
Military Core Values

Decent Essays

In the Military there is a large dynamic of different persons and cultures. There are also many deployments for training and combat. Because of this all Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen need to be prepared for ethical dilemmas. A foundation based on strong standards, values, and training will help prepare them for any dilemmas that may arise within an organization or operational area. One of the things that can help within an organization, is the enforcement of standards and core values. One example of core values is the Army Values. This can be remembered by the acronym LDRSHIP. L is loyalty, D is duty, R is respect, S is selfless service, H is honor, I is integrity, and P is personal courage ( This must be an all-around enforcement, not just from the top down. Standards and core values apply to all within an organization. No one is above or below them, what applies to one applies to all. Once standards and values are followed by all, sustainment training will come next. Training is essential, but how to conduct it is the question. It is a consensus felt throughout leadership, that it would be pointless to teach moral philosophy rank and file (Robinson, 2007, pg. 26). Also who would teach it? Robinson brings up these two points, if it is …show more content…

This is something I learned in the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC). We were placed in scenarios which made us make ethical decisions. It did not matter how we reacted, but be able to explain your though process leading you to your outcome. If it was all wrong, it would be explained to you why and some ways to prevent negative outcomes. Of course some of these dilemmas were based on different cultural beliefs. So along with this scenario training, a cultural, value, and belief training of an area would need to be conducted also. But, if all else fails, the military person has their core values to fall back

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