
Miss Nelson Theme

Decent Essays

Miss. Nelson is Missing is a simple, light-hearted play based on the children's book of the same name. This play is about seven boisterous elementary school students who have driven their teacher, Miss. Nelson, insane by rejecting her many attempts at making learning fun, disobeying and belittling her. Miss Nelson is put under a lot of pressure by Principal Humleker to ensure that every one of her students earns an A on their exam. Miss. Nelson is a kind and caring teacher who only wants the best for her students. However, Miss Nelson has reached the end of her rope with these children when they take advantage of her good nature. As a last resort, she disguises herself as Viola Swamp, a ruthless substitute teacher to scare her students into learning everything they need to know for the test; and maybe a thing or two about respect. The stage was set up to look like a classroom but everything appeared to be so two dimensional, just like in a story book, or an animated movie. Miss. Swamp's costume was the most eccentric. The huge black hair, dark mole, and green and yellow stripped socks were the cherry on top of her look. I was also shocked to find out Miss. Nelson and Miss. Swamp were played by two different people. I know Miss. Nelson is …show more content…

Miss. Nelson's students never saw or appreciated what a caring teacher she really was. After her students had left for recess, she told Principal Humleker she "loved teaching" but her students just didn't want to be taught by her. While Miss. Viola Swamp was taking over for Miss. Nelson, Miss Swamp told the students Miss. Nelson was "probably the dumbest teacher in the whole school." One of Miss. Nelson's students, Melinda, aka Mouse, jumps to her teacher's defense declaring "she wasn't that bad." That was the point in the play when I first started to notice the students were starting to regret treating their teacher the way they

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