
Modern Day Technology : The Influence Of Modern Technology Today

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Technology now is more influential than it has ever been before, considering the many fields that have become impacted by modern technology such as social forms, along with education, and health, big or small the influence is there. Taking that all into consideration, you will see how impactful modern day tech has helped out many issues be solved, that could not of been possible back in the 20th Century as it is now. One way technology influences modern society right now is with the access of the internet. With the internet, questions asked by many on a daily basis can be answered easily now on the palm of their hands, smartphones are so versatile on what they can do with the access of the online web, things like communicating have taken a new shape as well. Communication can be sent and replied faster in many forms like emails, texts, and social media are just few sources that have taken conversation in a new medium that in many ways, helps people contact each other better. Another simple, but still an effective form technology took over and made convenient is Home Entertainment, including innovations like televisions, video games, and computer advancements have come a long way. Televisions have become very convenient to have at home, and it is worth it, with better image and video quality along with flatter designs that allows a tv to be placed in many rooms of the house, giving the term of “staying home and watching television” a worthy title. Now video games and computers are one in the same, they both just have many features and mediums that make them stand out to the public buyers, many homes now have at least a form of this at home, due to how versatile a video game console is now, games come second to the consoles many say, and computers can now benefit a person in ways old PC’s back in the day never could, and education is a huge positivity on that. On the subject of that, education relies on technology very well that a student and professor would need to know how to use the internet in order to teach and pass a course. No more white chalks, although they did help many people learn when a teacher wrote on them, but now having lesson plans can be summarized into a powerpoint that can hold as

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