
Monica Lewinsky: How Bulling Can Do To People

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Mrs. Tolkan

The article in the New York Times is about how Monica Lewinsky saw what was happening in the world and how she was bullied as a child. She wanted to do something about it so she went to her media manager and told him what she wanted to do. She then set up meetings with advertisers and spoke about her idea of how she wants to inform the world what bulling can do to people. In October of 2017 they set out to make campaigns and advisements about bullying and what you can do to help. They started the hash tag click with compassion and it trended on twitter and integral. Her campaign was a success and she was very proud of what she did. Monica Lewinsky is very big in preventing bullying she has donated lots of money to bullying campaigns. …show more content…

She also looked at how people reacted and treated her after news broke out that she was sleeping with the president. She saw that the internet didn’t help any so she wanted to put a stop to bullying so she asked her media manager if she could talk to advertisers and start a campaign to prevent bullying. She then went to a firm to help her get the word out. She cam up with the #clickwithcompashion, it went viral and it helped a lot of people relize what bulling can do and how it has changed the way the world works.
Monica saw how good this was working and said she wanted to start a foundation to help kids that have been subject to bullying. She started it in October of 2017. She wants to help all the people she can because bullying is important to her and yes she has done some stupid stuff in her life and she regrets it but she wants the world to be a safer place and not a place of fear.
Many people have experienced bullying and Monica just wants everyone to feel loved and safe. Bullying is a very serious matter because many people have committed suicide because of what people have said to them to make them feel worthless and unloved. Stop bullying because everyone’s life is worth

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