About eight hundred years ago, during the thirteenth century a tribe from the grasslands of Asia conquered a great part of the world. The Mongols were illiterate and their history is complex to tell due to the lack of writing and their very complex language but it can be said that the Mongols were barbarians and brutal in the way that did what was necessary to conquer.
The Mongols did their best and created techniques to conquer locations with their most successful leaders. The mongols conquered most of Asia by various and different conquerors. They conquered Russia, Persia, Central Asia, and China. Genghis Khan was the most successful conqueror overall of different times, empires, and regions. Genghis Khan who reigned from 1206-1227 conquered
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As said in document B “when a man turned fourteen they were expected to undertake military duty.” With only the exception of physicians, undertakers, and priests. The soldiers were well protected with breastplates, shields and a helmet; they were armed with weapons such as bows and arrows. This was all due to the soldier rank. The soldiers were travelers and equipped for traveling. Knowingly to their military duties and expectations the Mongols also had their battle tactics known as Carpini on Battle Tactics in document D. Just before going to war the Mongols draw all the battle lines, they set up the chiefs or prices of the army but do not take part in the battle. They first send a detachment of captives and men of other nationalities who are fighting with them to meet the enemy while some of the Tartars may accompany them. They have a strategic way of attacking the fortress by reducing them, if the position of the fortress allows it they surround it even by fencing it around so that no one can enter or leave it. They make a strong attacks and get no sleep while the Tartars do, they do this to fight and in the combat they cannot get to tired. They try to speak with the people to get them to
“In the 13th century CE the Mongols created the largest connected landmass empire in the history of the world”. Mongols are the people of Mongolia who are referred to as barbaric. Barbarians are people who are evil or savage. The Mongols were far from barbaric.
During the early thirteenth century Chinggis Khan and his following successors helped forge various tribes in to a powerful alliance that built the largest empire the world has ever seen. The Mongolian empire reached great in size in such a short period of time. This was basically because of the sturdy Mongol army and many efficient policies the Khan family established. The Mongols were very knowledgeable in military tactics. There empire had a strong sense of unity, helping the empire get so great so rapidly. There allies also contributed to the Mongolian empire. By the time of Chinggis Khan's death in 1227, he had laid the foundation of a vast and mighty empire, which continued to grow with his tactics set in stone.
The next topic in a few of the documents(4,8, and 9) directly relate to the previous paragraph. The warfare techniques used by the Mongolians and devised by the Khans and the commanders. In doc.4 Juvaini, a former historian for the Mongols and later governor of Baghdad, wrote about how the army was arranged. It is arranged in such a manner that there are groups of ten with one of them being commander of the other nine. Ten groups of ten equal a larger squad with one of the hundred being the leader. Then 1,000 and the last rank 10,000 is called a tümen. Documents 8 and 9 are simply a letter from the Pope Innocent IV to Genghis Khan and a reply. The Pope basically saying that he has invaded many countries and does not spare anyone. His reply is to use Eternal Heaven as his excuse for killing. These two documents show that Genghis Khan was infamous and believed in a God, making him religious. He is like the Islamic people that fight for Allah. Pope Innocent IV believes that Genghis Khan is being irrational with all his killings and rages because he does not spare anyone. He is a reliable source due to his being a Pope and how influential a Pope is.
Omar Royer Mongol DBQ Originating in the Eurasian Steppes; Mongolian forces were some of the fiercest warriors the world had seen up to the point in history, with ruthless battle tactics that eventually lead to them spawning the largest connected empire that was ever founded. Established and led for a time by the highly-intelligent Genghis Khan, utilizing fear mongering and taking advantage of their nomadic lifestyle; created the most fierce cavalries to grace the Eastern hemisphere. THeir war tactics lead to them conquering most of Asia which bled into India, and Russia among numerous other territories. [Doc 12] The Mongols are an ethnicity originate from an area that is now Mongolia, Russia and China; and according to Chinese records
In Document 3, we learn about how in times of battle, the Mongols would present themselves as intimidating. They would do this by making, “figures of men and set them on horses.” This was one of the various tactics used by the
The Mongols, a small tribe 800 years ago expanded and conquered a lot of Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The Mongols are known for being ruthless warriors and having a negative reputation, being called “Barbarians”. They were in fact Barbaric, but how Barbaric were the Mongols really? The Mongols were extremely barbaric and were unmerciful. The Mongols caused so much destruction, caused many deaths and ruined people's lives, and not to mention how inhuman, savage and evil they were.
