Military Engineers are the most important in the United States Armed Forces. They provide the most needing support services that let the other forces operate. Depending on their training and position, they use their services to help the Army, Navy, Air Force or the Marine Corp. Engineers in the military have lots of responsibilities. In land battles, they help getting the troops to move quicker and more efficiently, and by preventing the enemy from doing the same. In addition, they get mapping and charting support, and can fight as infantry soldiers if absolutely needed. Dome engineers maintain engineering equipment, like radar sensing devices. Some engineers work with information management services and telecommunications. They also
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Students can complete their bachelor's degree program at a public, private or military school, but prospective military engineers should consider signing with a branch of the armed services as they enroll in an engineering program. Each military branch has tuition assistance programs, and some students may receive full tuition through Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs. The military engineering requirements for officers are similar for each major branch of the U.S. military. For the U.S. Navy, military engineers are part of the Civil Engineering Corps, which requires an engineering-related bachelor's degree and completion of a 12-week Officer Candidate School program. Military engineers also have the option of joining as enlisted personnel rather than officers, a route that doesn't require a bachelor's degree. Enlisted engineers can apply for different specialties in combat, construction, Special Forces, watercraft or technical areas, and each specialty requires achieving a certain score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and completing additional military training …show more content…
In many duty stations, military personnel may receive a housing allowance that can be used for off-base housing. This allowance can be substantial, but varies greatly by rank and duty station. For example, in fiscal year 2005, the average housing allowance for an E-4 with dependents was $958 per month; for a comparable individual without dependents, it was $752. The allowance for an O-4 with dependents was $1,645 per month; for a comparable individual without dependents, it was $1,428. Other allowances are paid for foreign duty, hazardous duty, submarine and flight duty, and employment as a medical officer. Athletic and other facilities—such as gymnasiums, tennis courts, golf courses, bowling centers, libraries, and movie theaters—are available on many military installations. Military personnel are eligible for retirement benefits after 20 years of
The 304th Regiment comes within bounds of a second wave. Lack of reinforcement or motivation could lead to loss of confidence or hope. Being without hope is the easiest way to lose a battle. The effect of the first battle left Henry and others to cower and run because of discouragement within their regiment. Henry was dealing with doubt that was placed in his head by his mother, prior to leaving to join the 304th Regiment.
The Marine corps officially made in 1775 november 10th after the efforts to join the revolutionary war by recruiting men in tun tavern congress saw their efforts and help with approving them to join and officially named them the united states marines. From then on the marines “have fought in every clime in place where we can take a gun.” that quote from the marine hymn made in --------. In 1805 Lt Presley O’Bannon lead the march to the battle of tripoli, witch put a big perspective on to the overall branch and reputation of the newly formed marines the battle of tripoli helped a big score as well as the whole united states in a group. In 1775-1807 the dress blues was a huge transformation on a whole first a green jacket then a blue with
The model B-17 and B-24 airplanes are widely known as the most iconic American bomber planes that were used in World War II. The airplanes were manufactured by separate companies, and both produced over a ten year period with several thousands of each manufactured. Without the introduction of these airplanes, the aerial combat of World War II would have changed drastically and could potentially have changed the outcome of the war.
The 101st airborne division has been stationed at the Little Rock Central High! You might ask why….? They have been put here at Central High due to the integration. Governor Faubus has put them in the front of the school because he wants to prevent the federal court-ordered racial integration. President Dwight D. Eisenhower has federalized the Arkansas National Guard and sent 1,000 army paratroopers to Little Rock to enforce the court order integration. Classes will be integrated starting September 4, 1957. The day has come to integrate and 100 national Guard member and 400 whites gathered in the front of Central High and are yelling and screaming racial slurs and throwing objects aiming for the blacks. Will this ever end...To be
The first B-29s arrived at Allied airfields in India and China in April 1944. Originally, the Bomber Command was to fly from India, B-29s first saw combat on June 5, 1944, when 98 planes struck Bangkok. The bomber was use for combat but the biggest thing it was made for was to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In this paper I will talk about how and why people are so controversial over a historical exhibit.
