
Miss Brill Symbolism

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In Miss.Brill, by Katherine Mansfield, the main character undergoes a change in her her unity within the setting. Through symbolic representations, change in tone and specific events, the short story presents a real struggle among individuals today. Miss.Brill is a developing character whose realization of her role in society is used by Mansfield to express the impact of human emotional bonds. Miss. Brill gains a sense of companionship through listening in on the conversations of those who surround her. Although she feels as though she plays an important role in society, it is clear through symbolic figures and representations that she is in denial of being lonely. Often times, people compare themselves to those who seem less than them in an effort to convince oneself that they are important. “But he shook his head, lighted a cigarette, slowly breathed a great deep puff into her face,and, even while she was still talking and laughing, flicked the match away and …show more content…

Brill was in unity with her setting before it was brought to her realization that she wasn't as important as she once thought. The play was a fantasy. She wasn't an actress at all. The confidence gained from the rejection of others around us, the feeling of importance gained from the bonds of others, and other small things in the lives of individuals are not enough to defeat loneliness. When a young couple made fun of Miss. Brill, her fantasy was destroyed. No longer did she feel in unity with her surroundings. The fur is symbolic of Miss. Brill in this part of the story. It was removed from its small, dark residence and brought out into the open, only to be returned to the box at the end. “The box that the fur came out of was on the bed. She unclamps the necklet quickly; quickly without looking, laid it inside. But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something cry”(Mansfield 269). The fur representing her resembles her own cry at the realization of her role in

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