Moment in time In everyday life people show encouragement and give motivation to me and the people around me. A good example of this is during wrestling season. During wrestling season people show motivation by cheering myself and others on. No one is more motivational than your coaches. No matter what your doing the people yelling at you and cheering you on never gets old. Nothing is better than winning a match and having everyone cheering you on. When I first started wrestling I absolutely hated it I would tell myself that i sucked and I was no good. The only thing that kept me going was the motivation of my coches. Even though through the years It was the same people cheering me on it never got old. Over the years my biggest supporters were Mr.Ayers and Mr. Kudrick. …show more content…
I lost every match but the first match I won the crowd went wild it was one of the best feelings ever I remeber ending the season 1-23. Even though I lost a lot of matches the coaches always say remember the first match you won? I will never forget the first match of the 2014-2015 wrestling season. This match was 3 years after I started wrestling. The match was against the same team I won my first match against 3 years previous. I was very nervous to wrestle that match but my Coaches were there to tell me it will all be fine. After the match I knew I was going to be a good season. As the wrestling seasons went I got to go to areas which is like jr. high states. My first match was against the first seat and I was fifth seat. I had him pinned but the kid threw a whirly bird and I lost the match 6-4. This was double elimination this means I was 0-1. I was angry at the crappy call and my coach said I will make it through and face him again in finals. Well it it didn't work out that way I lost my second match and I was sent home with an end of season record of 27-13. I was furious but when it was all over I had my coaches and the crowd telling me good
Because my sophomore year of wrestling was over too i decided to do a lot of offseason wrestling. I really was able to fall in love with the sport and continue to get better and better. At the beginning of my junior year i was super
I started wrestling in sixth grade. Even though I didn’t win one of my first seven matches, I developed into a successful wrestler. In high school I won tournaments and beat high-quality wrestlers. During my junior year I was determined to become a great wrestler. I worked harder than ever and didn’t let anyone stop me. That year I lost the Illinois state wrestling tournament championship match by one point. Over the next six months between my junior and senior season I was runner up at AAU national tournament and wrestled at Disney Land in Florida at the Disney Duals with over 50 other teams and only lost 1 of 8 matches. These are a few of my achievements in high school. Now that I am in college there are many
When I qualified for the AAU State wrestling tournament I never thought I would have done so well. Being in 8th grade and it being my last year to go to AAU State I put in the hard work and qualified for AAU State and I was overjoyed with happiness. For the next 2 weeks, I practice my heart out trying to get better for AAU. The day that wrestling starts the older group doesn’t wrestle till 4, so we went to the mall till 12 then Wells Fargo. The team started to warm up around 3:30 and I was one the first matches up. I won my first match with a pin and my second with the 11-3 win. My third match was against the kid that won the tournament and I lost to him 2-5.
It was a night resembling every other preceding it, though within it was a pivotal moment directing me on a path to a world of medicine. As the rays of light began to recede and the sounds of the crickets chirping resonated louder with each passing minute, there I sat upon the curb watching my younger family members race back and forth across the gravel in pursuit of earning their team a goal. The parents stood idly by conversing with one another, failing to notice when a particular young boy tripped on one knee with great force. Slowly he stood as the other players on the field continued playing without a glance towards their injured teammate. Turning in the opposite direction he walked to a secluded area, slumped down, and bowed his head while cupping his knee. Approaching him, I noticed there was the faint sound of sniffling. Bending down I asked if he was hurt and at last he raised his head, still holding on to his knee. Putting on a brave face he responded with a resolute no.
I felt humiliated after my previous losses and used it as motivation that I would not lose to this person again. Within the first thirty seconds of the match, I managed to take him down and receive two points (in wrestling terms, to take someone down is to get behind the opponent and have them on all fours, their stomach, or sides). At that moment, I was feeling great; this was the first time I had been winning in a match against him. Shortly after managing to get the two points, my opponent was able to reverse me, which means he went from being on bottom to being on top. I thought to myself, “What do I do?” I began to lose confidence, and wrestled as if this were my first time on the mat. When I managed to get out of bounds, I looked at my coaches and they told me “Calm down, you’re doing alright. Just focus.” At that moment, I began to
My individual record was also undefeated as well and it was strenuous, to say the least but also rewarding. Day two we knew was going to be the toughest competition and most stressful. It’s that day that by the end, you know basically what you are competing for. Whether it is for the championship title or to place overall top ten. All other competition gets done by the end of the second day and for that to happen means a profusion of matches. The first match of the day was against a very skillful Alabama team, we won respectfully and geared up for our next match. Giving it all I had was not enough nor was the whole team’s full effort enough to defeat the notorious club team from New York. The loss was not taken lightly so we moved on knowing we needed to get two consecutive wins in order to make it in the top 10. At this point in time, I was very anxious to see how strong our team really is because I really thought we had more in us than what we put out on the mat the last match. My record was now 4-1 which was looking very impressive. Moving into our next match I had opened up the first match knowing it was important and I set the tone of the match I would say with a huge win over a multiple time state champion from the Florida team. My team won that match, meaning that we were going up against the returning champion team called “Young Guns” from Pennsylvania. That match was safe to say the most adrenaline I have had in my body going at one time. The match really came down to the final bouts of the match, making it a very grueling match to be a part of because all that was on my mind was the fact that with a huge win here means we sealed the deal the place top ten at the least! I and most of the team picked up very courageous wins over our opponents bringing us to victory in the end of that match. Sleeping that night seemed impossible because there was so much on my mind, I could not
