I don’t work at Marcia Blaine, and I’m not a teacher but one thing I do have in common with Miss Jean Brodie is I have my own little ‘Jenna Douglas’ set. Similar to the girls in the ‘Brodie set’, we look alike on the outside but on the inside we stand out from each other for having different strengths. When I look into the mirror I see an average teenage girl staring back at me who likes to spend her money on makeup and prefers to spend time with her friends over anything else. Due to being born into the social generation, I’ve become so used to being with a friend or my group of friends that when I’m without their company, I feel lonely. Especially since my family doesn’t spend a lot of time together I look forward to the moments when I’m surrounded by my friends. On my own I lack confidence but when I’m with others I can be so loud and in your face. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that humans naturally feel safer when in numbers or maybe it’s because I’ve become slightly dependent on my girls. My confidence reaches its all-time high when I’m amongst people I feel most comfortable with; I can act myself around them. Even if I’m alone for a space of time in public I suddenly become very self-conscious. I begin to …show more content…
The number of followers you have on ‘Instagram’ can be taken as how popular or unpopular you are and the number of likes you get on ‘Facebook’ can be taken as how many people like you, this is a completely unrealistic method of judgement. Another issue with social media is younger people have the tendency to rely on it to socialise; instead of physically going out and talking to people face to face, they are communicating through a screen. I use social media on a daily basis and it’s helped me keep in touch with people I can’t see often as well as allowing me to get closer to those I am with often. The way I see it is the media creates strong long lasting friendships as well as temporary fake
Social media tricks people to believe others are living a ravisher life than they really are. They post only the highlights of their lives, and never the negative. It makes others view them falsely and more presentable than they actually are, which makes those viewing their profiles feel less satisfied with themselves and their lives. There are even some people who drop all social media because of how terrible it makes them feel, but there are also others who thrive for the attention of social media and go through ridiculous tasks in order to take the perfect picture. There have been many disputes over how social media websites such as Instagram or Facebook affects ones self-esteem, it can knock them down.
Social media provides a unique and somewhat self-centered way for people to share their opinions, promote their businesses, and put a filter on that awesome selfie they just took, but has it gone too far? People earn millions of dollars a year by having accounts on social media. Through countless followers and subscribers, we end up paying for people’s mansions and luxury cars by liking their YouTube videos or re-tweeting a picture they posted. Young girls cry at night over wishing they looked like a model with 1.3 million followers and a thigh gap. It amazes me that social media has such a great power over all of us, and yet we all comply as though that has become the new normal. I may sound somewhat hypocritical since I, myself am on all of the social media sites, but I feel like I’m able to see beyond my love of having
According to the article entitled “ The Good and Bad of Social Media” by Jason Howie, “ They have looked particularly at its effects on human emotion and relationship. Some studies show that using social media can cause depression.” The usage of the media doesn't just slow you down but can slowly shut your real life down. Therefore social media ends up hitting you from left to right or any possible way it has. The mindset of always wanting to be on it can destroy your life routines, makes you put up with things you shouldn’t put up with. Sometimes, people end up getting bullying and killed for some unnecessary things they do on the media. Furthermore, Howie writes “ We expect more from technology and less from one another. More and more, we desire technologies that provide a false idea of a relationship.” We depend on the media to give us the answers instead of asking our surroundings and communicating with them. We always believe what media tells us and whether it's false or not, we use it believing it's better than our own knowledge. Our privacy isn’t privacy because media after media we end up in a random page which can get our information in just one
Miss Brodie fails to be a good teacher because she teaches on her own accord, gives her students wrong impressions, and displays unprofessional behavior towards her staff and pupils.
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to the question and write the corresponding letter in the blank beside the correct number. ___ 1. Why does Miss Brodie say that the statement “Safety First” is a false statement? a. She believes that goodness, truth, and beauty should come before safety. b.
