
Military Communication System Essay

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Military Communication System

Narsi Choudhary ,15116035
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Roorkee, INDIA Abstract—This document presents information about the different types of communication systems used in a military for locating enemy’s weapons, tracking their fire and destroy it in Air, keeping eyes on enemy’s movements, messaging to each other etc. In earlier decades’ communication were delivered by soldiers on foot. Later on revolution comes in military communications system and the technology developed. RADARs are developed and used in different areas of military purposes. In India many radars and satellites are developed by DRDO and some …show more content…

RADAR relies on its own transmission rather than light from other sources like sun, moon or EM wave emitted by object themselves. This process of directing radio waves toward an object is known as illumination.

Fig. 1. RADAR transmits and receives signal on a single antenna

A. Weapon Locating Radar(WLR)
Weapon Locating Radars are generally used for detecting and locating enemies Artillery units by tracking the trajectory of incoming shells and rounds. These Radars can also provide fire correction to the friendly artillery units. Weapon locating radar is also able to track unguided missiles and mortar shells fired by enemy. The concept behind this radar is to estimate the distance of shell by calculating time difference and angular resolution between two consecutive waves received. Some Indian weapon locating radar are-

• ‘Swathi’ Weapon Locating Radar- this radar is a mobile artillery locating phased array radar. This is designed to detect and track incoming rocket and artillery fire to determine point of counter firing weapon. And in secondary role it can also track the fall of shot fired from friendly guns. This is an array radar so the antenna does not move while in operation. This radar has capability to scan a +/- 45º range of azimuths for

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