
Milton Glaser was a Significant Contributor to the Graphic Art World

Satisfactory Essays

MILTON GLASER 1929 – present Choosing a designer I would like to know more about from the sample work in Module 1 was not as easy as it may appear. Having no background or previous study in the field meant that, while I’m sure they are all extremely interesting and important artists, I had to make my choice based on an interesting formula. Firstly I wanted to study someone who could take me on a journey through several decades and introduce me to many forms of graphic art. I wanted someone who had been at the leading edge of style and design. I hoped that I could find an educator in the field so that I could learn from him while learning about him. I hoped that my choice would be someone who understood the industry and where it was headed. Their philosophies and opinions on art and life in general would influence my future thinking so I wanted them to be visionary and learned. Secondly I wanted someone who had contributed to the art in a time that impacted on me. I was a child and a teenager in the 60 70 and 80’s so it was always going to be someone who had left a legacy in these years. These were the years that my interest in all forms of art began to emerge. At this time I started to take note of visual information. Concert posters and album covers were how I chose my preferred bands and artists. Labels and brands were growing in importance and had started to become status symbols. Lastly I have been an art viewer for quite some time and I know that

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