
Military Draft In Vietnam War

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Max Smith
The Vietnam War was between 1954 and 1975. We did not have enough people in the military, so there was conscription which is most commonly called a draft. A draft is the mandatory enrollment of male individuals into the armed forces. The government maintains the ability to start a draft in case of a national emergency. The Selective Service System is responsible for the draft. The U.S. military drafted 2.2 million American men out of an eligible pool of 27 million.
There were over 58,000 military fatal casualties in the Vietnam War. Many soldiers did support the war. Others felt the draft was a death sentence. They were being sent to a war and fight for a cause that they did not believe in. Many people were scared to die for something they did not believe in. People who did not want to go to war and evaded the government were …show more content…

It is not fair that all men are required to register at age eighteen. The draft is gender biased All male citizens between ages 18 and 25 must register. An autonomous and gender-neutral draft will help increase insight and expectations of what women can do in the military and promote equality. 27 million men in the military pool and 2.2 million were drafted in the Vietnam War. Women were clerks or nurses. Eliminating any gender-based assignment restrictions or draft will improve our military's readiness and ability to recruit and retain the most effective and qualified people. The military needs lawyers, dentists, doctors and IT professionals. They also need intelligence analysts, police officers, and trained fighters women or not. Equality means the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities. This means sharing burdens as well as shared opportunities. Women are just as capable and just as willing to stand up and defend the rights we've earned in combat or support at

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