Social media shows that people will change themselves so they conform to societal expectations. Instagram allows people to be someone other than who they really are. People will post a “who is the prettiest” poll, this gets them popularity and girls will enter highly edited
The final unforgivable act of Miss Brodie is the death of the new girl, Joyce Emily Hammond. Joyce Emily had desperately wanted to be a part of the Brodie set and was mesmerized by Miss Brodie. The feeling is that this young, impressionable girl would have done anything just to gain Miss Brodie‟s approval. Joyce Emily often bragged of her brother going off to fight in the Spanish Civil War to fight against Franco and that she was anti-Franco (126). After missing several weeks of school, it is found out that Joyce Emily was killed on her way to fight for Franco‟s army. Later on, through a conversation with Sandy, we learn that it was Miss Brodie who influenced this girl to run off and join Franco‟s army: “...sometimes I regretted urging young
Fact 1 is that people can feel like they are an important part of something with social media, while otherwise, they do not feel that way about themselves. From an article titled “The Upside of Selfies: Social Media Isn't All Bad for Kids”, they explain that,”In the survey of more than 1,000 13- to 17-year-olds about how they view their digital lives, 28% said social networking made them feel more outgoing versus 5% who said it made them feel less so; and 29% said it made them feel less shy versus the 3% who said it made them feel more introverted”(Wallace 2). That meant
While social media is good for helping people stay in touch with each other, it also brings out a little bit of narcissism from people. Social media get kids very caught up on themselves. Everything they do has to be advertised on snapchat, facebook, instagram, and many more. Adults gravitate towards social media for the same reasons that teens and kids do. It helps them stay in the know. It makes the feel more in touch with their kids too. It’s no longer just the 15 year old daughter caught up on facebook ignoring her family at the dinner table, nowadays her mother might also be caught up on pinterest too.
Sites like Facebook started as the most basic forum to connect with friends and coworkers. I had a Facebook for about two years prior to be receiving my smartphone, but was not on it all the time because of the inconvenience of having to find a computer and internet access to be able to use it. Now with my smartphone I am able to connect with old and new friends anytime. This social media account allowed me to stay in touch with my sports teams and band ensembles. Because i had already had this account, I did not need to learn much about it, unlike Instagram. Around the time I got my phone, Instagram was becoming very popular and everyone had one. So, of course i also had to create an account. I knew it was people posting only pictures with layers and layers of filters added to them, but I was not sure what all the excitement about it was. I soon realized that Instagram created a network of bloggers and people of the same interest to be able to chat and share images of their work. It was not just over-edited selfies; it was also a vast world of people trying to get their names out into the public to expand either their businesses, charities, or friendships with new people around the world. I began to follow fitness and beauty pages and began to learn so much more about my interests by connecting with these pages. I
Social media has taken the world by storm. In the article “When Your Smartphone Is Too Smart for Your Own Good: How Social Media Alters Human Relationships” by Lori Ann Wagner, a researched survey found that 73% of adults online use some type of social networking platform, while 42% use multiple platforms. With social media being seen and used by so many people, is there a problem with it influencing and affecting humans in some sort of way? Many people would argue yes to social media negatively affecting humans, while others disagree to that idea. Social media is seen mostly affecting social relationships between people. Social media should not be used as one’s primary social outlet as it inhibits natural social skills, interferes with face-to-face relationships, and provides empty social connections.
Are your friends who you think they are? Almost 80% of teenagers were massaged by strangers on social media the reason as to why people were so shocked was because almost half of them replied. Social media has been part of our lives since the late 1980’s. After it had been introduced to the people from then on more and more people has been using it to connect, communicate and create things that they have never done before some people may think that social media is the most amazing wonderful and the greatest thing that has ever existed in your entire life and the people who made it should deserve an award. Since there are always pros and cons to objects and subjects that means that there are a few downsides for social media. There are three cons that I can think of are people get hooked on social media cyber bullying and there are too much people who talks to strangers. Those are the reasons that show why Facebook and other form of social media does create isolation and antisocial behaviour.
Social media, what was made to be a simple way to keep up with friends, now controls most of our lives. I don't think I can even tell you how many times I came so close to deleting all my social media, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Watching the apps dance around on my phone, I just can't press the little X. What if's start to run through my head, 'What if I miss something important?' 'What if someone tries to get in contact with me?' and so on. Now don't get me wrong, social media was a brilliant idea. In just a few clicks you can reconnect with people from your past. Thanks to Snapchat I talk to three of my cousins every single day and Instagram is how I knew who my current best friend is.
Muriel Sparks The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie tells the story of the extraordinary Miss Brodie, a teacher at a school located in Edinburgh in the late 1930’s. She has a set of six girls, her ‘crème de la crème’, who are called the Brodie set. One of the things that characterizes this novel is the way time is used. Instead of telling the story in a chronological order the author writes in a non-sequential way, having paid a lot of attention to the order in which the events are told. This has an effect on the characterization of the character of Rose Stanley and Miss Jean Brodie herself, as focalized through the Brodie girls.
In The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie narration is a key element in the appeal of the story. The book starts off in medias res and continues to make use of both analepses and prolepses. Many believe that an omniscient narrator, in part because of the anachrony, recounts the book but in this essay I will argue that the book has an unreliable narrator through examination of the narration of character of Mary. On many occasions Muriel Spark uses narration to endorse the treatment of Mary by the other characters, meaning that the story’s narration contains the opinions of the narrator. If the narrator is unreliable in the account of Mary, then that brings into question the entire narrative discourse since the reader no longer has a way of distinguishing