
Millicent Fawcett Women

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Equal rights for women has been a topic that has been receiving ample attention in today’s society, and rightfully so. The ideology that women are anything less than men, should not earn equal pay, be a housewife, wear certain clothes, etc. is not only an outdated way of thinking, but very offensive to women and harmful to their self-confidence. Thankfully, numerous modern-day outlets and people, such as social media, magazines, celebrities, etc. have not only been promoting, but actively engaging in the feminist movement. But when and who started the movement? While that is very difficult to say, Millicent Fawcett was one of the earliest and the most detrimental to leading the way of women’s rights. Fawcett was an upstander because she worked …show more content…

After Henry Fawcett’s death, Millicent Fawcett became much more devoted to her campaigning (Pattingson). As a result, she became a member of the Personal Rights Association, which devoted protecting women who were vulnerable. In 1890, she was elected the president of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) which was the largest group campaigning for women to be able to vote, and emphasised on being peaceful. While the primary purpose of the NUWSS was to support women receiving equal rights, Fawcett ensured that it aided other important issues at that time, such as trading slaves. When the government refused to grant women voting rights for the 1904-1914 time period, outrage broke out among the NUWSS. Some protested violently by throwing rocks in windows and went on hunger strikes when out in jail.. This divided the NUWSS, as it violated the policy of being peaceful. Shortly after, the NUWSS disbanded and Millicent retired. Despite her being retired, she still advocated for education for Indian women, women being able to receive degrees from Cambridge, and overall create an appreciable opportunity for women in a subtle way. As you can perceive, Fawcett was a vital upstander in countless ways. Fawcett was devoted …show more content…

While the petition did fail, it still held major significance due to the fact that “the Fawcett Society counts its foundation from 1866” (Grant). This shows that Fawcett was an upstander because she was active in a cause she believed in, and therefore contributed in seeing it become a success rather than being a bystander and not trying to solve the problem. Two extremely crucial organizations, the LNSWS (a society with less members that mainly represented London) and the Central Committee of the National Society for Women's Suffrage (CNSWS) split. Fawcett originally remained with the LNSWS, but was later angered by issues in the society, resulting in Fawcett joining the Central Committee. This corroborates that Fawcett was an upstander since she found issues in a certain group, and didn’t settle with them, but rather moved on to a different activist group. Emmeline Pankhurst would later form the The Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU). While Fawcett had diverging opinions on the communities tactics, she would still “admire their courage” (Grant).

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