
Missouri Compromise Research Paper

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The Uneasy Missouri Compromise
Congress agreed to admit Missouri as a slave state and marked Maine as a separate state both North and South gained something- South: Missouri as a slave state and North: the rest of the territory would have no slaves the Missouri Compromise lasting 34 years didn’t solve the problem just “swept it under the rug” surprisingly even though the Missouri Compromise took place James Monroe’s “ Era of Good Feelings” ended he still got re-elected

John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism
McCulloch vs. Maryland - Maryland wanted to put a tax on the bank but Judge Marshall said no
Marshall believed in loose construction; believing that the constitution needed to be adapted to the time and period
Cohens vs, Maryland - the …show more content…

Britain's main purpose was to secure their supremacy in the Caribbean
Adam’s believed that the only real reason they wanted to combine forces was to prevent America from expanding their forces
The Monroe Doctrine gave Spain a warning of two basic features noncolonization and nonintervention
Monroe directed toward Russia told them there was no longer an opportunity of colonization in America
Monroe also put forth a warning to Europe asking them to not bring their monarchical vibes into the United States Monroe’s Doctrine Appraised the European powers didn’t take too kindly to Monroe’s warnings, but there was nothing they could really do to express their feelings
Monroe’s statement showed that America only cared for their own growth and gain
Monroe’s message was heard and then forgotten, no one really cared
Tsar decided to retreat in Russo-American Treaty of 1824 fixed the fines of 54*40’ the Monroe Doctrine was more of a self defense Doctrine, meant to protect the safety of our own country the Doctrine was never a promise or a pledge just something Monroe said and presidents after him restated in their own words the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 gave a voice to a spirit of patriotism and deepened the illusion of

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