Finger on the trigger of her gun, Lana Kane doesn't twitch a muscle out of place even in the dark. She'd taken this assignment from Mallory because it had sounded simple. Chase down an unnamed ally, and extract him back to their Manhattan headquarters. The chase down had been fairly simple. Lana was mentally checking that box in her head. Mallory had passed her a tip that the ally had been last seen here, so Lana picked the lock, broke in, and here she was. Gun drawn, in the dark, awaiting detection by a possible ally.
"So here's a dumb question; why are you in my house?" Lana heard the click of a cocked gun behind her, and decided which way to play this.
"How well do you know a Mallory Archer?" Lana spun, reaching for the assailant's gun in the dark and disarmed him, a knee to his face for good measure.
"Jesus, who are you? What the
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certainly an eyeful. Around the office she'd heard stories about Sterling Archer, the boss' son who got preferential treatment because of all the fucked up history they had. She'd also heard stories about that fucked up history. Months working for Mallory and now Lana finally met her son. Her naked, drunk son who had pulled a gun on her and actually gotten the drop on her for like. Point five seconds. At least some of those stories certainly sounded believable now.
Archer belched, and reached for his gun back from Lana's hand. Still slowly.
"So you've heard of me? Yeah, doesn't surprise me. Hard to be the best secret agent in the world and still keep it under wraps. I'm sure you can empathize with that situation you clearly know nothing about... Ms. Breaking-and-entering. Speaking of entering..." Archer cocked an eyebrow Lana's way that frustrated her in at least ten different ways.
"That's Ms. Kane, thanks." Lana smoothed her skirt, and reminded herself about the mission. About the extraction. About the ways that the who of this shouldn't complicate the
“Where do you think you’re going?” She demanded. Then she fired the first shot which ended up nicking the tip of Terra’s shoulder.
“Mere” Michelle screams, understanding the air disturbance caused by the trail of the bullets indicate where the bullet is and where it is going, and because of that, she hesitates to aid her mom. However, the gunfire is sporadic at best, the fiery trails of bullets actively strike her mother once again finding the target, the ground is wet, and they are under the cover of darkness. The night lit up by the frequent gunfire that the enemy is displaying, an impressive show of force. Sickened by the sight Freddie turns.
Quote Analysis “You ought to have asked me first whether I wanted to meet them.” In this quote, the author uses italics in order to enhance the colloquial quality and present how the character puts much more focus on certain words in a different tone. This conversation may be prevalent throughout the chapter. “Why was [Shakespeare] such a marvellous propaganda technician?
"I know." Claire said miserably. "And that idiot has gone and got himself caught be Interpol in the country with the most lax security in all the medderterainian." Claire picked at the seam unraveling from her sweater
“Think about it. Do you have enemies? Can you think of anyone who might want to hurt you or your family?” Office Grayson
“We brought you here because Anna is studying you in class, and needs to ask you some questions .” Paisley said with a smile. “
Friday, August 4, 2017 at 09:27 I was dispatched to a call for the know location of a warrant suspect at Kah Tai Park. JeffCom stated in the call notes that Elizabeth Mills, the mother of Gabryel Mills got a text messages telling her that Gabryel was there in the park. JeffCom advised that the warrant was confirmed.
"She might me. According to what I've found, she has a husband, two children here in town and works at Scheele Law firm. I have officers sitting on her house and the law firm now."
“What do you want Monroe? Dinner’s in the fridge. Where have you been?!" she claimed coming down the stairs with her short grey hair wrapped in a striped towel.
“I’m available for questions anytime, Sheriff.” Her voice shook. “I assure you, I shot a snake . . . somehow the bullet must have ricocheted off a
She licked her bottom lip and gave her head a shake. She knew she couldn’t just stand back and watch from afar and hope everything was going to turn out okay. No, she need to do something, something to help. “You know I’m with you Ryder, you don’t even have to ask. Though, I feel as if I could be of better use here in town.” She stated honestly. Uncrossing her arms she placed them on her hips. “I can make ammo as well as bombs here in town,” her head tilted off to the side, “If we can find the shit I need to make
"Deadly enough?" She taunted. She backed off and said, "The names Natasha, what's the job?"
When they staggered away, she put the shotgun to her shoulder. “He started a whole damn movement, huh?”
“No longer are you going to see a goody two shoes, that sits idly waiting for long over due opportunities to fall in her lap. No longer will things be sunshine, rainbows and smiles for days.” Venom dripped off of her every word as she spoke, clearly disgruntled with the way she’d portrayed herself to the masses in the past. “I was practically a child the last time I set foot in a wrestling ring… but now?” She paused for effect, a huff echoing across the arena before she continued.