I believe I achieve moments of flow when I was working on things that where challenging or enjoying to myself. It is interesting that in most of the cases I did not need any reward for this things. The things that motivates me the most are, my family, cooking, driving my car, playing games that need tactical thinking, and working at my job in complex problems that need critical thinking, and a great amount of my skills. However, most of the times I was working at complex problems in my job, I was talking to my wife or coworkers, or I was doing something that interest me greatly, like cooking and playing soccer games.
After analyzing my results, I found out that I have more flow in the second quarter of the day from around 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and the second quarter of the day which is around 12: PM to 6:00 PM. The hours that I have flow the most are around 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM, and midday. It is interesting that this are the times of the day where I use most of my skills and critical thinking, because at the end of the day most of the times I used it to rest. During my days at my job. From the beginning of the day to around 3:00 PM, I had the most complex problems, and I need to find solutions. When I am resting I have to do most of the activities
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I really enjoy to be creative and facilitate somebody’s task by finding an easier way to do the task. Also, I like to give ideas to solve problems, and I like to feel that my opinion is taken into consideration. I love to play soccer because I can use not only my physical strength, but also my intelligence. I love to talk to my wife because we have a constructive communication. In the end, the simplest stuff or tasks can create flow, we just need the motivation to do
The article by Manzano et al, "The psychophysiology of flow during piano playing" attempts to conduct empirical research to validate physiological responses to the concept of flow. Flow is the notion that there are certain exercises that people engage in which are so demanding and enjoyable that their attention level is lowered, and a cognitive form of expertise takes over so that they lose awareness of time and self-consciousness while achieving a high degree of proficiency at that activity. The flow state is defined within the article as one which combines a high state of arousal with a positive valence (Manzano et al, 2010, p. 302).
The challenges and skill level are also balanced in flow activities. If the challenge is above the knowledge level it can create anxiety. On the opposite end, if the challenge is too low for one’s skill set boredom often takes over. This is where the balance comes in. Flow is an opportunity for learning. Csikszentmihalyi reports that flow is often achieved when a person is participating in their favorite activities. He goes on to describe that flow can also be achieved during almost any activity as long as the elements are present.
The article by Manzano et al, "The psychophysiology of flow during piano playing" attempts to conduct empirical research to validate physiological responses to the concept of flow. Flow is the notion that there are certain exercises that people engage in which are so demanding and enjoyable that their attention level is lowered, and a cognitive form of expertise takes over so that they lose awareness of time and self-consciousness while achieving a high degree of proficiency at that activity. The flow state is defined within the article as one which combines a high state of arousal with a positive valence (Manzano et al, 2010, p. 302).
During the hours of 8 am to 8pm I am running around and so focused on other things, that I ignore what I might possibly need. After 8 pm I allow myself an hour to regather myself and ask, what do I need to do to get done before tomorrow? That whole hour allows me to re-centre and balance myself, however I am not sure how effective it in is such a short amount of time. By 9pm I am so physically exhausted, but somehow very mentally aware and I find myself the most productive at this time. Maybe it's because I’m to tired to move that it allows me to focus and do my homework, or just watch a show, but it is a direct reflection of my mental and physical needs. By 11 pm I turn off my home, check on my kids and head to bed where I do personal self reflection, which is a really bad habit of mine. With the guidelines of wellness and the medicine wheel brought to my attention, I am able to effetely redirect myself in a more positive outcome. Both the wellness guidelines and medicine wheel are directed to guide us to a better self understanding and positive reinforced tool box of
I am performing my occupation on routine basis, but before occupational analysis activity assignment I never pay attention for my life cycle and how much time I am spending behind my daily routine tasks. This assignment helps me a lot to organize myself and learn about the time management. Poor time management skills can lead to anxiety, depression, procrastination, frustration, anger, and diminished interpersonal, and occupational interaction (Marcil,2007). From occupational analysis question one pie chart (figure1) about the activity differentiation, I found that education and performing ADLs was two of my major occupations, I am spent most of the time in these two occupations. Also, I found that work and IADLs were my next two priorities for occupations and I spent very less time for play, leisure and socialization. I believe, as a student I have to spend about fifty percent of my time for study and less time for ADL and work. Also, I found that my daily routine pattern was unbalance because of lack of sleep and less time for play, leisure. The insight I found form question two activity analysis pie chart(figure.2) that I performed most of routine occupations with energetically even though there was not balanced in real life. I believe that not all days are same for everybody, my mood changes based on environment, workload, and priorities. Some time when I come from school or work I feel lethargic and I don’t like to do anything, but my insight always encourages me to perform if I have any assignment due or exams on next day. The insight that I gains about the relationship between studies, ADLs, work, IADLs, play, leisure, and sleep/rest are not balance. I know that ADLs, IADLs, and work are important tasks of daily living; I need some personal time for play, leisure and sleep/rest time that keeps me away from burnout and becoming ill. The secret of
Mihaly Csikzentmihaly 's theory of flow and McGonigal 's theory of willpower portray the significance of achieving goals and learning from the optimal experience that comes along the way and why it is the way of living a good life. In Finding Flow, Mihaly Csikzentmihaly introduces the concept of 'flow ', also known as 'the zone ' or the 'optimal experience ' and compares it to the idea of living a good life. According to Mihaly, flow is the state in which a person becomes so fully absorbed in an activity, that they become oblivious to their surroundings, but at the same time enjoy the experience itself. On the other hand, in The Willpower Instinct, the author Kelly McGonigal explains the science of willpower, the biological instinct managed by our pre-frontal cortex that protects us from our desires and anything else that leads to harm. Willpower consists of three powers; I will, I want, and I won 't, and they all help to improve our self-control. By combining Mihaly 's theory of flow and McGonigal 's theory of willpower, I will learn to fully engage myself in reaching my goal, while also appreciating the optimal experience itself. My goal is to not abandon or get distracted from my many other goals which are more likely to be vulnerable to the everyday threats of negative energy around us. I would draw from Mihaly 's theory of flow to take a different approach and learn the euphoria of full commitment and McGonigal 's theory of willpower to not let my temptations get the
Being inventive and creative is something I have pride in because being able to create things with my hands is incredibly satisfying, when I finish some art I can look at
The Moment Lenses Invitational Short Film Festival is over and there's an official winner. Selecting eleven mobile filmmakers to compete in a film festival style competition, viewers voted for their favorite and the winner was quite unexpected .... even for Moment.
