
Military Engineering Research Paper

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Military Engineers are the most important in the United States Armed Forces. They provide the most needing support services that let the other forces operate. Depending on their training and position, they use their services to help the Army, Navy, Air Force or the Marine Corp. Engineers in the military have lots of responsibilities. In land battles, they help getting the troops to move quicker and more efficiently, and by preventing the enemy from doing the same. In addition, they get mapping and charting support, and can fight as infantry soldiers if absolutely needed. Dome engineers maintain engineering equipment, like radar sensing devices. Some engineers work with information management services and telecommunications. They also …show more content…

Students can complete their bachelor's degree program at a public, private or military school, but prospective military engineers should consider signing with a branch of the armed services as they enroll in an engineering program. Each military branch has tuition assistance programs, and some students may receive full tuition through Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs. The military engineering requirements for officers are similar for each major branch of the U.S. military. For the U.S. Navy, military engineers are part of the Civil Engineering Corps, which requires an engineering-related bachelor's degree and completion of a 12-week Officer Candidate School program. Military engineers also have the option of joining as enlisted personnel rather than officers, a route that doesn't require a bachelor's degree. Enlisted engineers can apply for different specialties in combat, construction, Special Forces, watercraft or technical areas, and each specialty requires achieving a certain score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and completing additional military training …show more content…

In many duty stations, military personnel may receive a housing allowance that can be used for off-base housing. This allowance can be substantial, but varies greatly by rank and duty station. For example, in fiscal year 2005, the average housing allowance for an E-4 with dependents was $958 per month; for a comparable individual without dependents, it was $752. The allowance for an O-4 with dependents was $1,645 per month; for a comparable individual without dependents, it was $1,428. Other allowances are paid for foreign duty, hazardous duty, submarine and flight duty, and employment as a medical officer. Athletic and other facilities—such as gymnasiums, tennis courts, golf courses, bowling centers, libraries, and movie theaters—are available on many military installations. Military personnel are eligible for retirement benefits after 20 years of

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