Module Code:
Module Title: MANAGING OPERATIONS Time: 10:30 – 13:30 Duration: 3 HOURS
Date: 16th SEPT 2011
The following items are provided: Examination Answer Booklet
Instructions to Candidates:
This is a closed book examination. This paper consists of TWO sections. Section A is compulsory – based on North West Bank case study issued to students prior to the examination. Answer all three questions in section A (50%) (A clean copy of the case study is included in this examination paper) Answer any two questions in section B. (25% each) Calculators are permitted.
North West Constructive Bank-The New Mortgage Centre
Andy Curtis, the Mortgage Operations Manager for
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Skills required performing the task:
Credit-Credit assessment skills U/R-Underwriting Skills Local-Knowledge of local property market Legal-Knowledge of property law Rel.-Relationship skills
All the management team thought that going through the details of each of the process had been useful. It had produced information that had not been collected before, such as the actual percentage of recycled and rejected applications at each stage. Also it had prompted an interesting debate around the appropriateness of the time allowances for each activity and the sequence of the activities. For example, the underwriting activities had always preceded the offer stage activities in all the centres. Yet there was no technical reason why the underwriting and offer activities could not be performed in parallel. “When all applications were purely paperbased it would not have been possible to perform activities in parallel unless the documents had been physically copied and even then it
I work for the City Health Care Partnership within the Primary Care Medical Services, I work for 4 different GP practices as the Data Quality Manager but main base been at Kingston Medical Centre in the Central appointments team, at Kingston Medical Centre we have 4 full time GP’s, 3 Nurses, 2 Health Care Assistants, 7 Receptionists, 2 Admin members based in the Central appointments
The company is in direct violation of the ADEA of 1967 which states (2)“certain applicant and employees who are 40 years of age and older are protected from discrimination on the basis of age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, or terms, conditions or privileges of employment.” In this case the 68 year old employee could sue the company based on Age Discrimination and win.
Energy keeps all living organisms alive, as they need a continual supply of energy to function in order to survive. Some of these processes are continuous such as, metabolism, which is the chemical reactions which occur in the body, these occur by using or releasing energy from chemical substances. Another continuous process which use energy is the transporting of molecules in order for them to break down, and to build new ones. The breakdown of large molecules into their simpler forms to release energy is known as catabolism, for example, when glucose is used in a cell to release energy. And the opposite reaction, is called anabolism. This is when energy is used to build complex structures from simple cells, for example, tissue growth and
3. Considering your answers to Questions 1 and 2, why did activity in Annie’s motor nerves produce a skeletal muscle response that fatigued during repetitive stimulation?
A minuteman was a group of colonists who formed a militia that got to battles quickly
Which of the two banks or credit unions that you researched would you be most likely to choose to open an account with? Why? (2-4 sentences. 2.5 points)
History suggests that the overwhelming majority of human beings have had to choose between either tyranny or anarchy
Academics, Attitude, and Effort are what I learned to help me achieve my targets in high school, and will be the same for college. What I want to experience at CBU is their immense amount of resources that will benefit me in a major or career that I want to be in, however, right now I am undecided. With my attitude at CBU will help me experience great effects on what I could do to exceed in life. With my effort I know my experience will be a tremendous including social life, so knowing I will get to know my professors with the ratio being 17:1 in almost every class at CBU.
1. Competent parties. A court will not uphold a contract entered into by parties the law does not believe have the capacity to take on such a legal responsibility, such as minors or people who are mentally incapacitated.
Hours upon end are spent, face buried in a laptop or newspaper, analyzing stock dividends and bonds yields. Warren Buffett books and Wall Street Journal editions - a glimpse of the night stand that has well deservedly earned me the label “business nerd” by family and friends. I have, if not an obsession, a passion for studying finance. Aspiring to work in Investment Banking, I applied to Ross as it provides excellent exposure to the world of finance through premiere recruiting opportunities and a well-constructed business curriculum that merges the science of economics with the cultivation of leadership. At Michigan, freshman students are subject to a liberal arts curriculum, which I believe can benefit me in becoming a well-rounded student. Although I have a passion for finance, I cannot imagine isolating my studies to one subject for four years of school. In my Sophomore year, I would dive into financial studies such as accounting and business strategy; but Ross also emphasizes the ‘positive decisions’ course, which interests me because it acknowledges the impact that economic decisions have on society. Coming from a middle class background, I find it important to acknowledge the effect that the cost of living or price of gas have on family finances. Ross’s Junior and Senior curriculums step past the theoretical studies of economics and into the real world application of business skills, such as ‘communication strategy’ and ‘corporate strategy.’ I believe exposure to a collaborative environment in these years can assist me in cultivating a team
Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extra-curricular activities might help you achieve your goals.
It is truly an honor to be recognized by National Junior Honor Society. I realize it will take so much more than fantastic grades to be a part of NJHS. It will require tremendous commitment, determination, and a significant amount of time. I honestly believe that an NJHS member should always feel the need to always help others. The volunteer spirit should not only be shown in the community, but at home, church, and in school.
The United Nations is an organization established 24 October 1945. It was a replacement for the League of Nations. The UN was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict. The organization is financed by giving its member states a substantial fee. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
Read the article Diagnosis Coding and Medical Necessity: Rules and Reimbursement by Janis Cogley located on the AHIMA Body of Knowledge (BOK) at
The test taking lessons have helped me learn more about having good strategies for a test. I feel that with these lessons learned I can have more confidence to take a test and pass it. In this report I want to show why test taking is an important skill to learn. I also wanted to describe how I have prepared for test in the past. I also wanted to discuss three strategies I have learned from the computer tutorial in class and how I have changed my study habits so I can do better on test.