A trial regarding theft takes place in Mississauga, where a gas station owner is called in to testify. A man had finished pumping gas in his Ferrari 458 Italia, and went inside to pay for his gas. While he was paying, two outside attendants hoped in the Ferrari and drove away. The employees have been found and charged with theft. The gas station owner was called in to testify. When called to the stand the owner testified that he did indeed see two workers steal the Ferrari that night; however, when he was asked to identify the employees he refused. In this situation, the gas station owner can be charged with contempt. As he is denying the court access to valuable information that could help the final verdict.
Defendants, Mark and William Schenkly, have not satisfied the elements required to invoke the shopkeeper’s privilege defense. Conduct by the suspect which lead a shopkeeper to believe that the suspect is attempting to steal is enough to establish reasonable cause. In assessing reasonable cause to detain, Arizona courts consider whether appearances are sufficient to justify a shopkeeper’s belief is reasonable. Kon v. Skaggs Drug Center, Inc., 563 P.2d 920, 922 (1977); Gau v. Smitty’s Super Valu, Inc., 901 P.2d 455, 459 (1995). Defendant Mark Schenkly did not see Mr. Flynn take beer from the cooler, nor did he observe that the beer was missing from the cooler. The statute setting forth the requirements for asserting the shopkeeper’s privilege provides that detainment may only take place for the sole purposes of questioning or
Mavaddat focuses on the corporation code section to content that trial court erred in issuing the nuisance abatement injection against him. The reason is that section exempts him from personal liabilities for any judgment against or obligation of the limited liabilities company the management. The manger may agree to become personally responsible for the limited liability company debts and liabilities written contract or if the operating agreement or article so specify.
Robert Edward Courtney, 70, who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting his employers’ six year old daughter in Melbourne last year, has been resentenced to two years imprisonment as well as a non-parole period of 15 months.
On Tuesday (October 11th), we are requesting Council‘s approval of a resolution authorizing the purchase of 1750 Grant Street (APN: 224-02-022).
Travis attends Devereux Glenholme, a residential treatment center in Connecticut based on a March 27, 2014 settlement agreement between BISD and the parents. Devereux Glenholme primarily serves high functioning children with a medical diagnosis of Asperger’s, ADHD, OCD, Tourette, depression, anxiety and various learning difficulties.
On Friday, 12/08/2017, at approximately 0750 hours, Joseph Martinez reported his mother Carole Montenegro was involved in a domestic dispute with her ex boyfriend James Casey. This occurred at 7555 Mission Street. Both parties were not on scene and were unable to be contacted at the time of the report. Montenegro later reported being the victim of domestic violence (See case number #17009222) and Casey was arrested and booked into the San Mateo County jail .
On the morning of February 28th 2016, Banquet Server Robert Drew Kirkland came to security office with Banquet Captain Jamie Kudalis. In regards to Mr. Drew having an accident, Mr. Drew was opening an Hennessey bottle when he was noticed a sharp pain in his right index finger. When notice it began to bleed Mr. Drew attended to the injury himself with paper towel to stop the bleeding, before coming to security and advising Security Officer Lead Daryl Harley. SOL Harley addressed the situation by cleaning the affected area and providing a bandage.
Many observers in Williamson County wondered if the matter would end there. Rarely have Texas prosecutors had to answer tough questions about their conduct, even in the wake of wrongful convictions. But in February, Judge Harle ruled that the investigation conducted by Michael’s lawyers suggested that there was probable cause to believe Anderson had broken the law in failing to turn over evidence that was “highly favorable” to the defense. Harle recommended that the Texas Supreme Court launch a court of inquiry to look into the matter. A week later, the Supreme Court concurred with Harle’s findings and ruled that an inquiry should proceed. Anderson would have to answer for his alleged misconduct.
¬¬Donald Marshall Jr championed the fight for Mi’kmaq fishing rights in Nova Scotia. In 1993 Marshall was confronted by RCMP while fishing eel out of season with no license and selling the catch for profit. This lead to a court case defending the right to fish as a means of self-sustainment for all Mi’kmaq, which he pointed out was outlined within his treaty rights with the crown. This was a historical victory for indigenous people across Canada. Law passed as a result of the supreme-court case known as the Martial decision, which recognized that Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia were guaranteed right to fish and hunt across the province as to survive and make a living as it is stated in the Peace and Friendship treaties of the 1700’s.
Annie Harper was not allowed to register to vote in Virginia because she wasn’t able to pay the state’s poll tax. Virginia law required voters to pay $1.50 tax to register, with the money collected going to public school funding. Ms. Harper sued the Virginia Board of Elections, claiming the poll tax violated her 14th Amendment right to equal protection. Note: The 24th Amendment to the Constitution already banned poll taxes in federal elections, but not in state elections. The U.S. District Court dismissed Ms. Harper’s suit in favor of the Board of Elections. She then asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case.
Brownsville, Texas the city located on the border with Mexico also known as on the border by the sea. The poorest city in Texas became a target for a homicide that impacted the family and including the community.
1. This essay is about the demands that TYC has towards resolving issues Torontonians experience. This article explains how TYC addresses their concerns, by challenging Toronto council members. Overall the author explains how this committee aims to seek new initiatives, to assist needs and wants of the community. 2.
You have asked me to summarize the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Doré v Barreau du Québec, 2012 SCC 12, SCR 395 and analyze whether the Law society is likely to sanction Evan Frank. Although the Rules of Professional Conduct place limitations on certain conduct to ensure professionalism, the expressive rights of lawyers must be given due respect and the likelihood of Mr. Frank’s sanction will depend on a fair balance of “expressive value” of the content in the letter, with the public’s expectation of professionalism.
The accused, Erin Lee MacDonald was charged for handling a firearm in a careless manner without taking erasable precautions for the safety of others and for possessing a loaded restricted firearm without having an authorization license stating he could do so. The case was on appeal from the Court of Appeal of Nova Scotia and was heard by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2014. The judgment of McLachlin C.J. and LeBel, Fish and Abella JJ. was delivered by LeBel J.
Today, employees can be considered as the greatest strength of the company. They are the ones who help build the reputation of the company, it is their job to ensure the success of the business, which is why it is very important to keep them satisfied. A recent statistic shows that an American worker has an average of eight jobs in his career (Rudman, 2003). This stat shows how difficult it is to retain a core strength of a company. In this essay, an analysis of a case study is made. The case includes at first, a discussion between Chip Brownlee and Arch carter, the CEO and lead director of Galvatrens respectively. During this conversation, they discussed a lawsuit that a former employee sent to the company for being wrongfully relieved of his duty. Also in the case study after investigation the board of Galvatrens and their CEO made a meeting in order to tackle the problems and know what really happened. In this essay, it will explain the main ethical dilemmas in the case study, and according to these dilemmas a comparison will be made between utilitarian, libertarian, deontological and virtue ethics perspectives. Finally, as a form of an ethical point of view will be used to be the best solution to solve the dilemma of the recommendation.