So having now completed my service learning by transcribing an interview for the New York State Military museum the costs and benefits have become clear to me. Firstly, the most significant cost was time. I had to spend a couple of hours on the interview transcription, but I was able to deliver a full transcript of the interview. I could’ve used that time for doing other things such as other assignments, studying etc. Now of course, other costs while very minor would include things like the electricity needed to run my computer while I did the transcription, use of bandwidth etc. Although such costs are negligible they do still exit.
So with my costs now sunk I have to ask myself what I got out of it. The most obvious benefit is that I’ve basically
The benefit of accepting this
the duration of their education, those in the military are paid in the same way. For instance,
The Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MCVARA) is a subcommittee under The Appropriations Committee. The Appropriations Committee reviews and approves budget requests (funding legislation) from MCVARA. Once the funding legislation is reported to and approved by the Senate, the Senate works with the House to have the legislation approved and passed by the beginning of the fiscal year which falls on October 1st.
It helped me to have a broader view in my field of competency and to find new ideas from people who shared their own.
➢ Send your Military Transcripts for all training exercises completed to our Admissions Office. (Your own copy of your transcript is not considered official unless it is sealed.). It is up to WGU to determine prior credit, and official transcripts are the only acceptable documentation (a DD214 is insufficient) Transcript requests can be made on the internet at the following locations:
Veterans of foreign wars commonly known as the VFW is a nationwide organization to support our veterans and their families. The large organization consists of thousands of VFW post, that support their local community while giving back to the common effort of serving our nation's heroes. For nearly one hundred seventeen years, ensuring veterans receive the care and benefits they deserve has been a top priority. Since the VA’s voluntary service program inception in 1946, the members and supporters have volunteered hundreds of thousands of service hours to VA medical facilities nationwide. These hours of service providing much need support and companionship to our nation’s heroes and their families are the overriding goal of this mighty organization.
During the WWII public sentiment grew to help World War II veterans return to civilian life. Most veterans had served for a long duration. Millions of American service members had served for four years or more. Some 671,8l7 men and women had been wounded, and 405,399 had been killed. Hundreds of thousands of dependents were left in need. Congress responded in 1944 with the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, the “GI Bill of Rights.” President Roosevelt signed the bill, which dramatically transformed the concept of veteran’s benefits, into law on June 22. There were three key provisions. The first benefit provided up to four years of education or training. The education package included the payment of up to $500 a school year for tuition, fees, books
The National Honor Society has gave me the opportunity to help others in ways that I could not have done on my own. I have had the opportunity to help many in our community with our multiple different community service projects. Last year we sold raffle tickets for a gift card basket. All of the money that we earned went to a family in our community who had been through devastating house fire. They lost not only there house but all of their personal belongings too. The fact that we have the opportunity to help those around us makes the service projects seem even more meaningful. We also took up donations of paper products to give to the Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House is a place where families can stay while they have a child at the Ruby Memorial Hospital. They can stay there for as long as
Who is this, who is not? It really doesn't matter cause the world stops for November 11th to celebrate the veterans who are or who once fought for this country. But, how do we really honor our veterans?We come together as a country and we say the pledge and the national anthem.
A benefit of being a veteran and the veteran families is health care benefits programs that provides coverage to the spouse or widow and to the dependent children of a qualifying sponsor.The veteran can have life insurance and have many special things.The most important thing is is that they should know that they are heros.Whether if they are disabled or not they put their lives on the line to protect our country.We should always be kind to the heros.You should always be kind to anyone no matter what.Thanks to the veterans we are safe and our country stands free.Any day especially Veterans Day,the best way we can honor veterans is to keep our nation’s promise to them like Abraham Lincoln said- “to care for him who shall have borne the battle
I had the privilege of attending the Bush House Museum here in Salem. I went on Sunday November 20, 2016 and wanted to go because the house was built in the Victorian era. I’ve always been quite intrigued with the Victorian era overall. That includes architecture, people, and the culture. The Bush House belonged to Asahel Bush II (1824-1913) became editor and publisher of The Oregon Statesman newspaper in 1851, and later served as state printer. He lived in the house with Eugenia Zieber Bush (1833-1863) and his four children, Estelle (1856- 1942), Asahel (1858-1953), Sally (1860-1946) and Eugenia (1862-1932). Later in 1863, Bush’s wife died at age 39 with Tuberculosis and so the children only lived with him after that while later moving forth with their own lives as adults.
Then there are those veterans like myself that have been fighting to receive the benefits they deserve for years. The times for change is now, are fighting men and women deserve more for their dedicated service to our country. Without these sacrifices we would not be the United States of America.
An education here has helped me think more critically, ethically, and look at things from different perspective. It helped me fortify new ideas better and think more creatively. In terms of short-term goals, it has prepared me for interviews and how to build a strong resume that makes me stand
I learned what Mass Challenge is about, how it works, its importance, and got an idea about who it serves. I have learned how successful Mass Challenge is and how selective they are, which
The Cambridge Dictionary Online defined museums as “places of study, buildings where objects of historical, scientific or artistic interest are kept, preserved and exhibited”. To The Museums Association, a museum is “an institution which collects documents, preserves, exhibits and interprets material evidence and associated information for the public benefit”. Since 1998, this definition has changed. Museums now enable the public to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that collect, safeguard and make accessible artefacts and specimens, which they hold in trust for society. Mike Wallace (1996) categorised museums into four distinct types, namely National Museums that hold collection of