
Modern Electronics and Todays' Youth

Better Essays

Modern Electronics and Todays' Youth

Jojade S. Garbiles

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the requirements in English

Problem of the Study The researcher of this study wants to know if how electronics affects the lives of the people specially the youth. And by that, it becomes the problem of this term paper. To learn if what are the connections of electronics in any different form such as media, gadgets and so many other. This problem of the study would also be associated with the different characteristics of the youth that became the market of the electronic companies. the study would also tackle the different advantages of electronics in every aspect of life of a youth. Such as on their education, on their physical fitness, …show more content…

| Today | 20 years ago | Selfish | 81 | 6 | Materialistic | 79 | 15 | Conformist | 42 | 41 | Idealistic | 38 | 49 | Patriotic | 24 | 65 | Reckless | 73 | 14 |

III. Electronics and Youth A. Advantages of electronics to youth 1. Physically
One of the most important benefits of having those electronics gadgets is that the youth develop extremely good hand-eye coordination. People who play these electronic gadgets view an action on the screen and must react to it using complex hand motions on the controller. Often times the player is controlling several different aspects of the character at the same time, such as running, jumping, and shooting at an enemy. This increase visual spacing and hand-eye coordination because the player has to keep track of all the elements at the same time. 2. Mentally
Video games are often multi-layered stories that require a player to solve problems using the items he has. Many times these items are finite and must be used for multiple objectives in the game. This not only teaches a player to conserve his resources and use them wisely, it also teaches the player to think about completing multiple objectives at the same time using these finite resources. Both of these skills are necessary in the business world of today.
Many of the games today have several solutions for solving in-game problems. A player must analyze each situation and come up with a solution to the problem. A player must strategize the best

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