Every state in a country has a lot of problems with everything. One example is Iran has to deal with Syria with trading issues, or war issues. Another country may have financial issues. The United States is a great example for financial issues because many congressmen are spending money left and right like no tomorrow. The United States has problems through the years of growing. A part of the United States, Mississippi has the number one problem that it has to deal with than any other state. That problem is obesity. The health departments should do something about obesity in the state of Mississippi. First, the problem about obesity in Mississippi is the fast food restaurants. Many people decide to eat fast food restaurants because he or she might not decide to cook, or maybe coming in late of a meeting of some sort. Another problem about obesity is the health problems that are stated among doctors. Doctors say many people could receive high blood pressure, headaches, and diabetes from eating too junk food all at one time. There are solutions to these problems as one can help other people to achieve those goals. One of the solutions health departments should do for obesity is have healthier food choices for schools. …show more content…
Fast food restaurants should allow everyone to have healthier food choices. On top of that, these restaurants should also allow lower costs of salad, fruits, and other healthier food choices. The results of eating fast food or eating junk food every day is anyone can have disease called hemophilia. One source says, “Haemophiliacs have been shown to have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease, most likely attributable to the hypocoagulable state that results from the clotting factor deficiency” (Majumdar 4). Also, another problem with fast restaurants is manager are going to get angry and will not compromise with anybody that their
Fast food is unhealthy because it is high in calories and fat. We can see a lot of fast food restaurants in the country. For example, people usually go to Burger King, McDonald´s, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell. All these kind of companies damage the health of people. Usually, the citizens consume more than twiece a week, and these can lead them to some diseases. Also, fast food can affect the digestive system. A poor diet trigger digestive problems. For example, it can provoke acid reflux and irritated stomach. Furthermore, it is food poisoring. Fast food restaurants have some food safety violations. For instance, they have inadequate
that fast food is both cheap and convenient, the illnesses it causes when we get older are very
Mississippi is known to be one of America’s fattest state where majority of their population eat unhealthy and are very inactive. One in four of Americans, especially in Mississippi order from a fast food restaurant daily. Obesity in the US is increasing significantly causing many physical and emotional effects to one’s health.
On Dec 12, 2013 there were high rates of obesity and diabetes in a majority of Mississippi’s cities and counties which continues to make Mississippi the unhealthiest state in the country. This may be attributed to Mississippi’s a high poverty rate because poor people tend to eat less healthy. A lot of people in Mississippi has lack of physical activity so that could be another reason. Obesity in adults and children is a top health concern in Mississippi. In 2012 Mississippi had the highest obesity rate in the country. In 2011 it was reported that 44% of Mississippi’s kids were overweight or obese and 70% of the adults were and that it is most prevalent in the Mississippi Delta. Along with obesity go a slew of other health problems including diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Another cause of obesity in the Delta is the lack available fresh produce in places. In one store in the Mississippi Delta, bananas were starting to turn black in their only grocery store. If you really want quality fresh produce food or fruit you must drive 30 to 45 minutes to find a good grocery store.
As a young Mississippian I can see solve of the problems that has hindered the growth and property of this state. Therefore, this research will focus on the government, the people and the economy of Mississippi. As we progress through the research, we will see how these topics have impact each other and the state. Mississippi government has the separation of legislative, executive and judicial branches. Governor Phil Bryant and Lieutenant governor Tate Reeves have responsibility for the executive branch. Both are Republicans and are elected for four years teams. Mississippi hold elections for the officials on odd- number years before presidential elections. Mississippi many time lags behind other states as far as changing laws on the books
Even though some advertisements stimulate our appetite, those advertisements don't say that their fast food is healthy. Moreover, it has been often said that fast food has bad effects for our health, through newspaper, television, and other media. Most people should know these facts. To add to that, as I mentioned before, there are some fast food shops which serve health foods compared to other fast food shops, so if people are really concerned about their health, they can choose those fast food shops. Therefore, the problem should be attributed not to the fast food companies, but to individual choice.
Mississippi has about 1,000 to 1,500 restaurant.With numbers still rising because of the fast and easy access. (ARCGIS) On average most of us like McDonald’s right? Well in Mississippi McDonald’s is their most common fast food restaurant. But 22 out of 61 things on their menu is “Healthy”, marked saying “Health and nutrition is important.(ABC) On average 98% of advertisements viewed by children are for produced, high in fat, sugar or sodium foods or beverages.(POWER) Say your family eats fast food 2 or 3 times a week, then your kids going to school to unhealthy lunches and poor physical activity. This would definitely lead to you children being obese. Mississippi schools have prohibited purchase of fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, poor dietary habits, unhealthy school breakfast and lunches, limited physical effort, and the increase of time on technology plays a big role in child obesity. (AJMC) With Mississippi being the second lowest consumption of fruits and vegetables in the nation that says we need to do something about
Many points can be brought up when debating for or against fast food. Different statement may show the good side, while others show the bad side. Fast food has caused diseases, because, according to cbsnews.com, “Different parts of different cows are blended together for the ground beef in fast food. So, if one cow was diseased, it is very likely that the entire batch will be infected.” This isn't always noticed by the workers, and therefore may cause the people who eat it to become infected, too. Fast food has had outbreaks E. Coli, salmonella, and
While everyone generally knows that fast food is not good for their health, however people still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food have low incomes, are uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. Most people trying to save money are buying fast food and it is costing their health in the long run. This will eventually end up costing people even more money.
Obesity in Mississippi has caused the state to get a bad wrap for the healthiness of the state. The obese population in Mississippi is so large due to the fact that the
Fast food has a harmful effect on society because it can cause obesity. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry believes obesity “Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise.” (parag. 1).The causing and treating of obesity is complex but it is the most recognizable disease. Consistently eating fast food and a poor can lead to obesity in anyone. The risks of obesity include an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, fast food “Studies have shown that over the past four decades, consumption of food eaten away from home has also risen alarmingly” (parag. 8). This means that fast food is high in fat, sugar, salt, carbs, calories, saturated and trans fats. This type of eating leads to a higher body mass index or gained weight. Children and adolescents are at a
Almost all food served at fast food restaurants has an extremely high fat and calorie content and lacks nutritional value.
While most people generally know that fast food is not good for their health, they still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food are low income, uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. However, the people trying to save money by buying fast food will eventually end up spending more money from the cost of doctor 's visits, medicine, etc.
Besides being overly convenient to obtain, fast food is also quite inexpensive. In today’s economy, an average American cannot afford to sit down at a nice
So on the way to work they will buy dinner at a fast food restaurant. Places such as McDonalds's, Burger King, and Taco Bell have begun to appear on every street corner. Fast food restaurants made an appearance in America in the 1960's. They have not been around for very long and already the effects are destroying the health of the people in America. This is because people go to what to tastes good and these foods taste good to the kids. When their parents grew up a trip to grandmas for Sunday dinner was a treat and a variety from the meals at home. Today the treat is going out to a fast food restaurant. These foods are usually inexpensive, prepared for the person, and they taste good. The downside to these places is that their food is greasy and high in fat. Both of these are contributors to high blood pressure and high frequency of heart attacks among the American population.