Mini – Ethnography In reviewing the culture experience within Citi Mortgage in O’Fallon Missouri, one can surely come to the conclusion that their atmosphere is very relaxed and multi culturally mixed. Having lunch with a friend, they appeared to be a mixed batch of a corporate and relaxed atmosphere. The jargon utilized was mainly wording that signified home loans, travel and lawsuits dealing with foreclosures. It appeared that they cared for their employees, providing more parking spaces that seemed necessary for the handicapped and a welcoming reception area with security when walking into the building. Each employee had to swipe their badge and wait until they received the proper signal before entering past the electronic turnstiles. For visitors you had to know your parties name and department, show a driver’s license and the employee had to come down to the security desk and sign for you. You received a badge as well after you were cleared and signed in. This badge had to be turned in prior to you leaving the secured area at the security desk. Varner 2 …show more content…
122 Symbolic Construction). They appeared to have captured regular employees at events as well as upper management and beyond. The floors were filled with cubicles, rows and rows of high cubicles (pg. 122 symbolic constructions). Most of the attire appeared to be business casual, I later found out if they purchased a blue jean pass for $20.00 at the beginning of each month, they were allowed to wear blue jeans in a business casual fashion. This was rather
Ethnography tells about a culture and the members that comprise this culture. A definition is the scientific description of the customs and individual people of a culture. The process of doing this assignment allowed me to explore another aspect of a cultural group. I was able to learn extensively about interactions between individuals and how see them as a culture. The group that comprises my ethnography is a cultural group very common to Utah. The culture I focused on was the LDS culture, to be more specific I studied a sub-culture of this group. My subculture was a group of 12 year old adolescents that are a Sunday school class in this culture.
For my ethnographic fieldwork, I decided to do my research on the Jewish culture. I interviewed a friend of mine at her house, which is the field site I decided to work in. To protect her identity I changed her name to Rebecca. As soon as I got to her house I notice there was a small piece of metal on the side of her doorpost with hebrew text written on it. I enter the house and she greeted me and took me to her living room.In her living room I noticed she had a tray of bite size cookies for us and a Snapple drink. The cookies were sweet and they did not have strong odor. My friend wore black slacks a white blouse and a star necklace around her neck. After a while, her brother and father came in and I noticed they had a little cap on the top of their heads. I asked her questions about her religion and culture.
The predicted antigenic regions were chimerically expressed in a bacterial system. Briefly, two sets of PCR primers were designed according to gD gene sequence available in GenBank (accession number: NC_001847) to amplify gene fragments encoding aa 20-160 (nucleotide 118953~119375, Δ gD1) and aa 257-344 (nucleotide 119664~119927, Δ gD2), respectively. The primers sequences for amplification of Δ gD1(P1 and P2) and Δ gD2 (P3 and P4) were listed in Table. 1.
Over the course of this project, I was able to grow an understanding of the importance of listening and remaining silent. As someone who enjoys articulating their every thought, I find myself immersed in conversation, not the environment around me. With the ethnography project, I had to retitle myself as the “quiet girl,” and creepily lurk around the gym to gather information on the dynamics of the Little Bob. Listening is as important as speaking. I believe that in obtaining this skill, it creates better writers. Listening allowed me to notice the music in the background that you have never gave a thought to before, it allowed me to notice the overall “vibe” of the place, and it allowed me to understand the dynamics and personalities of the people inside the gym.
Ryan (pseudonym) is a 20-year-old male. Ryan was raised in Janesville, Wisconsin. The client described that his family struggles financially. He comes from a single parent home and is an only child. He has currently relocated to Whitewater, Wisconsin and lives with four roommates. He is presently in his third year at UW-Whitewater. Ryan works around 35 hours a week in retail in addition to going to school full-time. Ryan hopes to own a “New and Used” shoe store after graduation.
