Uniforms create structure, a balance that initiates respect. The youth of these days seem to lack the respect that our ancestors took much pride in. We look at the United States Armed Forces and see these brave men, structured, and in uniform. They represent: power, diligence, respect, courage, and
The wear and appearance of soldiers in the United States Army are while in uniform should be neat. There should be no excess “things” in a person’s pocket but it should lie down flat. The person wearing the uniform should look neat and concise not drawing attention to themselves. Soldiers should look like a unit or group with everyone blending in not standing out because they look different. In the army it’s important to be part of a team and like teams that play basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball, wrestling, and even chess teams. It’s important to wear the same thing. It shows unity and togetherness. This is important in the armed forces especially because of what they do. In the army, marines, navy, and air force
What do you think, when you see the uniform change in the Navy yet again? Not only are the myriad of uniforms historic in nature, but each and every uniform change holds a meaning and garners a great deal of respect for those who are serving, have served and civilians alike. Senior enlisted leaders need to understand and share the importance and history behind Navy uniforms with Sailors, while utilizing it as a tool to reinforce the core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment. This essay will provide the establishment, history, and evolution of the Navy uniform from past to present.
In the army there are many uniforms a soldier has to wear. This is for the different activities a soldier does. For everything from their daily Physical Training (PT), their regular working uniform Army Combat Uniform (ACU), or their dress uniform either the Army Service Uniform (ASU), or the Army Green Service Uniform (Class A). Each uniform is design to fit a specific task and to be worn a in certain way. A great resource for either the ASU or the Class A is the “U.S. ARMY UNIFORM GUIDE.” I found this little book a great resource because it shows every form of the ASU for both males and females soldiers, for officers and enlisted. I found this to be great because it shows where everything goes, and how to measure everything, and for a
Every morning a soldier makes their bed, conducts PT, and puts on their uniform. While making a bed is a small task to accomplish, it is an important one, a well-made bed looks neat, organized, and clean; very much the way a soldier is pictured by the vast majority of the public. Doing PT every day takes dedication, strength, and self-discipline to accomplish the task; everything that a soldier must possess to be successful. Looking and being physically fit is often overlooked, however it’s an important part of soldiering; SMA Daily once said in an interview with Army Times Feb 18, 2015, "It might not be the most important thing you do that day, but it is the most important thing you do every day. Because a soldier who's physically fit will look and feel like a soldier, and if you look and feel like a soldier, you'll act like a soldier.” Along with physical fitness comes the proper wear of the uniform; a proper uniform must be clean, have tapes properly aligned, and fit properly. The first thing that people notice about a soldier is their uniform, not the person, if a uniform looks poorly, so will the rest of the Army in that individuals eyes. If worn properly the uniform represents professionalism and discipline to the highest of
Through the teaching and instilment of how we do things as soldiers and discipline, we honor and respect the rich heritage which the Army is built on, while also ensuring the future success of the Army and the soldiers who come after us by, inspiring us to adhere to and exceed the standard. One of the standards you learn in the early training phases in the military is right place, right time right uniform. Standards and discipline are the foundation of what is professionally, legally, and morally correct and as such instills trust in ourselves and our fellow comrades. It is this definitive trust in one another, in our leaders, and in the Army that Creates and strengthens our esprit de corps, sense of pride, and our Army culture. My leaders had trust in me being a senior lower enlisted
Proper wear of the Army uniform is a matter of personal pride for all Soldiers. It is indicative of the morale within a unit. Soldiers have an individual responsibility for ensuring their appearance shows the highest level of professionalism. Leaders, at all levels, accommodate in this regulation to show the best interests of the Army including our shared customs and traditions. This regulation stipulates the authorization for wear, composition, and categorization of uniform and the occasions for wearing all personal, optional, and commonly worn organizational clothing and individual equipment uniforms. It prescribed the uniform, awards insignia, and equipment authorized for wear. It also provides imprecise information on the authorized material and design of uniforms and the uniform quality control system. Portions of this regulation are punitive. Violations of the specific prohibitions and requirements of specific portion by Soldiers may result in adverse administrative action and/or charges under the provision of the UCMJ. Personal Appearance regarding personnel currently serving in the United States Army. As stated in AR 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms, paragraph 1-7 A, “General. The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform, as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. If a soldier wears their uniform in a manner which is not clean and neat in appearance, and portrays
