
Miss Representation Film Summary

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This week, I watched the movie “ Miss Representation”, it is a documentary in 2011 and Jennifer Siebel Newsom is the director, producer and was written by her. I watched the film on Thursday, July 30, 2015, I watched it on my computer and I was watching it at home. The documentary is about we human are failing to see the real world that we lives in. It talks about that media is a very powerful tool of delivering messages to the world. The documentary starts with some numbers of information that tell us that American teenager: “spend 31 hours a week watching TV, 17 hours a week listening to music, 3 hours a week watching movies, 4 hours a week reading magazines, 10 hours a week online, and that is 10 hours and 45 minutes of media consumption a day” (“ Miss Representation”). Nowadays, people are going to learn more from media, then any other things because each of us has just spent too much time on it, and everyone does have their own ways to have the interaction of the media. And the media are just everywhere around us. …show more content…

This again shows how powerful the media is, because it shaped us. And it is unconscious that the media is shaping us, shaping out how we thinks and react. “ Miss Representation” also wants us the audience to learn what media is, and the media are actually showing the audience something that people could never achieve. Such as sexy body, perfect body shapes or clear skin from media and posters. When girls and women saw it, it becomes a goal for them, but the truth is that it is not going to happen. It is because someone edits those perfect looking and bodies using Photoshop and other

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