receive it. In doing this, the ideas of business leadership, will not always be the best model to use (Bredfeldt 2006,15). In the first chapter, Bredfeldt, discusses the basic principles of great biblical leadership, these principles find application in almost any leadership role. If one wishes to be an effective leader, the maximum leadership principles of influence, bringing great change, and
1. The focus of my background paper is the KC-135 “Stratotanker” or “Tanker” and how this aircraft has supplied fuel since the 1950s, making it the longest-serving aircraft in Air Force history. My first point explains the diversity of air mobility missions possible with the KC-135, and the continuous upgrades performed on the aircraft to keep up with the most modern aircraft worldwide. My second point highlights the role of the KC-135 in the Cold War and conflict in Vietnam. And to conclude, I will share the Air Force’s plans to gradually phase out the KC-135 over the next 20-30 years with Boeing’s KC-46 “Pegasus”.
Satterlee, A. (2013). Organizational management and leadership: A Christian perspective. (2nd ed). North Carolina: Synergistics International Inc.
Being organized can help all of us make it through our day more efficiently. If we have to constantly search for things we need, our time is wasted. Time that we know could be better spent on other things. Organizing is helpful. Today we see organized religion everywhere. It can be seen in a small Bible study of two or more, or in a congregation of thousands. Meeting together helps us, we build relationships and starts the process where we begin to fit into God’s will and plan for our lives. God is able to allow us to grow and mature spiritually, I see it as His own spiritual greenhouse. God also desires for us to make a commitment to a local church where we can be accountable to others and increase the Kingdom. It only begins to become a hindrance when we start to stray from God’s agenda and start to follow our own plan. Today I wish to explore how necessary organization is to the health of a church, if it is considered evil, and if too much organization will hinder the church’s growth.
An organization guided by Christian principles will build a structural solid foundation. As a follower of Christ, “communication” is [essentially] required to fulfill the responsibility of advocating Christianity. In a business setting the benefit of applying Christian values to provide guidance that will affirm the foundations of an organization. The philosophy of promoting growth and sustainability with any establishment is to follow the organization's vision and mission. Smith (2011) expresses the importance of fulfilling one’s purpose with God by building interpersonal relationships, “Indeed we can only hope to fulfill our vocations if we learn the grace and strength of working with others in
First awakening came as I read, "Whenever two or more people are gathered together for a purpose there is an opportunity for leadership." (Hunter, 1998) (p.28) Automatically linked my thoughts to the scripture that reads, for where two or three gathers in my name Mat 18:20, (NIV). My point being, if God is love, then love and leadership should be on target for the place of work.