Technology is present in our daily lives. It could be used positively or negatively to impact daily life. Technology has been integrated into military weapons and spy gear, according to The White House “Our defense science and technology investment enables us to counter military threats and to overcome any advantages that adversaries may seek” (The White House 1995). Our government spends thousands of dollars on maintaining military advantages through science and technology. When our government spends that much money on technology, it helps protect the citizens, protect our country, and create peace in regions critical to the U.S. However, the U.S hasn’t always used our military advantages for the best. Our military have killed many innocent civilians targeting our enemy after September 11th and our military should pay for their war crimes like the government makes other countries pay for theirs. …show more content…
After September 11th, the abuse of war technology became more present in harming innocent civilians. The citizens of the United States of America know casualties will be lost, but too many are lost. Us citizen’s feel sorrow every time September 11th comes around, but James A. Lucas said to ask ourselves “How many September 11ths has the United States caused in other nations since WW 2?”(Lucas). In other words they probably would not have taken place if the U.S. did not use its heavy hand of power In addition to James A. Lucas “The overall conclusion reached is the U.S has most likely been responsible since WW 2 for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the
On September 11, 2001, there was a terrorist attack against the United States. Hijackers flew a jetliner into each of New York’s World Trade Center towers. Simultaneously, a third jetliner crashed into the Pentagon in Virginia. Due to these horrific events, thousands of people were killed. In response to the attacks, the United States declared a “War on Terror.” However, the actions of the U.S. did not come without criticisms from the people of the nation.
Are you a proud American? Do you know the bad events that happened in our country in the last 30-40 years? But the worst event of all, was the terrorist attack from al-Qaeda on the World Trade Centers in New York, and the Pentagon in D.C. on September 11, 2001, otherwise known as 9/11. People were always blaming the terrorist and people in the Middle East for this tragic event, but evidence has shown that it wasn’t just the terrorist. The 9/11 attack was a wrongful doing, yes, and it was all the governments fault.
On September 11th 2001, the United States was hit with a devastating blow when four commercial airplanes were hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorist who deliberately crashed two of the planes into the World Trade Center complex, and a third plane into the Pentagon. The fourth plane, headed for Washington D.C., instead crashed in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 lives were lost on this egregious day. In response, President George W. Bush waged the controversial “Global War on Terrorism” which turned out to be a self-inflicted wound for America, bleeding still today. Bush’s highly-criticized decision was inconsistent with the strategic principles of war.
Starting from the beginning, the September 11th, 2001 attacks cost the lives of 3000 US civilians, injured over 6000 more, and cost trillions of dollars over the years by numerous calculations. The immediate response by
Bill Gates once mentioned,“We’re changing the world with technology.” During the 1940s the US was in war with Japan and the US used technology to their advantage by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan and saving many Americans lives.Now technology benifits people every were. For example technology can help people clean,cook, remind us and make many things. In the story “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury it mentions how technology benefits society helping with everyday tasks
On September 11, 2001, four commercial aircraft were hijacked by terrorists who led an attack on America by crashing the planes into buildings. This attack created destruction, trauma, death, and fear. There had not been an act of war of this magnitude since the bombings of Pearl Harbor, and it shook the foundation of American exceptionalism. Americans exceptionalism is sometimes taken too far and it can create the idea that the United States is invincible. Therefore, when something of this scale takes place, a backlash is formed and the question of, ‘how did this happen’ is brought up. This new fear of airplanes becoming missiles brought the citizens of our county to bring a call to action to our government.
There is no denying the events occurring on September 11, 2001 changed the world as we knew it. Over 3,000 people lost their lives because of them, and countless others were severely impacted as well. These attacks saw immediate changes to the way people traveled to, from and in America. Most importantly, these attacks were deliberate, precisely planned and executed. But by who? Now, before jumping to the automatic assumption that the 9/11 commision report is completely honest and accurate, please continue reading this essay with an open mind as I shed light on the fact that United States government was actually behind the whole thing.
Technology isn't only a tool for warfare, technology can also be used to better the lives of average citizens. A common example of this is the development of CRISPR. CRISPR, also known as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat, is a process used in bacteria; bacteria is commonly attacked by viruses which input a section of their
The events surrounding the September 11 attacks on the United States of America have often been shrouded in a cloud of controversy and mystery, with no one individual seemingly able to apprehend the “true” details of the terror attack. Many proposed theories have been brought forth, the most widely accepted being that of co-ordinated attacks by terrorist organisation “Al-Qaeda”. “9/11”, as the event is commonly known, is simply one of many global terrorism attacks that have seemingly consumed the contemporary world. Thus, it is up to the acts and responsibilities of governments and legal organisations to undertake action in attempt to achieve justice and equality throughout the world, ensuring the safety of all people. Although, it is
On September 11 2001, an attack was made on United States. Four systematic terrorist attacks were pulled off by the group al-Qaeda simultaneously bringing down the World Trade Centre in New York and damaging the Pentagon in Washington D.C. As extensive and in depth as the cause for the attack may have been, September 11 is an event that has undoubtedly left its mark in American history. A turning point, as some would call it, of the political, social, and economic systems of the United States. Quickly following the terrorist attack on 9/11, President George W. Bush called for a “war against terrorism.” Instead, what truly occurred was an act of counter terrorism. After 9/11, the political system of America took a turn for the worst;
And even today America has liberated fifty million people in Afghanistan and in Iraq from the Taliban and from Saddam Hussein’s cruel rule but despite the fact that the seeds of democracy have been sown in neighboring Lebanon and in Palestine many critics abroad and at home cynically insist that the U.S. is to blame for conflict throughout the world. These “blame-America-first” skeptics assert that when New York City’s Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11th, 2001 “the chickens came home to roost!” These misguided pundits indeed are modern-day possessors of the “Victim/Slave
September 11th, 2001 is a day darkened by tragedy. This day is remembered for one of the biggest terrorist attacks the United States has ever faced on American soil. The 9/11 attacks left many hearts broken and heads spinning about the events that occurred. I personally have been very skeptical about the official version of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. There are a few reasons that made me question what started a war that has become the longest war in American History. This paper will dive into the facts behind the events of this day to uncover the truth behind what occurred that day. Some of the major aspects I will be examining are the hard facts of September 11th, who was responsible for these attacks, the political repercussions,
August 6th, 1945 and September 11, 2001, are two days 56 years apart that share a history or terror, bloodshed and loss of life. Though both events are marked by a single attack from a foreign and source, the circumstances surrounding the attacks are drastically different. While the comparisons only found in the social and health consequences in the aftermath.
On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center buildings one and two were attacked. However, who we were attacked by and even if we were attacked is a hard decision to make. There have been many different claims about how everything on that fateful day happened. There are facts that we know are true, though; Flight 11 flew into the North Tower at eight forty- six in the morning. Soon after, Flight 175 attacked the South Tower. By the end of the day, both towers had collapsed and other hijacked flights had caused damage. The amount of lives lost on September 11 was substantial; 2,749 people from eighty-three different countries died from the attacks (Facts about the attacks…, n.d.). All in all, America was changed forever.
Technology is continuously developing and has begun creating shortcuts for the American society. As a society we need to find a balance between our technological use and our everyday life. In my opinion, society has become too dependent on technology. The more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to be gaining control over our lives. Even though technology is offering society many beneficial qualities; it also is causing many negative effects to occur. Technology is affecting society socially, mentally, and physically.