
Millett Argues, “the Private Sphere Is Just Like the Public Realm”. How Far Do You Agree That This Criticism May Be Applied to the Yellow Wallpaper?

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Millett argues, “the private sphere is just like the public realm”. How far do you agree that this criticism may be applied to the Yellow Wallpaper?
In the ‘Yellow Wallpaper’ the reader sees a parallel between the yellow wallpaper, and a female entrapped within the domestic sphere. When thinking about how the private sphere and public realm may apply to this metaphorical figure, it may be suggested that daytime represents the ‘public realm’ as this is when the wallpaper, alongside the metaphorical figure behind it, is most shown and observed. Contrastingly, nighttime is the equivalent to the ‘private sphere’, as this is when the wallpaper and metaphorical figure is most alone and least observed. By progressing with this ideology, during …show more content…

However, this oppressive description heavily juxtaposes with the “delicious garden” that surrounds the building. As Gilman has used repressive and harsh language to describe the nursery, whilst using positive and descriptive language for the nature outside, it could be argued that she is expressing her love for nature and all things natural, and her dislike towards materialistic and man-made things. The narrator continually describes the external nature, which she observes through the “windows” of the building. The rich and feminine description of the “roses” and “long-grape covered arbors” create a somewhat romantic and delicate feel, alluding to feminine qualities. The juxtaposition between the two settings, not only creates a conflict between the private and public sphere; deviating from Millett’s criticism, but also creates a conflict between the masculine male dominance of the nursery; and the elusive, feminine surroundings. This conflict between male versus female stands in line with many radical feminists’ views, including that of Mary Daly, who advocated a reversal of socio-political power between the sexes. [2] The fact the narrator is viewing this external nature through a window strengthens the divide between the ‘public realm’ and the ‘private sphere’. However, one can also look at one’s reflection; suggesting the narrator’s constant observations through her window are instead reflections of

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