2. Per above references, it has been observed that Mission Order (MO) have been indiscriminately issued covering unregistered firearms and/or unqualified holders to bear/ possess firearms in public. This prevalent practice may have contributed to the proliferation of loose firearms, increase incidence of violent crimes. 3. Further, unqualified holders of MO for bearing/carrying of firearms in public foster a culture of violence, encourage and escalate armed conflicts and undermine peace and development. Given this situation, there is a need that only licensed firearms and authorized personnel are covered in the issuance of MO’s. 4. In this regard, to avoid unauthorized issuance of Mission Order (MO) be reminded that only the AC of S for Intelligence,
b. Transnational trafficking of W – transportation of W from one country to another, usually for the purposes of prostitution
Many people over time from civilians to politicians have argued the reasoning, regulations, and practice of concealed carry gun laws. One big reason is women’s safety because their seen as by criminals as an “easier target”. Now with many laws being put into affect, certain genres of people will not be able to carry or even own guns for the potential safety of others. Most civilians feel that they would rather have it and not need it then to need it and not have it. Some issues with concealed carry is that people can have a “Wild West” mentality and that is the fear of most. But all in all, concealed carrying a gun could mean life or death in a very real reality of a violent world full of crime and carelessness.
During 2003, General Petraeus and his soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division had no clue of the astounding role they were about to embark on. General Petraeus found the city of Mosul in complete destruction, and knew it would take a cohesive effort through mutual trust and teamwork to restore the city. The city of Mosul did not only need a complete make over, but also a regime that shared a mutual understanding as Petraeus. Lastly, with the city rebuilding changes would bring hostility and risk to the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division. General David Petraeus was successful in Mosul, because he applied the mission command control principles of building cohesive teams, creating shared understanding, and accepting prudent risk.
The issue of gun control begins with the careless distribution of firearms and how easy they are to obtain. In the United States, many mass killings by gunmen in civilian settings set
Firearm needs to be handled with care and safety and for that different safety regulations need to be abided with greater sincerity.
It appears as though the repetitive and unfortunate tragedies of mass shootings have become incorporated into the everyday life of American culture. We are forced to live in a heightened degree of fear, skepticism, and hesitation concerning our public safety. This phenomenon could reasonably occur in response to the vast ineffectiveness of the country’s current gun laws. Time after time similar misfortunes arise, yet few major changes are implemented to prevent them from reoccurring in the future. We cannot let this trend continue any further. Though some claim that increased gun control is useless and infringes upon the Second Amendment, it limits civilians’ weapons grade, obstructs those deemed unfit to wield such lethal weapons, and insures a greater level of security, thus it should be executed.
Carrying a concealed weapon is the practice of carrying a concealed firearm on one 's person in public (Concealed Weapons Law & Legal Definition). There are several reasons why people feel the need to carry concealed weapons. Some feel wary of the environment in which they live, thanks in part to high crime rates. Some like the assurance that a weapon provides them in the event that a police officer is not available. Others simply like to exercise the right that the Second Amendment has granted them. Concealed carry varies state to state. For example, in Florida one would need a certain permit to carry pepper spray over a two-ounce volume, as it is considered a weapon rather than a self defense mechanism (Woodard). In addition to this, knives, stun guns, batons, and various other non-lethal weapons are regulated differently state to state. For the purpose of this paper, I will be focusing specifically on the concealed handguns within the concealed carry weapon category. I’m also choosing to focus specifically on concealed rather than open carry, as most responsible gun owners understand the negative consequences of open carry, the main consequence being, setting yourself up as a target for a shooter (Students for Concealed Carry on Campus 171).
to that instituted in the United States. With more than, “120,000 registered gun owners and more
Considering the stable condition of the US military and the homeland security systems, the country has the most advanced security system that assures citizens of their safety. Regardless, there exists no need for such extreme measures such as civilians being in possession of assault rifles as a strategy to self-defense. If necessary, cases of self-defense on the part of civilians are well handled by ownership of merely concealed pistols that from records are efficient in subduing any intruder while waiting for law enforcement back up. From self-defense and securing property, civilians’ reluctance to support the gun laws on such high caliber weapons has been underwhelming. Their standpoint has been in possession of such assault weapons. The same standpoints have been the cause for such raging debates on the support or disregard of the government proposition to have the assault guns banned from civilians possession (Miller 533).
In the United States of America, we as people have certain guaranteed rights, and one of those is the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment states, “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” This amendment has been a crucial issue throughout the history of this country and still continues to be of vital importance today. Today there are several conflicts with this amendment the 1st being a law-abiding citizens right to own a weapon, Second the crime rates because of these weapons and 3rd being the distribution of weapons. In this paper I will discuss the three topics I stated and I will also give an educated prediction of where this
Police are here to protect us from crimes, but what if they can’t reach us in time? Many people want guns to be taken away because they don’t know the proper handling, and one of the few things they know for certain is that guns hurt people. It is understandable that they should fear the danger of guns, but that doesn’t mean that we should render ourselves undefended from threats, because others don’t know proper safety etiquette. Although many believe guns cause problems, guns prevent many horrible crimes from happening.
The Holiday season is the most important time of the year for many retail stores, but this year Toys R’ Us inc, might be spending it filing for bankruptcy. It’s been reported by sources familiar with this situation, that Toys “R” Us, American toy retailer founded in 1948, may file for bankruptcy as soon as early October. The sources reported that the plans for bankruptcy are not certain, and both plans and timing could change.
Apart from the licensed cultivation, mentioned above, illicit cultivation of poppy and cannabis is also taking place on a massive scale across many states in the country. Strong and determined political will is required to put an end to this unlawful activity. Additionally, the loose control over pharmacist and chemist has made drugs and narcotics substances, meant for the medical and scientific purposes, basically end up in the hands of the actual and potential drug dependents. This marks the need for tightening and reinforcing control over the drug stores.
I learned that aligning mission, methods and resources are needed to make the organization stay in good shape in order for it to run properly. According to dictionary.com, mission means “a group or committee of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, establish relations, provide scientific and technical assistance, or the like”. To me, mission means a group of people going out of their way to a country that needs help from others due to a difficult situation. Cambridge Dictionaries Online stated methods mean “a particular way of doing something”. My definition of methods is having step by step on how to approach an idea and make sure the individual or group will achieve those specific goals. As for Merriam-Webster, resource means “a supply of something (such as money) that someone has and can use when it is needed”. I defined resources as supplies that are needed to be in stock for people to access and to increase the wealth in the country.
The legality of having guns and possessing firearms in the United States of America is well engraved within the Second Amendment of the nation’s constitution. However, the issue of gun regulation has remained a central topic in America’s public. Some people advocate for a total ban on gun possession, while others are totally against this idea. The shooting incident in Las Vegas weeks ago has raised controversial debates in the United States of America. In fact, the White House is concerned on the stand that President Trump will take on the issue of stricter gun laws. One of the cities that has gained the attention of both the legislators on this topic is Chicago. For its reputation for its low rate of gang arrests, lax punishments for gun law violations, and comparatively weak laws in accordance with surrounding states, it is justifiable to say that Chicago’s daily shootings are a clear indicator that strict state gun laws don’t work.