
Millenial Voting

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Millennial Voting
The never ending stigma of around the polls and the younger generations has been going on for quite some time and no one really has the answer as to why millennials do not vote. Some think the Millennials are lazy or uneducated or that they simply just do not care. While some of that may be true for a percentage of Millennials, it is not for all. Millennials feel unrepresented, misguided, and fearful, especially in this round of a presidential election. Millennials are now the biggest generation and yet they are the smallest population to vote (United). Something is not right and politicians need to grasp what Millennials want and need because the Baby Boomers, the second largest generation, will not always be around to fill out the ballots on election day. First, it is important to probe the Millennials for …show more content…

Some think millennials shouldn't vote, to begin with, or should sit out elections if they are not formally educated. The problem with this is that millennials are the largest generation so to say their vote does not matter is saying that seventy-five point four million people don't have a say in what goes on in our government. Arguing that they shouldn't vote altogether is another issue because they would be voting for a candidate without the largest populations input and what laws are made today are going to affect millennials in the long run especially when it comes to jobs and education. It is about hearing the voices of the rising generation not shutting them down. They are have reached or are reaching the legal voting age and a majority of them are educated on the world around them. This world is about to be run and operated by millennials and American elders need to adjust to the scary truth that Americas 90's babies are growing up and want their opinions voiced instead of

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