
Module 34 Themes

Decent Essays

I will use Module 34 (Hunger) from Psychology in Modules, created by Myers and DeWall (2015) to explain how it exemplifies these three themes: humans are relational persons, are embodied, are in need of redemption (Moes and Tellinghuisen, 2014). The first theme of the three themes is how humans are relational persons. “The Bible strongly emphasizes that humans are part of something much larger”, according to Moes and Tellinghuisen (2014, pg. 19). Obese people have to face relational struggles with other people in their lives, because being obese “has been associated with lower psychological well-being” and “increased depression” (Myers and DeWall, 2015, pg. 490). With these psychological setbacks for obese people, it is hurting “the body …show more content…

“God created us to be physical in order to care for a physical creation—to tend the garden”, according to Moes and Tellinghuisen (2015, pg. 19). According to Myers and Dewall, because our society is abundant in fats and sugars, people are more likely to consume more food than their ancestors did (2015). Being obese has harmful physical effects to the body such as: “the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, gallstones, arthritis, and certain types of cancer” (Myers and DeWall, 2015, p. 491). Due to the constant rise in obesity in “33 countries” (Myers and DeWall, 2015, p. 491), more people are becoming obese everywhere when considering the United States. It is important to have people learn this to understand the negative effects of being obese, because these effects will hinder them from caring for creation and tending to creation. According to Myers and DeWall, “studies in Europe, Japan, and the United States show that children and adults who suffer from sleep loss are more vulnerable to obesity. With sleep deprivation, the levels of leptin (which reports body fat to the brain) fall, and ghrelin (the appetite-stimulating stomach hormone) rise” (Keith, 2006 as cited by Myers and DeWall, 2015). It is important that we regulate our sleep so that we can get the most sleep possible, because it is important for maintaining body weight and hunger hormones. According to Myers and DeWall, the …show more content…

According to Myers and Dewall, “obese 6-to 9-year-olds are 60 percent more likely to suffer bullying” (2015). With the rise of obesity, there could more likely be more bullying towards obese kids, worsening the attitudes of future children, and hurting the “the body of Christ” (Moes and Tellinghuisen, 2014, pg. 19). This shows that we need to change our attitudes towards obese children, especially with the rise in obesity. If we continue to bully obese children, then we continue to sin by not treating our neighbors respectfully. It is best that we work to understand the situations of obese people. According to Myers and DeWall, different countries tend to have different taste differences to different foods (2015). Some countries have a taste for foods that other countries would find repulsive, which could lead to dislike or disgust towards another country, hurting the relationship and diversity of the world. Rather than discriminating by another country’s tastes, it is important that we understand that different countries and cultures have developed tastes accustomed to certain foods over long periods of time, which have become delicacies to

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