It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the woods of Philadelphia. Miss Muffet was peacefully reading her book until she started hearing loud squeaky noises. At first she didn't take the noises into consideration or pay attention to them, she just kept reading. The noises kept getting louder and louder, than she heard a knock on the door and jumped from being startled. She peeped through the window to see who was at her door, but to her surprise no one was there, just a letter and it was from her friend Doris and the letter read, “Hey Miss Muffet, I didn't know if you were home or not but I'll stop by later and give you your present.” “Hey Doris, I would love for you to stop by later! I'll be home all afternoon so whenever is fine.” She
Louis Mallard had a heart disease that was taken very serious by her family members, when the news came out about her husband's death her family made sure to break the news to her very sincerely. Her family and friends had no clue on how to break the news to her. Once she was made aware of what had happened to her husband, Louis went up stairs to let what had occurred process through her mind. She was astounded when she heard that Mr. Mallard was in a fatal railroad accident, she could only think of what would come of her future without him. She began to think of all the positive things that followed Mr. Mallard's passing. Although, she was thinking that she was wrong for being so positive in a situation like this. All of sudden,
She pondered for a few minutes thinking about what could be contained in this letter. Caroline quickly thought of her husband who was fighting in the war, she suddenly got very scared, she had a feeling that this could be a letter about his passing. She felt the letter it felt rough like a piece of tree bark. Caroline could not bring herself to open the letter fear that this could be awful news. The maid could see the struggle and sadness on her face just like a baby look before it is about to cry. The closes thing she had to a friend was that maid. So the maid sat next to her trying to confuted her but Caroline was getting worried. She kept on feeling the letter hoping for any bad news to instantly change to good with the rub of her fingers. The concerned maid and the even more concerned Caroline just sat there for a while hoping for a sign. Then suddenly there was a knock on the down stairs door one of the other maids in the house open it, allowing someone in the house. They heard this mysterious person come up the stairs. They could tell it was
A little while later, Mrs.Maloney looked at her daughter trying on dresses for the her prom. Her daughter known as Adeline looked at her mother questionably, her mother gave the weirdest looks especially her brother. She picked out a dress and on the way home, she told her mother about her newest class, government. They were learning about homicides and their first one was the cold case of
A while later we arrived in Mulhoney. We had rented a small apartment for right now. It smelt like a field of roses. We placed our bags in our separate rooms, and began to unpack. We had to go to bed early because we needed to wake up for our first day on the job.
Mrs. Mallard has a heart condition, which means that if she was to be startled she could have a heart attack and die. So when her husband, Mr. Mallard, arrives into town by the train tracks, the train crashes and people that are nearby call for help. When the news gets out that Mrs. Mallard's husband was “killed” by the debris of the train her sister, Josephine, and her husbands friend, Richard, has to carefully approach Mrs, Mallard by telling her the news without startling her. Josephine was the one to tell her. When she explains what had happened carefully without hurting her heart. Mrs. Mallard goes into her room and closes the door behind her. Even though, Josephine and Richard wants to enter the room to help comfort her and to make sure
I glanced up at the clock. It was 12:18. Mrs. Ewert exclaimed, “One or two problems guys.” My heart sunk to my toe. I had langage arts next. Mrs. Berntson was coming back to school after her son went missing. My friends say that she is seeking revenge and locking up kids. I tried not to think about it and did a math problem, I knew they were exaggerating. The bell rang and Mrs. Ewert excused the class. I slowly walked down the crowded hallway. I turned the corner and could see her crusty, burnt door. Now I could believe my friends, Mrs. Berntson has gone crazy! I looked across the hallway and could see my friend, Will. You could tell by his face that he was scared to go in.