As discussed in a previous question, Csikszentmihalyi promotes how “flow activities lead to growth and discovery” (74). With every flow experience, an individual will need a certain level of difficulty to challenge a specific set of skills. It is when these two components become correlated that we enter flow. However, when challenges and skills are not correlated, an individual may experience boredom or anxiety, which leads to negative experiences. Regardless of the type of flow experience, the dynamic feature of flow is what allows growth and discovery. Our notion of self disappears when immersed in flow, allowing us to push the boundaries of transcendence. When emerging from flow, self is re-introduced and emerged as more complex and enriched with new skills. This self-reflection is only effective when done alone. Csikszentmihalyi believes it is detrimental when outside forces intrude on personal reflection because it interrupts consciousness from assessing the activity. An intrusive parent could act as this outside force. Parents should direct their children to entering flow, but not force them to enter the flow channel if the child is not
Finding out who you are as a person is very essential to one's life. Creative activities allows you to seek and find what you love to do and to gain internal peace in your
This was one of the most essential aspects to fully succeed while working. It was easy to get lost in the politics of the job, the bureaucracy that revolved within working, or just simply being consumed by the mere vastness, the pace, and the pressure of the job. However, I was able to resist succumbing to these pressures as a result of the love of the job. Loosing myself in the flow of this job allowed me to fully extend my best efforts in to any aspect of the job I was doing. It was easy to be able to make a necessary errand for Senator Rubio or Senator Cruz just because of the name and the desire service, but when the Republican Cloakroom wanted breakfast delivered to them because they were not willing to get it themselves, it became much harder to complete the task with the same fervor, desire, and passion than with that of serving the Senators. This is where the flow came into play. As a direct response to this flow, I was able to reallocate the desire of fulfilling all my work in not just the jobs I enjoyed doing, but in all the jobs that had to be done. I found it easy to try by best in the jobs that garnered the most attention, serving the Senator who was the Presiding Officer, serving the Senator who needed his speech attended to, serving the Senator who wanted chocolate out of the Candy Desk. It became much more difficult to fulfill the tasks that I personally deemed insignificant or not worthwhile of my
The name of the essay that I read is “Appreciating The Moment” by Jay Hasheider. The essay is about a father who has a son whose going off to college. In the essay he emphasizes how sad he is about his son leaving, even though they both prepared themselves for that moment. The day his son leaves they spend every minute with each other from packing to watching a baseball game together and appreciating that moment. My belief is also about appreciating the moment, because I too remember when I left New York to come to Florida to start a new life a new family. I was leaving my 4 sisters, my mom, and of course all my friends everyone was so sad I was leaving but honestly I was happy and excited. It wasn’t until the day I was leaving that I
For the CALM course we are keeping a daily blog or a "journal" if you will. It is supposed to sate what we did that day and during certain points of the day if we were engaged, disengaged, energized or an energy suck. I will state which of these I felt with the activities through the symbols that are at the bottom of this blurb. So every time I felt on of these, I will put the corresponding symbol beside the blog post. In addition to the 4 emotions that are above, we also have to document wether of not we experienced flow during that activity. Flow essentially is when you are doing something and you seem to loose track of time. You are so occupied with a certain task that you just "flow" through it. There is actually a TED talk I found
Many human beings do not get sufficient sleep upload to my personal learning Plan due to the distractions of era at domestic, so hire exceptional exercise there too. Dehydration can make you experience worn-out and impact your thinking, so try to drink masses of water. Get some fresh air and take a brisk stroll in the course of the day – both will energize you. Try and avoid heavy lunches and sugar-encumbered snacks, as they could lead to a drop in awareness later inside the
I enjoy a challenge when it comes to creating, which is why I am interested in technical hobbies such as welding and woodworking. I have always been fascinated by machines, robotics, planes, and engines. Additionally, I enjoy working with others whether it be on major or minor projects. I am always passionate and focused on the work that I am given and will work until I feel content.