
Mind Body Dualism Analysis

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on despite the fact of not having any toes. If this notion of pain can still be remembered and even experienced within a person who no longer possesses feet with C-fibers, then the correlation must be incorrect. And, if “the damage to the toe is merely the ordinary cause of the sensation; the sensation itself is not spatially located in the toe” (Gertler 286). This means that the sensation of a stubbed toe can in fact be experienced within the brain or mind and does not have to be a result of C-fiber stimulation. This yields an entirely different concept of pain, one that Gertler focuses on and one that explains Mind-Body Dualism. To prove physicalism is false, Gertler moves to show that pain can occur in the absence of any physical state, and to help prove this, Gertler uses evidence from thought experiments to determine what is conceivably possible. The way in which thought experiments work is by the use of one’s own imagination; “one performs a thought experiment by attempting to imagine a given scenario, and then carefully reflecting on the outcome of this exercise” (287). Because everyone’s imagination is different, …show more content…

Because the scenario can be imagined, it is entirely possible and refutes physicalism. While physicalism explains C-fiber and pain correlation, it does not successfully deny the possibility of disembodied pain. Gertler successfully makes her points by defining the comprehensive concepts of pain, what is physical, and what is mental within her thought experiments (290-291). Pain is merely the sensation or feeling of pain, it requires no hidden essence or motivating factors such as water requires the construction of H2O (293). The physical, while described by Descartes as that which extends in space, is instead defined by Gertler as that which is non-mental, which allows her thought experiments to be successfully

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