Connor Stone
Professor Bruce Magnusson
POL 258
20 November, 2015
Discussing Success in Military Intervention In mid-September of this year, a military coup was launched in Burkina Faso by members of a presidential guard unit in support of former President Blaise Campaore. Campaore enjoyed 27 years of rule as the nation’s president before being peacefully removed from office (Vogt and Hinshaw). The coup lasted about a week and was met with significant public disapproval; protests and violence erupted in the nation’s capital, Ouagadougou. France and the UN, as well as the United States all weighed in on the situation, calling for an end to the coup which endangered democratic elections planned for October 11 (Vogt and Hinshaw). Ultimately, pressures by protestors and the military put an end to the coup and interim President Michel Kafando was put back in office. Presidential and legislative elections have been rescheduled for
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Even if I had clear evidence to suggest that this is more than just hypothetical rambling, I am not certain that we really should change the discourse surrounding military intervention, because I do not know if it would lead to any greater insights about the politics of nations in which military coups take place. I merely wish to provide some food for thought, or some inspiration for greater research into the causes and effects of military intervention. Perhaps a closer examination of existing case studies may provide some justification for alternative discourse on military coups or perhaps future attempts will prove harder to clearly define as success or failure. Further studies are almost always being conducted by scholars of African politics and their research could very well be what I seek, an even more complicated example of military intervention, where success and failure are not so easy to
Many wars have happened through out our history. From the B.C to the 21st century. But some people believe some of these war should be forgotten or not learned about. To be specific, the War of 1812 and this is major issue. The issue on this is that some believe that it should be taken out of history books. This is because the ink prices have sky rocketed and not putting this in would save them money.Others believe that keeping it would be better. This is because many great accomplishments came out of this war. My opinion is that the War of 1812 should be left in the history books.
Beloff, M., & Spencer, R. (1960). Canada in the World Affairs: From UN to NATO, 1946 to 1949. The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, 26(2), 345.
At the United Nations Security Council resolutions were submitted by Britain and also one by 36 African states which called for some form of military action to end the rebellion. Officials
In 1814 and 1815 President Andrew Jackson became famous for when he demolished the British Army in the war of Battle of New Orleans. What most people do not know is that Jackson suspended the court order of habeas corpus and the declaration of war. Well habeas corpus is a court order requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court. So Jackson suspended this law so that he could bring in people he needed to win the war with New Orleans, which brings us to the declaration of war. Declaration of war is a formal act which one state goes to war against another. The declaration is a speech acting by an authorized party of a national government, to create a state of war between two states. Now you are probably wondering
The Peloponnesian War was fought between the two leading city states. Athens and Sparta during 431-404 BC. The war started due to the Athenians taking everyones money to buy slaves to create the Parthenon. When the Spartans grew tired of their greed they united themselves with the other city states to create an army to stand against Athens. It was a hopeless effort the first years of the war. Athens had the greatest navy of all time. Even when the Spartans had their borders surrounded they were just as safe within their walls. The Athenians could come and go as they please and still transport goods due to their navy. The tides turned in 430 BC when Athens started undergoing a plague. Due to everyone living so closely together it was easy for the plague to spread. Thanks to the plague the Spartans were able to gain multiple victories and win the war.
Ronald Reagan stated, “there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for Liberation and the use of force for Conquest”. Sometimes there is no other option but to use Force to stop end atrocity from happening or continuing. Throughout historical events that have been proven that force is fundamental to protect people's freedoms and liberties.
While America was at war in Vietnam in the late twentieth century, there was a backlash of rebellion from the American people against the war. One particular group of people who protested were the students and these protests often escalated which leads to the investigation of the question, through opposing viewpoints,: To what extent did the National Guard overreact to anti-war protests at Kent State on May 4, 1970? The following sources were analyzed due to their crucial value of providing alternate viewpoints to the investigation. This event contains modern relevance due to the fact it questions to protection of United State citizens and freedom of expression. However, despite the violence portrayed by protesters, the National Guard escalated to counter violence too swiftly against the minute threat of the unarmed students.
