
Molecular Genotype Lab

Decent Essays

Anvika Jain
Molecular Genotype Lab

Figure 1 Gel Electrophoresis for Replication Taster PTC. The gel is composed of an ethidium bromide stained 3% agarose gel demonstrating DNA fragments which were a depiction of PCR amplification. The agarose gel contains nine loading samples, including from left to right, the MW marker lane 1 precision mol mass standard, lane 2 TB undigested PTC (5µl of DNA, 5µl of master mix P, and 2.5µl of loading dye), lane 3 TB digested PTC (5µl of DNA, 5µl of master mix P, 2µl Fnu4HI, and 3µl of loading dye), lane 4 TB A(L)DH G (10µl DNA, 10µl master mix G, and 5µl loading dye), lane 5 TB A(L)DH A (10µl DNA, 10µl master mix A, and 5µl loading dye), lane 6 MG undigested PTC (5µl of DNA, 5µl of master mix P, and 2.5µl of loading dye), lane 7 MG digested PTC (5µl of DNA, 5µl of master mix P, 2µl Fnu4HI, and 3µl of loading dye), lane 8 MG A(L)DH G (10µl DNA, 10µl master mix G, and 5µl loading dye), lane 9 MG A(L)DH A (10µl DNA, 10µl master mix A, and 5µl loading dye).

(Graph 1) [Graph 1 shows the relationship between ln(mass) and distance traveled. As ln(mass) decreases in size, distance increases. This is a …show more content…

As a result of this, the plasmid was not broken up into smaller fragments, which prevented it from moving a far distance due to its heavier mass. The way the MW of this band was figured out was since the PTC gene was not digested; it will act as the recessive allele would because that, too, cannot be digested by the restriction enzyme. The recessive allele can’t be spliced because it codes for a sequence not recognized by the restriction enzyme. When PCR takes place, the recessive allele is amplified at the 303bp region. If a person carries the recessive allele, a band would be seen at 303bp, and since I do in fact carry the recessive allele, it’s predicted MW was seen in its expected

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