
Minority Candidates Advantages And Disadvantages

Decent Essays

To evaluate the question as to whether minority candidates are disadvantaged in campaign funding support, a dataset constructed of the amount of monetary support for a candidate, candidate characteristics, and district characteristics, is needed. The difficulty in the data collection effort is the small number of minority candidates running in any given year in a general election cycle (Hogan and Thompson 1998). Extending the timeframe across several years would increase the number of minority candidates in the dataset, yet, one aspect to consider when evaluating the data is the number of times the same candidate is in the data set, yet accounting for incumbency and challenger status can help to indicate if certain candidates are driving the funding support levels. At the federal level, many elected officials come from safe districts where incumbents have the advantage and are reelected at a high rate.
The data set is also focusing on congressional elections. Focusing on the federal level helps to fit the research into the larger literature related to minority campaigns and financial support (Theilman and Wilhite 1989, 1991; Wilhite 1988, Whilhite and Theilman 1989). Focusing on …show more content…

The Almanac of American Politics has data on incumbent and challengers for district elections for each Congress. The variables collected from this data source include the candidate incumbency, open seat races, and political party affiliation. In addition, leadership positions, vote share, and district presidential voting history can be collected from the source as well. Furthermore, data from the United States Census 2010 can provide more information on the district, such as education level and income level (Albright 2014). Other sources, such as CQ Weekly Report and Politics in America, may need to be utilized to gain information on candidate quality, previous experience, and competitiveness of the primary race (Branton

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