This week, I watched the movie “ Miss Representation”, it is a documentary in 2011 and Jennifer Siebel Newsom is the director, producer and was written by her. I watched the film on Thursday, July 30, 2015, I watched it on my computer and I was watching it at home. The documentary is about we human are failing to see the real world that we lives in. It talks about that media is a very powerful tool of delivering messages to the world. The documentary starts with some numbers of information that tell us that American teenager: “spend 31 hours a week watching TV, 17 hours a week listening to music, 3 hours a week watching movies, 4 hours a week reading magazines, 10 hours a week online, and that is 10 hours and 45 minutes of media consumption a day” (“ Miss Representation”). Nowadays, people are going to learn more from media, then any other things because each of us has just spent too much time on it, and everyone does have their own ways to have the interaction of the media. And the media are just everywhere around us. …show more content…
This again shows how powerful the media is, because it shaped us. And it is unconscious that the media is shaping us, shaping out how we thinks and react. “ Miss Representation” also wants us the audience to learn what media is, and the media are actually showing the audience something that people could never achieve. Such as sexy body, perfect body shapes or clear skin from media and posters. When girls and women saw it, it becomes a goal for them, but the truth is that it is not going to happen. It is because someone edits those perfect looking and bodies using Photoshop and other
In Miss Representation, many female actresses, news anchors, politicians, directors and producers talk about how females suffer a lot of social, political and economic inequalities in today’s society. There are double standards against women in magazines, on TV, in movies, the news, politics, and the workplace. The media is an influential part of modern culture. When women are portrayed as objects for men to use -- never as the protagonist or president -- and when female news anchors are objectified, this will cause girls of all ages to begin viewing themselves as objects. Girls grow up in a world where their voice does not count; where our culture does not embrace them in all of their diversities, where
This creates a time where women are constantly reminded of the "importance" of focusing on their looks rather than their abilities. Women are almost always trying to live up to this beauty standard set by men and it becomes exhausting. The media negatively impacts women's self-confidence, along with creating a harmful environment for these women. These quotes from Miss Representation represent the trend of the media putting women's appearance before the real purpose of their
Hi Chau Dinh, I agree with you that the documentary “Miss Representation” effectively pass its message to the audience that media regularly belittling the depictions of the women. According to your analysis, this film uses strategies such as citing many statistical data, footages and quoting specialists’ explanation. The data used in this film manifest the situation of the women’s life which is affected by the media and is negative for women. Thus, I think the statistics act as the appeal of logos in this film. On the other hand, through using the footages the film accomplish the effect that the audiences “put themselves into the position of female in those footages in order to make them understand deeply how hard female is fighting for their
“Miss Representation” is a documentary film in 2011 which is made by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Messages in the film have implicit meanings that women need and want to be positive role models and have their interests in social and life. Miss Representation is a film about how media portrays women in society. The trailer for “Miss Representation” is eight minutes and 52 seconds long, so it gives a lot of information overall the film. It is started with the quote “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any” and many news sentences about teenagers spend time for media which take attention of audiences. It’s like a real report because the film is on interwove interviews. In addition, the trailer has a lot of
Although “Miss Representation” uses critical arguments towards the media and society and how their advertisements and comments and judgemental critics it fails to show some aspects that would have contributed to the documentary dramatically. What really is not seen or used in “Miss Representation” is women with disabilities: for example, whose extensive exclusions by the mainstream media and advertisers contribute extensively towards the discrimination those women experience on a daily basis, because their capabilities and intelligence are undervalued or just outright removed. The majority of women seen in the documentary are a large amount of privileged caucasian women doing most of the speaking in the film, which means people do not see a
The movie Miss Representation begins with the quote “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any” written by Alice Walker. They use this quote to speak to the audience because society today is so caught up in being what they see in magazine or on television. The media portrays women to be “skinny, beautiful, tan, flawless” when most of us know what is really behind the scenes. The women who model in magazines either starve themselves to live their dream of being a model or they allow the photographer to Photoshop their body into being fit so that’s what the world sees. Young girls who look through these magazine or watch the television such as the “Victoria’s Fashion Show” begin to develop
Can you imagine what females could accomplish if they spent as much time volunteering to local charities as they did worrying about their physical appearance? So many dreams, goals, and aspirations are thrown away because of something as simple as low self-esteem. The film Miss Representation focuses on that exact social issue. Various people come together in this documentary to tackle the matter of gender stereotyping through the media. We will cover gender stereotypes, the role media plays in shaping them, and what can be done.
