
Mini Ethnography Examples

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Mini – Ethnography In reviewing the culture experience within Citi Mortgage in O’Fallon Missouri, one can surely come to the conclusion that their atmosphere is very relaxed and multi culturally mixed. Having lunch with a friend, they appeared to be a mixed batch of a corporate and relaxed atmosphere. The jargon utilized was mainly wording that signified home loans, travel and lawsuits dealing with foreclosures. It appeared that they cared for their employees, providing more parking spaces that seemed necessary for the handicapped and a welcoming reception area with security when walking into the building. Each employee had to swipe their badge and wait until they received the proper signal before entering past the electronic turnstiles. For visitors you had to know your parties name and department, show a driver’s license and the employee had to come down to the security desk and sign for you. You received a badge as well after you were cleared and signed in. This badge had to be turned in prior to you leaving the secured area at the security desk. Varner 2 …show more content…

122 Symbolic Construction). They appeared to have captured regular employees at events as well as upper management and beyond. The floors were filled with cubicles, rows and rows of high cubicles (pg. 122 symbolic constructions). Most of the attire appeared to be business casual, I later found out if they purchased a blue jean pass for $20.00 at the beginning of each month, they were allowed to wear blue jeans in a business casual fashion. This was rather

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