My time on the mat was not always that of heart break. Going through elementary I never had a losing season, let alone a season where I lost more than five matches. In fifth and sixth grade I took place in NYWA and Gopher State. Gopher State is a tournament for the top wrestlers in Minnesota and all the states surrounding it. That was some of the hardest wrestling I have ever encountered. I placed in the top six at NYWA and not placing at Gopher state unfortunately. The summer before my junior year I went to multiple wrestling camps costing thousands of dollars and lasting weeks in time. And when it came time to vote for captains I just knew I was going to get it. The night before the coach told us who was going to be awarded captain
Admittedly I’m not the best wrestler, but my hard work ethic and determination is what makes me exceptional. At the 2015 regionals I lost my first match of the tournament which really brought my spirits down quite a lot. Going into my second match I knew if I lost my season would be done, and sectionals would be out of question for me. I ran out onto the mat, my heart is pounding through my chest. I didn’t want to let my parents and coaches down again. The match started and instinctively I grabbed my opponent’s leg and pinned him in 23 seconds. Winning this match put me into the finals for third place. When I ran onto the match for the finals match my heart dropped when I saw the guy who beat me come out to wrestle me. This meant I had to wrestle the guy that beat me to get into sectionals. The match started and he took me down, so I
My freshman and sophomore year of high school I went to Liberty where I decided I was going to try out for the wrestling team, from there on I only lost eleven matches out of sixty one matches I would end up winning districts both years. Our wrestling team had head coaches that had a culture of winning and competing, as well as having State Champions wrestlers who truly loved wrestling. Then junior year came and I was forced to change schools to attend Independence where I had no one to practice with, plus having a brand new head coach, which had been given only three wrestlers and the rest students that have never wrestled before causing limits on the amount of wrestling concepts that are learned so in result practice ends up being a
Losing a loved one is often a very sad experience. For humans it is natural to mourn the loss of a loved one. Although everyone suffers differently, grief is a universal experience. For most people grief resolves naturally, but some people can face symptoms similar to that of major depression. Although the typical grief period carries on for about two to six months, people can now be diagnosed with major depressive disorder within weeks of experiencing symptoms. Even well-known psychologists such as Sigmund Freud have stated, “...although mourning involves grave departures from the normal attitude toward life, it never occurs to us to regard it as a pathological condition and to refer it to a medical treatment. We rely on its being overcome after a certain lapse of time, and we look upon any interference with it as useless or even harmful’’(Shear, 2011). The elimination of the bereavement exclusion from the upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition will pathologize the normal grief process, which will soon lead to over diagnosis of major depressive disorder and blur the fine line between grief and depression.
The Truth about wrestling is that it's tougher than it looks for sure. I’ve been doing to for about three years now and well it's been the best thing to happen to me. When you're a freshman in high school coming out of a failed football season. And your friends talking you into doing wrestling. Well I was hooked by the awesome time and funny atmosphere back in freshman the team was fun and the seniors were even better. Out of the three captains Jamie, Mike, Brody. Jamie and Brody were the best and they knew just about every move their was. I will always look back to my freshman year in wrestling because there hasn't been a year like it since. Though it was tough always going out there and wrestling a senior or Junior, I never really care about
I believe wrestling is one of the hardest sports around the world. There are only a few who stick around throughout the season because they are willing to endure the pain. I had difficulties deciding which sport to play, and I chose the one that called out to me the most. I had difficulties throughout the season at first, and then I loved wrestling even more after it ended.
Wrestling use to be pretty easy for me I would go out there mess around for a little bit get some points on the board for me and then I would try to finish it. But, I was a little kid and I was a pretty big kid and most kids with me were never any good and I just had more heart and passion in the match then they did. So, I thought I would get into the wrestling room do some of the warm-ups for the coaches and then show them how good I was. No, that did not
One of the most famous extracts from the novel, Austen allows her two protagonists to take each other on in a battle of words and wits, showing up the intellectual superiority of the two in sharp contrast to the superfluous nature of the people around them. Miss Bingley's attempts to attract Darcy's attentions are lost in an extract that enhances Austen's themes, develops her narrative and allows the romantic readers to catch their breath as we see Darcy and Elizabeth begin to fall for each other, despite their independent states of denial.
My earliest memory of my childhood has to be the first major fight my parents had that has been seared into the memories of my childhood. We all hate to see our parents fight and usually when I would witness my parents fight I would block it out because “mommy and daddy will always love each other no matter what.” They would tell me that over and over again no matter how bad their fights got. I yearn so badly to tell my younger self not to hang on to that idea of love because that idea in the end wasn’t really love at all.