Miss Representation is a documentary that examines the impact that media have on society as a whole. Many people believe that as adults we have the most impact in the consistent pressure to be perfect, but actually children are expose it to at an early age. It difficult for mostly girls, since “girls get the message early in age that the most important thing is their looks and their values and worth depend on their looks”. For young boys that notice that media portrays women to be “perfect”, then they want their significant other to be perfect as well. Our society is an appearance driven society where it does not matter if a person is an intellectual.
By definition, Media Literacy is defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. The power of the media should not be underestimated. Millions of teens and adults spend hours watching television and surfing the web on a daily basis. With the use of media literacy, these individuals that utilize hours of their daily lives can be protected from pressures of media disinformation that also pushes them to become the idealistic human model it wishes them to be. By teaching majority of our communities about media literacy, we can free them from the standardized pressures of society itself. These free beings will no longer feel the needs to live up to the expectations of the media as they will discover the falsified truth when analyzed deeply. Educating the population will not only free their minds mentally, but it will strengthen their capability of thinking also. Media Literacy provides opportunities for anyone to build communication skills, boost his or her confidents to interpret multiple media sources at the same time, and as well as realistically designating the portrayal of his or her position along with others’ in a perspective view. One can take advantage of media literacy to improve his or her media use habits, such as constant television viewing behaviors. With the impact of educating the life of an individual with Media Literacy, we can advance the habitual uses of media of that human being’s family and develop more intellectual
In today's world media is one of the greatest impacts that is placed on a person's life. Throughout the days we sitting spending time reading posters, billboards, surfing the internet ,watching tv and commercial until late hours. The constant presence of these medias becomes so intense they begin to alter the way an individual views the world. We watch the news and read the newspapers that tell us what we should fear, when and where we should be paranoid and anxious. The movies and tv shows tells us how different people act based on different traits.
The documentary “Miss Representation” shows that part of patriarchal culture comprises sexual satisfaction that a woman must give the man. Therefore, the behavior of many women is to engage in making their bodies sexually attractive to men at the expense of their own expectations. See your own body and the bodies of other women as male sexual desire is part of the self-objectification process. According to the documentary, the objectification is to disregard psychological and emotional attributes that characterize us as individuals. Women who self-objectifies not fully understand as an individual and not realize all its capabilities and possibilities, which influences the degree of engagement as a professional and citizen.
women that sends the wrong message to young girls and boys. After watching this documentary,
The trailer of the movie Miss Representation is very impressive because it skillfully use techniques in several ways, which are the texts it quotes, the data it uses, the media materials and people’s statements in this movie trailer, as well as the background music. To begin with, it quotes words from a famous American writer, Alice Walker. After that, there comes a series of data which includes the amount of time that the American teenagers spend on media resource such as television programs, music, movies, magazines and online media information. Thereupon a large amount of shocking video clips of advertisements, MTVs and video games appear, while using the viewpoints and analysis from several well-known professional people, include CEOs
In today’s society, there are a number of factors that affect a child’s ability to learn. The media, for good and for bad, is the primary teacher of American youth. This environment reflects life itself, sometimes in a corrupt way, including the positive and heinous parts, along with the beautiful and hideous parts, as well as the charitable and violent parts. It is almost impossible to protect American youth from experiences reflecting the adult world when the media invades homes and becomes so much a part of everyday living. “American teenagers spend 31 hours a week watching television, 10 hours a week online, 4 hours a week reading magazines, and 17 hours a week listening to music” (Miss). Even though mass media is a huge part of a
The worth of media is a very controversial topic. Media has given us the ability to do things in new and creative ways such as how we learn and accomplish our everyday tasks. However, we do not always know how to interpurate this information. The technology available today is constantly impacting and influencing society in tremendous ways. Many of the impacts that are accocated with media are addressed in negative ways, but can be seen from a positive perspective as well. In the current generation, media and its influences can be found everywhere. These influences widely impact today’s adolescents and maturing teenagers because they are still developing into adults. Medias purpose is not only to inform us, but to allow us to mold ourselves in how we want to be perceived online. Also, it allows us easy access to unbelievable amounts of information. Living in an era known as the “information age” is riveting, but what are we suppose to do with all of this new technology and information?