Why would such a highly developed government that has been politically stable for almost forty years give authority to those who seek primarily personal gain rather than an overall benefit for their country, leading to the country’s first military coup d’etat? This question, along with many others, cannot simply be answered with a brief explanation. It takes extensive research. Still one may never know the true reasons to why there was such chaos. However, with some quality intuition, a few hypotheses can be made. First, the exploration of whom and what gave prior-coup Côte d'Ivoire their overall prosperity will be discussed. Then, the question of why this crisis occurred will be discussed. Finally, this paper will elaborate what events give basis to certain theories behind why the coup occurred.
Our world is a changing place; it's always developing new culture, looks, and history. As it changes, beliefs are lost and are not found again. Freedoms and rights are tested, and sometimes lost. The world is changing for the worse because hate and violence are on a social high as people are attacking each other powered by hate, discrimination and labeling are happening to people for what they are, not who they are.
I chose chapter 21 for my humanities paper for a few reasons. This chapter is titled The World at War, and discusses the language, literature, art, architecture, music, philosophy and religion of the time between the start of World War I and the end of World War II. This is a period in history that has always interested me, but I will admit I know very little about the art and architecture of the time, so I thought these would be good to focus on. I think it will be interesting to see the effect that such major wars played on the arts of the time. I imagine that some of the art will be drowning in propaganda, which is also of interest to me.
In 2005, Faure Gnassingbe came into power after taking over for his father, Gnassingbe Eyadema, who ruled Togo for 38 years. The elections of Togo have been affected by violence and vote tampering accusations. Many people want to leave Togo due to fear of the government and police, both of these have been known to shoot and excessively beat citizens regardless of their race or sex. People want Faure Gnassingbe to resign and a change in the constitution limiting Presidents to serve only 2 terms. People have been protesting this idea peacefully until the police and government reacted with violence.
The word culture has been commonly used in the current society. However, it is worth noting its true definition. Biagetti & Lugli (2014) asserts that if one made an inquiry of its meaning from anthropologists whose sole responsibility is studying culture, then it is common knowledge that he would receive a variety of answers from them. Despite the different definitions, most of them put emphasis on same aspects. For this discussion, therefore, the definition of culture will be given. Also, the article will provide its five primary characteristics, and the overview of the physical geography, military conflict and its impact on Turkish society.
Through much of our time as a nation, there has been a major question asked when our people and allies are faced with evil. That major question is “do we go to war or do we engage in diplomatic solutions?”. This is has been a point of contention that varies depending upon where a person was raised, what the person’s basic belief structure is, and even what demographic they fall into. One thing is for certain, partisan affiliation in America has a great deal to do with how a person will answer an affront to the United States. Since most women tend to go the Democrat route due to the standard beliefs of women versus men, I will be highlighting women’s roles; but mostly leave the discussion as one between Democrats and Republicans.
The debate of humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect have been discussed in international relations discourse more seriously within the last 60 years. The major historical developments which have led to an increase in the intensity of these debates have had beneficial and detrimental effects on Earth within the last 20 years. Several factors have contributed to this including; globalization, the rise in international accountability, an increase humanitarian consciousness to prevent major atrocities from occurring, the expansion of territorial to global responsibility of the western world, and the realization of the western world that regional sovereignty no longer accounts for national security. To develop an opinion
Limited war was not so successful. Eventually, Lincoln realized that limited war should be replaced by total war. When total war began Lincoln order that the southern ports be blockaded and he insisted that 75,000 voluntary serve for the ninety days. Ulysses S grant implemented the policy of total warfare because, “he was determined to control the Mississippi valley”(86). Grant was very eager to be involved in the war and the actions he took proved to be very victories. He was able to capture nearly fifteen hundred prison in Tennessee valley. He also secured “Nashville and Memphis suppliers at Shiloh, and Vicksburg . Grant, following what Lincoln had stated about total war, allowed his men to forage food and take whatever plantation they could.