To be able to conquer almost all of Asia and the trade routes from China to Persia would have required great skill, weapons, and military tactics, some of which no other empire possessed at the time. More proof that the Mongols had very advanced military tactics was that they used tactics we still use today. “Other columns of stronger men they dispatch far off to the right and the left so that they are not seen by the enemy and in this way they surround them and close in and so the fighting begins from all sides.” (Document 3). They had an amazing understanding of mental and physical tactics such as “They make a strong attack with engine (catapults for slinging
Even though some sources very likely exaggerate the number of soldiers, it is still clear that Mongol armies were huge. However, it is not the most important factor when it comes to that army’s capability. Above all the army had extraordinarily skilful archers. As George Lane puts it, they “were famous for their ability to fire their arrows in any direction while mounted and galloping at full speed.” They were also quick to learn new strategies and to adapt new weapons. They got explosives from China and learnt to use them effectively. More importantly, they learnt to besiege cities, which was something they did not initially know how to do effectively. This skill became very important later when they were attacking Khwarezmian Empire.
The Mongols are the most influential civilization to ever exist in central Asia. They impacted countries all over the world in great ways.
The Mongols were able to conquer Asia in just 30 years, for many skilled reasons. They were taught at a young age working with a bow and became very skilled arches. Second they were great at riding horses and could shoot bows at their enemies while on the horse. They had several different siege machines that did different things to help them. Mongols were very organized and that was the main key to a part of their suessess. Last they were the most fierce warriors that many people would surrender without even trying to put up a fight.
The Mongol Empire was the largest continuous land empire in history, taking control of many Afro-Eurasian societies in the thirteenth and fourteenth century. Not only were the Mongols militarily powerful, they were also administratively powerful. The Mongols had a major impact on societies of Afro-Eurasia during this time period because their conquests ruined cities, their cultural diverse population adopted controlling positions, and their administrative efficiency promoted economy.
Throughout the 13th century world, the Mongols constantly showed displays of continuous violence, drinking, brutality and unfair treatment. They were considered to be savages, and people who lived far beyond what we would know as a “civilized world.” They single handedly became one of, if not the most powerful empires to have existed, building their empire through violent and barbaric manors. The Mongols were very barbaric people, for they portrayed many inhumane and mannerless actions while their empire lasted, causing death destruction and the downfall of all of the land they took over.
In 1200 a Mongol leader by the name of Temujin rose to power. Under his rule the Mongol Empire flourished and conquered many enemies and occupied a large amount of land. Throughout his reign the Mongols continued to be a major power house.
The Mongols were by far the most powerful people in history, with Genghis Khan being the greatest conqueror to ever live. According to information from many maps, Alexander the great conquered 2,180,000 square miles. Adolf Hitler conquered 1,370,000 square miles. Genghis Khan dwarfed these feats with a colossal proficiency and conquered a total of 4,860,000 square miles.
Mongols saw this as normal as it is what they were taught is normal. “They clothe themselves in the skins of bulls, and are armed with iron lances; they are short in stature and thickset, compact in their bodies, and of great strength; invincible in battle, indefatigable in labor; they wear no armor on the back part of their bodies, but are protected by it in the front; they drink the blood which flows from their flocks, and consider it a delicacy; they have large powerful horses, which eat leaves and even the trees themselves, and which owing to the shortness of their legs, they mount by three steps instead of stirrups” (Weatherford 149). The Mongols were seen as violent, small, and brave. People also saw them as a bloodthirsty threat, but this was just the Mongolian way of life. In conclusion, your education influences what you see as normal which changed how you think of