One Saturday I decided to go over to my friend Anne’s house. When I arrived I knocked on her door, Anne's mom, Mrs. Cazzato, answered. “Hi Emma,” Mrs.Cazzato said. “Hi Mrs.Cazzato,” I replied, I was just looking for Anne.” “She’s just out back,” explained Mrs.Cazzato. “Okay,” I responded, “Thank you!” I went around back and Anne was swinging on her swing. “Hi,” I said. “Hi,” she replied. I went over and sat on the swing beside her, Anne asked, “Do you want to go for a walk in the forest?” “Sure,” I said half scared half excited. “I have never been in the forest before,” I explained. “I’ve been in the forest lots of times before and it’s not that bad,” Anne explained.
An hour after the moving van parked in the driveway of 406 Clybourne street in Clybourne Park the younger family waved at the van when it slowly moved away and they went inside when the van was out of view. The family worked together to put away their belongings and they stood hand and hand and they took a breath of fresh air. Beneatha went first to her room to put away her stuff then Ruth and Walter went next and Travis left to go hunt for his new room. They all left until Mama was left there alone looking out the big window. Mama gingerly stepped to the window and put her plant down smiling in thought. When the door bell rung she jumped and went to the door. At the door was a white woman and when the door opened and saw mama she flinched and said “Hello, I’m your neighbor it’s nice to meet you.” She said “I’m Susan it’s nice to meet you.” She said this slowly, deliberately like she’s talking to a foreign person and Susan put out her hand and mama did not reach for it her face was just a blank stare. Then after a while mama stammered “h-hello I’m Lena Younger its very nice to meet you.” And she reached out and shook Susan’s hand and Susan quickly took it away. Then she said “Well I just came to say,” Susan took mama’s shirt and pulled her face so close to mama’s that their noses were touching. “stay out of our way, we will stay out of your way if you stay out of ours.” She shoved mama into their brand new house and slammed the door so hard that
“I came to tell you all is fine,” she said with a calming smile while pushing away Percival’s hands. “But unfortunately, you cannot come in yet.”
“You have your appointment with Mrs. Lark tomorrow at 10:00.” She gingerly included in the conversation, like she was defusing a bomb.
There was a girl named Emily Portman, who lived in New York as an editor. Her and her husband lived together and they were the happiest couple. They lived in an old-world Upper West Side apartments in a famous Dakota building. One day her husband, Sandy, was on his was to meet up with Emily to tell her he wanted a divorce, when he had gotten into an accident. Emily got a call that night from the police department telling her her husband was no longer here on earth due to a car accident. She was overly shocked as she rushed to the scene to find the ambulance already leaving. She followed them all the way to the hospital, so she didn’t have to leave his side. A week later they had a funeral for her husband Sandy, when she found out she was being evicted from their apartment.
Although Miss Mariam said that it was a girl that rented the space from her a few days ago, I was picturing the person to be closer to their thirties and the usual type of camper that had no interest in the affairs of this town other than the lake. Someone a little mean and a little greasy. Someone that I wouldn’t even think twice about. I was expecting to hand the pie to them as quick as possible and hurry back on back to my house before heat stroke took me out.
The black short haired cat chased a mouse through the monstrous estate. And the crazy lady, Lissa was getting edgy afraid of her things being ruined. She often believed she had nothing. Due to this fact, she would take things to make herself feel matter how precious to others.With a loud rather dramatic sigh she thumped down on the old couch covered in old socks and newspaper. She parked her legs on the coffee table, and began writing in her diary about the earlier morning. When she drove to the town to gather more things,
A girl named Sophie Amundsen was on her way home when she stopped by her mailbox to get the mail, as she looked in the mailbox there was only one letter. It was unusual because there was no stamp or who’ve sent it, all it had was her name and address. Day by day, Sophie would receive mysterious letters and would tear the envelope open to read questions like: “Who are you?” ”Where does the world come from?” or letters from the unknown writer that would get her thinking long and hard because of this, the unknown letter writer had saved Sophie from the triviality of everyday existence.
“I will see you at my apartment’s gate at 10 AM. If that is alright with you” She checked.