
Misconceptions Of Social Classifications

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Though, racial/ and ethical singles have become more common in certain ethical groups than ever before, most of these single are of black decent; this is because most of these women cannot find a suitable mate within the own race. “This shortage reflects many structural factors, one of those factors is Deteriorating employment conditions, especially in urban areas, often discourage young African American men from getting married” (Jones, ASID, IIDA, IDEC, Phyllis Sloan Allen, pg. 2243). Another reason is black men are more prone to an earlier death due to the dangerous job they endure, additionally, the seem to have a higher rating were health issues like heart disease plays a factor; as well as lack of receiving adequate medical care. Additionally, …show more content…

However, those that escape the riff raft and stay out of trouble (the middle class) usually work in high paying jobs; compared to women of the same race; and most of them in this classification are already spoken for this limiting the availability of these …show more content…

Though being married has many advantages, some believe it comes with more cost than its worth; however, these are all misconceptions and not necessarily true. Some of these misconceptions are as follows: singles are known to be self-centered, singles seem to be more well off, some singles feel alone and wish they could marry, children of unmarried parents have limited income; and singles worry they will die all alone. When individuals are married, they tend to lose contact with important people in the lives, unlike those that are single; for they have more valuable time to share with others. As for finances, singles seem to be able to set aside funds for them later in life, were as married couples struggle to make ends meet; and find it hard to save for a rainy day. However, married people seem to be much happier most of the time compared to singles. Because single don’t have a mate to talk to; or to share the deepest secrets at the end of the day. Singles rarely have a form of intimacy, were married couple seem to be happier and more content; and show a lot of affection toward one another. Children of single families some types develop behavioral issues, were married children have family to help them overcome any obstacles that stand in their way; through that of compassion and love. Though, there’s

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