Alcohols are being considered as modern day fuels because they are cheap to manufacture and some can be made in labs. There are four main alcohols that are especially being taken into consideration as alternative fuel sources. These four include: Ethanol, Methanol, Propanol and Butanol. The reason that these four have been considered is because A) They can me chemically/Biologically synthesized in a Lab, B) There are properties within these fuels that can be used within modern day engines, and C) These four fuels also have a high octane rating. The octane rating of a fuel refers to how much compression a fuel can go through before it ignites by its self. The reason this makes such a big difference within engines, is because when fuels self-ignite because they have been compressed too much, it can cause “knocking” which can damage the engine and also because it means that the fuel is more efficient and therefore you can get more kilometres per litre/KJ per Mol. …show more content…
There are two types of Carbon Chains, there are; Straight chains and there are Isomers. Straight Chain Alcohols include: Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Butanol, Pentanol, Hexanol, Heptanol, Octanol and Decanol. Isomers include: Iso-Amyl, Butan-2-ol, Tert-Butanol and Propan-2-ol. The difference between Straight Chain Alcohols and Isomers is simply the way that the carbon and hydrogen molecules bond. In straight chain alcohols the hydrogen molecules bond with the carbon molecules in a rectangular shape whereas Isomers bond in random
Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is a clear, colorless liquid. It is also known as ethyl alcohol, EtOH, and grain alcohol. Ethanol is widely produced by processing grains such as corn or starch and sugar crops. The grain is first milled, then fermented with yeast and different enzymes to turn the grain 's starches into alcohol(EPA). A distillation process then increases the ethanol concentrations, basically the same process a whiskey maker would use to make whiskey. Of course, law mandates that a denaturant is added, making the liquid unsafe for drinking. In the process, waste grain is produced and sold as farm animal feed. Bioethanol, can be made from many types of trees and grasses, but the procedure is much harder. The chemical formula of ethanol is the same whether it is made from starch and sugar-based feedstocks, such as corn grain (widely used in United States), sugar cane (Brazil), or from cellulosic feedstocks (such as wood chips or crop residues). (The Alternative Fuels Data Center)
A large part of the alternative fuels boom has been a part of civilization for thousands of years: ethanol. The same substance that makes alcoholic beverages intoxicating is also a useful fuel. Ethanol’s potential as a motor fuel has been known since the first internal combustion engines were made; The Ford Model T was able to run on gasoline, ethanol or any mix of the two (Bettelheim 802).
Since the invention of the internal combustion engine, car makers and consumers have been filling the gas tank with just that, gasoline. Starting out with leaded gasoline then slowly switching to unleaded gas in the late 1960s until catalytic converters, a new auto part which can only run on unleaded, were made mandatory in 1975. However over the past couple decades there have been a new contender in the fuel marketplace to power consumers’ cars. Ethanol is defined in World Book Student as “a type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages and used as an automobile fuel” (Sheehan 1). Sometimes called ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, has been an additive to gasoline since its introduction. The purpose was to reduce dependence on foreign oil,
Formed from fossilised plants and consisting of carbon with various organic and some inorganic compounds.
Ethanol or as we know as alcohol in our beverages can be made from any fruit or vegetable that performs photosynthesis which produces glucose shown As required as the reactant of the previous equations.
Fossil fuels are essential to life on earth as we know it today. Our world would certainly be much different if it weren’t for such seemingly simple things such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These basic elements of life on earth may not seem like a major concern to some people until we put into perspective how they have shaped our world today. Civilizations have been built, economies have risen and crumbled, and even wars have been fought over these precious fossil fuels. However, these fossil fuels serve us in ways we may never truly appreciate, as long as we use them as recklessly as we do now. The major entity about fossil fuels is concerning their longevity and permanence in our world, and we all know, they will be around forever.
Ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, commonly known as Ethanol (commonly seen as E-85 at the gas pumps) has a long history in the United States. Henry Ford considered it the fuel of choice. [1] In fact, his very first automobile, built in 1896, ran solely on ethanol. He said, “There is enough alcohol in one year 's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years.” But it 's use in that capacity on a commercial scale was never realized due to the abundant resources and soon to arrive efficient production processes of petroleum products. However, with the highly volatile petroleum markets, mounting environmental concerns and the increase of gasoline fuel prices it is being reconsidered. To where in 2013, ethanol use had displaced as much as 462 million barrels of imported oil, reducing the dependence on foreign oil by 6 percent. [2]
This paper will discuss the three main fossil fuels which are oil, coal, and natural gas. This research shows how the fossil fuels are formed, where they could be found, and explain how they were formed over millions of years. This paper will show the numerous advantages of fossil fuels compared to the disadvantages and how they are hurting the Earth. Fossils fuels are critical to the function of everyday life. The world would be a different if fossil fuels and their uses were not to of use.
A Technical seminar Report submitted to Manipal University in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Aviation industry has been booming over the couple of years. This would mean that the usage of
Fossil fuels are used as a main source of energy all over the world, including Canada. The burning of fossil fuels is the world’s leading source of emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is one of the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. In residential construction, Canada has become aware of the effects of fossil fuels and is adopting a new way of building with an environmentally friendly green approach using Geothermal Energy Pump Systems. In residential homes, Geothermal Energy Pumps are systems that can achieve exact functions of standard convection systems without the harmful effects of fossil fuels. These systems will significantly lower the amount of energy required to heat a home, leading to
There are many different types of economic problems that this world faces and one major problem is that we (all the people on the planet) are using too much of our non-renewable energy. Using too much of this non-renewable can raise concern that we will eventually run out of the energy that human civilization runs on. We have two different types of energy in this world, non-renewable and renewable. renewable energy is energy that is natural to this earth and we wont run out of it anytime soon. But non-renewable energy are very important sources like natural gas, oil, and coal and eventually these very important energy sources will not be available to the human use anymore. The term “non-renewable” means that there is only a certain amount of this energy source on this earth, so the faster we keep burning through all these non-renewable energy sources the faster we will run out of them. Now, if we run out of these non-renewable energy sources our world would turn chaotic. Everything we do relies on these three different kinds of energy. For example, if we ran out of these energy sources we would not be able to drive cars, use our cell phones, or even have heat for your homes. Eventually, the goal would be to use our advanced technology to find other renewable energy sources that serve the same purpose as the non-renewable energy sources we use today so we will not
Ethanol is a good alternative fuel but there is negative things that come with it. Ethanol requires a bunch of corn, barley, and wheat to make (Meyers, 2014). Which in turn could be used to feed starving people all over the world. Using corn, barley, and wheat hinders food availability and even the prices of the food. The new York times has stated that using ethanol actually decreases gas mileage. Ethanol gives you 2-3 miles less than normal gasoline (West, 2014). Ethanol can also break down faster than normal gasoline. Meaning that ethanol can cause rust of the car engine. Making ethanol can actually pollute the air a bunch because of all the gasoline it requires to power the tractors and machines that gather the required material to make it. Ethanol has negative impacts on our environment but overall it has more positives then negatives and makes a good alternative fuel.
90% of energy used in the world today is made by fossil fuels. Acid rain, global warming, and air quality are all leading problems in today 's society all because the world won 't put time and money into alternative energy. Alternative energy can effectively dwindle the amount of fossil fuels used. Alternative energy can not replace the use of all fossil fuel but any amount of alternative energy use can be effective. Methods of theses energy alternatives can save the earth from running out of fossil fuels. Also they can decrease the amount of pollution released into the air each and every day.
If America makes the change to renewable fuels, it could take hundreds of years to undo the indirect damage that will be triggered. The amount of pollution that would be emitted by harvesting new fuels is as devastating as not switching at all (Grunwald). The processes for acquiring these alternatives create pollution that will destroy our environment. It is counterproductive to use renewable energy, if it does not enhance the current situation. Many people are supportive of the change, but are unaware of the long term effects on the economy and environment. The issue of alternative fuels is a controversial topic around the world with numerous countries wanting to use a cleaner fuel source than petroleum and