
Mimi Ikonn Research Paper

Decent Essays

The first person that comes to mind when I think of somebody who embodies the three parts of health, is Mimi ikonn. Mimi is a social media influencer who shares her daily life through instagram and youtube. Even though I will never truly know how happy she is offline, she comes across as an incredibly healthy person.
Your physical health determines how well your body functions. Having a high level of physical health means having enough energy to perform daily activities, deal with stress, and avoid injury. Mimi has great physical health because she eats a healthy balanced diet, doesn't drink, and works out daily. Having good eating habits plays a big role in living a healthy lifestyle. Mimi follows a pescatarian diet and makes sure to balance her proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs. She …show more content…

It’s a reflection on how you feel about yourself, how you meet the demands of your everyday life, and how you cope with your problems. Mimi’s mental health is equally as great as her physical health. She always has a positive outlook on life, meditates daily to cope with stress, and practices gratitude daily. Just by looking through her instagram page you can tell that Mimi is a very positive person. Whether you're looking at one of her motivational captions or beaming selfies, the positivity is hard to ignore. This zeal doesn't stop when she closes instagram but is shown through her youtube channel as well, which always highlights the bright side of life. She also includes meditating in her daily routine. Research shows that meditating daily helps ease pain, anxiety, and stress of everyday life. Lastly, Mimi started a buisness called the five minute journal. This journal helps people stop taking what they have for granted and start practicing daily gratitude in the journal. Mimi uses this journal daily along with meditating and eating a healthy diet, which results in great mental and emotional

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