
Money Too Richer While The Poor Are Getting Poorer

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The saying goes, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. The government has always had several issues with which to contend, one of the major arguments has been, do the rich pay enough on taxes? This argument on rich paying enough in taxes has been around since the start of American history. On one side of the argument, people feel the current tax rates are at maximum levels, the “Buffet rule, which calls for a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on those who make more than $1 million a year is essentially already in effect” (Dubay 353). This argument clearly states the rich are currently paying more than enough in their fair share of taxes. The other side of the argument is the rich are not paying enough in taxes. In the bigger picture our country, schools, roads, and people are going down fast and hard. The government can choose to raise the federal tax rate on the rich but “high-earners also happen to be business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs” (Dubay 353). The government’s excuse saying high earners are an integral part of the economic opportunity in employing low and middle-class families is only an excuse for letting the rich keep their money and earn more. The government says the rich are paying their fair share of taxes, fair is paying on all taxable income, including capital interest to be taxed at a level commensurate with the rich and super-rich level.
Who are the rich? President Barack Obama considers a single person making $400,000 a year

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