The topic of this paper will be a brief history on the production and combat operations of the M1 Abrams tank. A very versatile and combat effective piece of equipment added to the United States Army’s inventory. It is young compared to the total age of the United Stated military, but it is a tried and true piece of equipment.
On Saturday, August 13th, Civil Air Patrol cadets ranging in age from 12 to 18 had the opportunity to fly a Cessna 172 over northwest Houston and surrounding areas as part of their cadet training program. The Orientation flight (or “O-flight”) is designed to provide cadets with hands-on experience with the fundamentals of flight, plane engineering and aviation safety. This experience complements the classroom and practical instruction they receive as a cadet in Civil Air Patrol.
You need to make contact with the 481st immediately. You are on the deploying crew and no one can get in touch with you. When I spoke to you last night I told you that the Commander would contact you immediately after I got off the phone with you. You verbally told me that you would be available to talk to him. He attempted to contact you on multiple occasions with no answer from you. I do not appreciate being misled or lied to. You are a Leader and Officer of the US Army and should conduct yourself as one at all times. It is paramount that you contact the 481st or anyone CC'd in this email.
Strokes are the fifth leading cause of deaths in America. They are also one of the leading causes of disabilities in adults. There are many factors, such as atrial fibrillation and lifestyle factors, which could lead to a potential stroke. There is the atrial fibrillation (shortened to “AFib”) and stroke connection. AFib is the constant and irregular beating of the two atria valves of the heart. The irregular heartbeats can cause blood to form clots in the heart and travel towards the brain. There are other types of risk factors that can lead to strokes, which are medical risk factors, lifestyle risk factors, and uncontrollable risk factors. Some examples of medical risk factors include high blood pressure, circulation problems, high cholesterol,
This paper is an analysis and evaluation of the United States Air Force (USAF) Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program and the first prototype aircraft that it produced, the YF-16. The purpose is to focus on the program’s successes in light of three project elements that are common to all projects (whether correctly and properly implemented, or not). Those elements being project requirements, opportunities and risks, and the project team. The success of the LWF program really cannot be understated. Emerging from the program was the F-16, an astounding technological achievement that has affected the course of the USAF and how it approaches technology transition, management strategies, and rapid procurement and program execution (Aronstein & Piccirillo, 1997, p. 203).
It is stated in the Occupational Outlook Handbook and that a military occupation requires fierce training and a highschool graduate degree. According to Today’s Military training can be received in a military bootcamp. Many physical and educational tasks can help prepare a future soldier in surviving the military. Activity and being attentive can help prepare men and women for the military. Preparing for this job and cause higher ranks and in turn causes a better
to account and everyone knows how irritating it is. Fortunately, the military provides a housing allowance for those who choose to live off-base, and pays for the house and utilities for those who choose to live
Some people call it World War III; others call it a mistake. No matter what people call it, everyone has to learn about it. Want to know what this is about? Operation Desert Shield is a nickname of the Persian Gulf War. This paper talks about who was involved, how did it all start and how did it all end.
There were also armored vehicles that were used in Vietnam. Though not many were used due to the rough terrain and dense rainforest of the country, the most common one would be the M 113. The M-113 is a fully tracked armored personnel carrier. It was known as the Green Dragon by the Viet Cong, due to its capability to break through heavy thickets in the jungle to attack and overrun enemy positions. The next type of armored vehicle is the M-48 Patton. This armored vehicle that could mount tank guns and M60 machine guns. During combat they proved to be quiet powerful when it came to support. Though there were few tank to tank battles, both vehicles proved their worth with infantry support.
The longest conflict in American military history is still active over multiple campaign fronts. American Soldiers are being deployed multiple times in support of the Global War On Terror (GWOT). Combat tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other, clandestine, locations have taken their toll on all facets of the nation. As Soldiers return from deployments, we are all left to face the effects of the conflict in the Middle East. Through over a decade of wartime service, the effects of combat deployments have had a monumental and long-lasting effect on Soldiers, their families, and the nation. These effects are both beneficial and detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of all citizens.