I am a piece of an American family, and we are noisy, yet in some cases they simply don't know when to calm down. In the event that i am attempting to do homework and my father is impacting music its pretty diverting. An approach to fathom this is have two or three hours in the day where its noiseless so we can do our
To understand ethnographic observation, in assignment six we were to conduct an observation of elevator behaviors. I have choose the elevators located in the New Science Building of Eastern Kentucky University of Richmond campus. I have observed total of 13 minutes in two separated dates, on February, 8th from 10:00 AM to 10:05 AM; February 9th from 11:00 AM to 11:05 AM, and 12:15 Pm to 12:18 PM
My mini-ethnographic research project is about the inequality that effects poverty stricken US population that battle mental illness. The purpose of this research project is to explorer and understand the barriers the mentally ill face due to stigma and lack of resources provided. My research site will be Hillsboro, Oregon at my aunts temp agency office. I will research and interview her regular temps who face financial hardships and the reasons for that are often due to the mental illness they battle. I am choosing this topic because I don’t think it’s talked about enough. Oregon’s and our nation’s homeless population is growing and a majority are homeless because they cope with their mental illness. A few of my family members also battle
Throughout the years of a child going into adulthood the child behaves the way they thoughtlessly choose. Poor decision making is a part of this transition which can eventually lead to things such as an increase in unprotected sex, destructive behavior and even substance abuse in some cases (“Jaeger”). In this article Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, also known as fMRI, studies have been “completed to divulge the certain mechanisms located in the brain that underlie the cause of this typical inhibitory control limitations with the developmental period” (“Jaeger”). The goal of this article was to get people to understand some of the features of a healthy brain in youth today and why there is a reduced inhibitory control capacity among these adolescents. The youth in this study had lower activity in numerous brain regions that were associated with inhibitory control. The activity that was found in these regions might underlie the lower inhibitory control that is related to the developmental period up until adulthood (“Jaeger”).
This is my first time that I come to New York, so I am curious about many things in this new place, such as the famous resorts, and the people here. As we know, the Times Square is very famous in New York. When I was in China, I hope I can visit Times Square, because I saw Times Square was very great in some of the opening of American series. Now, I am in New York, and I have enough chances to visit Times Square whenever I want. In there, it gives me a new horizon to understand the culture that is different from China.
On the playground, I met who will soon to be my first best friend, shortly after I had my first kiss. Kissing a girl, I felt so scared of what it meant that I knew I had to make myself the way I believed was right. I thought the best way was denying and eliminating all feelings that I had of the opposite sex because I never saw two of the same sex could be together. Little did I know my mom is gay but, she was too afraid to talk about it at the time so, it led me to struggle with my sexuality growing up. I developed strong feelings for my best friend and I believed that I just loved her because she was my best friend. I quickly learned that I loved her in a stronger way and still not knowing how to deal with my feelings, I started to hate my
Courtney was not available to meet in person due to the time constraints. This was unfortunate because I would have preferred to do the interview in person, as it is easier to talk to people and is an important way of getting information from someone. We decided on doing a Skype session to talk about Jimmy and his disability. We decided on talking at 7 P.M. on a Wednesday night and allowed one and a half hours to talk about Jimmy. Since I have known Jimmy for many years, I did not want to come in to the interview with a bias. I asked very straightforward, basic, probing questions, assuming I did not know anything about Jimmy or his disability. Courtney is very passionate about working with children with Autism; she also studies Neuroscience
I live in a country where I can meet people from all cultures and walks of life on a daily basis, yet still I have felt like a stranger in this “melting pot”. In the United States, the idea of diversity is a term I have heard many times when speaking of ways to heal the past of slavery and segregation, but I think that in the current political climate, diversity is seen as an enemy to the American way of life. I am an outsider in the country I call home, and my cultural background has impacted the way I see the world.
Ever since a few years ago I have always wanted to become a photographer. I feel as if photography flows through my veins and out my finger to snap the perfect picture. I started out by taking pictures of things in my backyard, and they turned out really good and ever sense then I have been taking photography. As shy as I am going to Cranbrook has changed the way I look at my photography and the way I look at the world in general, but most of all not being not so scared to meet new people. At first I was extremely scared to go to the school, no part of me wanted to even go. But, when you get an opportunity like what I did, take it! You won't regret it.
Hi Allison, great post. Conducting ethnographic research requires full commitment of the researchers because they have to immerse themselves in the culture they are studying (Grove, Gray, & Burns, 2015). It is similar to assimilation of immigrants to the host country. I remembered a saying, “you can take a person out of a village, but not the village out of the person.” Immigrants have to learn not only the culture and traditions, but also the sociocultural norms and language of the host country. However, unlike the immigrants, the researchers have to make sure not to be a part of the studied culture in order to keep the integrity of the research. I was wondering about the socioeconomic status of the Chinese patient you have. She might not