Uniform specifications, by which each member must abide, emphasize regularity cohesion group cooperation and solidarity. The many different branches have many different regulations for different uniforms . Uniform specifications are designed to maintain the uniform's functionality in the line of duty. Uniforms that fail to conform to the set standards could interfere with a service member's ability to perform his duty. For example, a cold-weather uniform that's not actually adapted to the cold according to official specifications could pose a risk to that soldier's well-being in the field.These standards have been proven over time and ensure the safety of the soldier . The person wearing the uniform should look neat and concise not drawing attention to themselves. Soldiers should look like a unit or group with everyone blending in not standing out because they look different. In the army it's important to be part of a team and like teams that play basketball, football,
In everyday life we see people wearing uniforms to be identify in the job that they do an the Army has the uniform to show that a member wearing it is a soldier and that’s what makes it so important. An Army
Wear and Appearance of the Uniform The Importance Slide 4: The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged…by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform… [And] the individual’s personal appearance.” AR 670-1, Chap 1, Para 1-7 Question: How is the Uniform s
In this essay I will describe the many requirements and expectations set forth in the army's AR670-1. I will describe the importance of obedience to it and cite many of it's detailed descriptions. I am writing this essay because I failed to meet the standards asked of me me by both these regulations, and my leadership. I accept the responsibility of my actions and will not let my failure recur, nor will I let my fellow soldiers repeat my mistake. Since my failure was in regards to grooming or personal additions to uniform, I thought it would be pertinent to cover these subjects most thoroughly, If any additional information is required of me I will add on to this.
In addition, many people object to this idea because they think uniforms violate their freedom of expression. They can’t express their own personal styles and characteristics because of the blandness of the uniforms. It is true that everyone has their own right to express themselves; however, they do not go to school all day and all year long, which means they can express themselves in many other situations. Furthermore, everyone lives in one big community, in which discipline is an utterly essential part. If a puppy doesn’t get trained when he is young, he will grow up a wild dog that urinates wherever he wants and barks at whom he sees. Discipline today will contribute to the success of all students in the future.
because it help us pay attention to detail. we are at war with a country that is using our deficiency to their advantages to kill our soldiers. so in order to help avoid this from happening continuously, so by training us to pay attention to how everything is suppose to be and look exactly the same and it allows us to use that skill to protect one another down the range and on battle field. Uniforms help identify or tell us someone’s job or an organization they belong to. When you see a uniform it tells you something about the person wearing it. When you think about it, you see uniforms every day. For example, doctors, police, chefs, and us soldiers. Uniforms can tell you that a person is there to help you. It makes them look different from other people so you can identify/recognize them more easily.
Supporters of uniforms would argue that without consistency and equality there can be interruption in the learning process. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution gives all people the right to express themselves freely. We are told to be ourselves and to not conform to the ways of society, by expressing ourselves. Then we are told that we cannot be ourselves and have to listen to how others tell us we are supposed to be. How are we supposed to know what to do and how “to be ourselves” when the tables are being constantly turned
Uniform encourages students to have a sense of belonging and of being part of a community. Every morning students wear their uniform, it evokes them to think of their school
Next, school uniforms will encourage the learning environment. If school does not require uniforms, it will take more time for students to decide what to wear for the next day. They will have to think so much about clothing, shoes, or hair. Therefore, they cannot use that valuable time to concentrate more on their studies and others activities. Uniforms remind them that they are still students and the biggest goal is to learn. This will motivate them to try their best to achieve the goal. When I was in Vietnam, all students were required to wear uniforms, and students were fine with it. They did not find any inconvenience or think that it prevented them from expressing themselves, because they understood that it would benefit them in different ways. In the