
Missing Chapter Rationale By Maya Angelou

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Missing Chapter Rationale

My piece is going to appear after Maya gets raped by Mr. Freeman and specifically after Maya’s panties are discovered. Angelou’s voice and personality is captured in this piece because in the actual book, she is really descriptive of her memories. In this extension, specific descriptions were utilized as well. Additionally, I portrayed Angelou’s narrating voice with maturity and sophisticated diction. In the book, Maya writes mostly as the adult Angelou, as the person who utilizes a cornucopia of literary devices. To emulate the writing style of Angelou, I included many utilizations of allusion, such as the ‘immeasurable strength of Hercules’ and the ‘ferocity of Tybalt’. Moreover, vivid visual imagery is used to …show more content…

Olfactory imagery is additionally utilized, as ‘the invigorating aroma’ of flowers filled my nose. Also, Maya Angelou utilizes different syntax, not just limited to long or short. In my own piece, I have a variety of sentence structures, which is fitting of Angelou’s style as well. Finally, the piece is delivered in first person narrative, meaning it is delivered from Maya’s point of views. I often reveal Maya’s thoughts and her feelings because of this. The overarching theme this piece is attempting to convey is that traumatic experiences can obliterate a person’s sense of belonging. In this case, the traumatic experience is rape at a young age. To develop this theme, I explain how Maya is silent because she does not feel acceptance by society. She explodes when another student in her class provokes her lack of sense of belonging by talking about the rape. Moreover, even when she is beaten excessively by her Uncle Willie, she does not cry or regret her decision. This emphasizes how disturbed and distressed Maya …show more content…

Thomas King had been strutting across the murky hallways exclaiming vaingloriously, “Men ares physically and mentally stronger than women. I once heard my poppa says that women ares just objects of men’s pleasure.”

I had heard enough. This young boy hadn’t experienced the traumatic repercussions of rape. He hadn’t experienced the excruciating pain of rape on an 8-year old body, he hadn’t felt the exclusion from being an outcast, he hadn’t felt distant from his own family, he hadn’t dealt with segregation by both the whites and the Black male population. King’s words were a dagger to my heart: they had epitomized the causes of my silence over the past 5 months. I felt the tears streaming down my face and (describe sadness) “You just shut up!”, I retorted.

“Yea, little girl?” he taunted, “I heard from my big poppa that you’re unclean and that everyone should stay away from

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