What if you were in ancient roman and they took you as a prisoner what would you do?
Ancient Rome and Japanese military have some things in common and have differences too. Despite the differences between militaries, both ancient militaries had soldiers, used specific weaponry, and specific armor to fight .Both civilizations took land away from their enemies.
Rome is a strong civilization as a result of their strong military. Roman soldiers were the backbone of their military.The Roman Empire was the most successful army in world history. Their soldiers were well trained, well equipped, and well organized. In order to guard such a large empire, the army took advantage of well built Roman roads to move around the empire quickly. Other important resources that
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Japanese warriors were known as Samurai soldiers, and they were the most important asset to the Japanese military. Samurai first appeared in Japan as early as the eighth century but they truly rose to power in the eleventh century as elite warriors in service to their feudal lords, or daimyos. The Samurai used specific weapons to guard their royals like bow and arrows and cannons,also swords and catapult. fight in battles.In the current world, no nation can maintain its own peace and security alone. Japan including its self defense forces has contributed to the maximum extent possible to the efforts to maintain and restore international peace and security, such as operations.They used spears and also guns, cannons, swords, and also bow and arrows.They wore specific types of protective clothing to keep them safe in battle. Samurai were dressed for speed and travel. Their basic uniform had wide opening halfway down the leg and ending above the ankle. Under the armor of the samurai could be slipped off for a sword battle, while remaining secured at the waist by the armor hard waistband and
Rome, the ever growing metropolis, one of the most strongest military forces we know today, a haven for riches and trade, and one of the most successful empires to history today. Rome was a growing empire, with its professional army quickly conquering several kingdoms left, right, up, and down, from the two Punic wars with Carthage, a war with Gaul, the conquering of Egypt, and Iberia, but, these expanding territories had its advantages and disadvantages. Rome had to quickly invent something able to move its soldiers to all of its territories that would give them enough time to get around to manage conquered people. The seas connecting Rome’s empire also played a role into how it’s geographical location would play into their success and prosperity.
First of all, the knights and samurai were similar because of their codes. The knights had a code they called chivalry, the samurai used the code of bushido. (Doc.E) The code of chivalry involved staying loyal to your lord and also to never give up.(Doc. E) The samurai’s code consisted of staying loyal like the knights, but to always be ready to fight.(Doc. E) The code of chivalry was actually created first by about 130 years.(OI) These codes could help or hurt the people following it. Next, is how they prepared for war.
3: Samurai armor was strong, but as new forms of weaponry were designed, Knights’ armor became obsolete. The first reason the Samurai should be considered the ultimate warrior is the Loyalty of the Samurai. For example, Document B states: ¨Service of a feudal lord went from father to son, so that the relations of lord and samurai existed between families or generations”. This shows that Samurai were true to their lords and didn’t switch lords every generation.. Document B also states: ¨The life of a samurai was not his own but belonged entirely to his lord, and it was the duty of a samurai to consider this ”.
The first way that samurais have an advantage is because of their armor. In document D written by Terry Bennett it says “The helmet bowl was made of 8-12 iron plates, and below it was a 5-piece neck guard”. The samurai armor had multiple layers to make sure that they are protected and not easily wounded or killed. Another piece of evidence that supports this claim in in document D written by Terry Bennett it says “The body of the armor had four parts”. Samurai didn’t have very heavy armor, letting them move easily while still being protected.
In its time, the Roman Empire was the largest empire the world had ever seen. The fact that the Romans were able to control and obtain an empire of this size was due to plenty of factors, but the main ones are the Roman army, the Roman roads, Pax Romana, the borders of the empire, and the benefits of the barbarians who became ruled by the empire. On their own, these factors wouldn’t do much at all, but such a combination brought great success.
The purpose of samurai and knight is to protect their people. The knights and samurais each have different teachings. Loyalty towards the feudal lord in Japan was hereditary. Service of a feudal lord passed from father to son, so that the relations of lord and a samurai existed between many families for man generations. This arrangement was also a voluntary one, in that there was no legal contract between the two parties The European feudal contract, which was a legal document spelling out the obligations of lord and vassals respectively, never existed in Japan. However, it really began to develop around the 10th century in Europe. In a one-on-one battle, a samurai would win because of their training, armor, and beliefs about death. The first way that samurais were superior in battles trough
Samurai were the warriors of japan who were known for their skills as warriors . The samurai date all the way back to the heian period.The samurai were the protectors of the emperors in japan and the land around it.
Imagine a knight, jousting in an arena in Europe during the Middle Ages. Surprisingly, across the world during approximately the same time period, samurai warriors fought in Japan. During the time period, 1000 to 1600 CE, the samurai and knights fought in battle in many different ways. Many differences between the samurai and knights included codes, armor, training, and religions. Without a doubt, the differences between the samurai and the knight overshadow the similarities.
Throughout History, there have been many different groups or events that are still widely known today. Groups of people such as the Indians or Vikings are popular groups which are referenced constantly in today’s society. However, none of these groups is more known or referenced than the Japanese Samurai. Originating in 646 AD, these Japanese warriors developed from a loose organization of farmers to the dominant social class in Feudal Japan. Along with their dominant military and political standing, the samurai brought with them a unique code or moral belief that became the core of Samurai culture. Because of this, the Samurai and their principles still affect modern day Japanese society with social customs today
The samurai were a powerful warrior class in Japan, and were very skilled with a sword. Samurai used swords and were trained very well to do many things such as fire a bow while on horseback. The samurai practiced Buddhism, which is a religion that taught people to respect the world to reach enlightenment. When the samurai disobeyed The Bushido Code, they committed Seppuku, which is ritual suicide for the samurai. Japanese culture was influenced by the samurai warrior class.
In school, they learned of the Kendo, which is fencing with bamboo sticks, the moral code of the samurai, and their religion, Zen Buddhism. Their code of conduct, the Bushido, demanded that a samurai must hold his loyalty, courage, honesty, compassion, and honor. According to The Way of the Samurai by Yamaga Soko, “Within his [samurai] heart he keeps to the ways of peace, but without he keeps his weapons ready for use.” As stated before, samurais have a much lighter armor. This is mainly due to They have an opening on their right arm in order for them to draw their bows faster and
The Japanese warrior, known as the samurai, has played a significant role in Japan's history and culture throughout the centuries. Their ancestors can be traced back to as far as can be remembered. Some stories have become mysterious legends handed down over the centuries. In this report you will learn who the samurai were, their origins as we know them, how they lived and fought and their evolution to today. It will be clear why the samurai stand out as one of the most famous group of warriors of all times.
The samurai, or bushi (warrior), are well-trained cavalrymen that serve a particular lord. The first recorded history of the samurai was about the 9th century A.D. At that time the capitol of Japan was Kamakura, a military installation. Japan was ruled by an emperor who controlled his empire through the use of shoguns. Shoguns were generals that ruled over
For seven centuries, the samurai ruled Japan as the powerful warrior class. As a class of warriors and knights, they led society in feudal Japan. The loyalty to his lord was much more important than his allegiance to his friends, family and even the emperor. Their philosophy was one liberated him from fear, and for these reasons, the samurai came to be the dominate force throughout medieval Japan.
Thankfully, due to the Romans writing a lot down, there are many sources (unlike in the "Dark Ages" for example) available to study how the Roman army worked. In this project, the aim is to find out how the training and organization of the