
Military Self Assessment

Decent Essays

The military has shaped me in countless ways, and while everyone is born with predisposed personality traits, many other characteristics are honed through experiences and environmental factors. As a leader, it becomes important to understand and assess how life experiences and the environment affect organizational behavior, personal interactions, and individual behavior. One element of self-assessment involves understanding individual strengths and weaknesses through introspection; the Army requires its leaders to continually assess their strengths and weakness. My three greatest strengths, emotional intelligence, ability to think critically, and work ethic, are a mix of natural ability and learned behavior from my upbringing in rural Alabama. …show more content…

It is a thrill to formulate a plan and see it come to fruition; this fascination and competitive nature has served me well throughout my career. In previous military positions, I served as a strategic plans officer at various levels of hierarchy throughout the Army, and these positions demand creative solutions to complex problems. This problem solving ability has set me apart from my peers over the years, and in 2012 while serving in Afghanistan, our organization received direction to redeploy 200 soldiers within the next 60 days. As part of our planning process, we evaluated each person’s potential contribution to mission success. The desired outcome of the downsizing effort was a leaner force, but a force that was still capable of completing our mission. The net effect of those planning efforts sent 200 soldiers home to their families with little degradation to the support provided to the warfighters on the front …show more content…

Early in my Army career, I noticed the most universal trait that always seemed separate an individual’s performance was hard work working, and those people that cared about their contribution to the team. To this day, those valuable lessons from childhood my childhood on the farm make my professional endeavors easier to achieve. Generally, hard work indicates a caring for something greater, and this translates into a dependability and flexibility that grew from my strong work ethic. As a senior in my university’s Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, I was nominated to hold a senior leadership position, and I received the nomination because of my compassion, work ethic, dependability, and flexibility. My work ethic is the most important strength I possess, and it has served me well in my personal and professional life. I have succeeded in the Army in part due to three of my strengths: emotional intelligence, critical thinking and hard work. The lessons I learned in early childhood and my predispositions fostered a capacity to engage, analyze, and follow through with tasks, and while no one gets to where they are by themselves, my three greatest strengths have separated me from my peers. Furthermore, I am confident these skills will enable me to stand out as a student at the graduate level once I am granted admission into The

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