
Military Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Topic: Boys in the Military
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of what is happening on Somalia
Purpose Statement:

1. Introduction
a. Attention Getter: War happens everywhere around the world but having children as young as 8 years old getting pulled from their school and homes to fight or spy in a war is unacceptable.
b. Reason to Listen: Boys at a young age should never be in a war or be carrying a gun or any kind of weapon. People should be informed on what is happening around the world.
c. Purpose Statement:
d. Review of Main Points:
i. First, I will discuss the military group that is grabbing the kids to help them fight. ii. Second, I will discuss the age of kids and what happens to them and their families.
iii. …show more content…

The Group
a. Who are Al-Shabab
i. The military group that is grabbing kids to help them is called Al-Shabab. This group of people is banned as a terrorist group from the United States and the United Kingdom. According to BBC News on December of 2017, Al-Shabab is to be believed to have between 7,000-9,000 fighters. ii. The current leader of Al-Shabab is Ahmad Umar. The US will give an award for him capture.
b. How dangerous is Al-Shabab?
i. In January of 2016 there was a massive attack on a Kenyan Military base, according to Somalia’s then-President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud about 180 soldiers’ dead ii. In 2015 this group killed 148 people at a University in Kenya, targeting mostly Christian students.
c. How much of Somalia does Al-Shabab control?
i. In august of 2011 the Al-Shabab group was forced out of the capital, Mogadishu. ii. They also left Kismayo, when doing this they hurt their finances because they used to earn money by taking a cut of the city’s charcoal trade. iii. According to the map, which was updated in 2018 the Al-Shabab control most of Somalia.
d. Attacks on the group
i. In 2008 the US had a wave of air strikes which led to the killing of then leader- Aden Hashi Ayro and his successor Ahmed Abdi

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