
Mkt/421 Week 2 Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

Michaela answered after 2 rings with the standard greeting and identified herself. I jumped in and said that I have a CD coming due with a large bank but am disappointed with the interest it is earning. She asked me what term the CD was and I told her 6 months. She then gave me the rates and I told her that was also low. She then told me about the 9 and 12 month CD, which has higher interest rates. I told her that the 12 month was a little better. I told her it would be hard for my wife and I to get to the back, to which she told me that they are open until 6:00 on Thursdays and on Saturday. I told her my wife and I were busy this Saturday but might come in the following Saturday. She then told me that we would first have to open a main

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