
Multipliers Essay

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this change is not always equal to the output of the change. This is called “Multipliers”. In this case we have Tax Multipliers and Government spending multipliers. If the government does not raise taxes and the consumer has more money to spend, normally that means he or she will spend more. However, there is a possibility that the consumer will spend some and save some of the money that they have based on lower taxes.
The theory of Marginal Propensity to Consume or (MPC) is based on if and when the consumer will spend that extra money. Conversely, the Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) is based on the money that the same consumer is willing to save vs. put back into the economy. There are foreign language formulas that can depict various types of Multipliers, (GDP, TAX, Govt Spending) but for this document we will not touch on the related formulas. But trust me Ed, they are there.
Monetary policy and interest rates

As we learned in our Economics 545 class, the Government (our policy makers) is not the only entity that can manipulate the business cycle and our economic activities. There is an organization called the Federal Reserve Bank. (FRB) This was voted into law back in 1913 by President Woodrow Wilson. The mission of the FRB is to issue Federal Reserve notes, or legal tender better known to you and me, as the “All Mighty Dollar”. They also can issue bank notes. The Bottom line, the FRB controls how much money is put into the economy. They also have the

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