
Monkey Love Experiments Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Sarah Mead-Smith
Psychology - 3B
9 September 2015

Harry F. Harlow -- Monkey Love Experiments -- Summary

This article written by the University of Oregon explains in exquisite depth and detail the work of Harry Harlow, specifically his famous "Monkey Love Experiments." Harlow spent many years in his University of Wisconsin laboratory dedicating his life to conducting research on maternal deprivation in monkeys. His soul purpose for this experiment was to find the first "causes and mechanisms in the relationships formed between infants and mothers" ("Adoption"). Harlow conducted his experiments by separating two infant monkeys from their mothers soon after their birth and planned for them to be "raised" by two types of surrogate monkey …show more content…

Harlow didn't stop there, this only made him more curious, so he gave them no choice between the mothers. He found that monkeys who had a soft contact and relationship with the cloth mother resulted in the infant behaving differently than those who developed a relationship with the wire mother. The cloth mother's infants benefitted in positive emotional attachment by the soft feeling of the cloth which provided security and reassurance to the infants. The cloth mother's infants also clung to her when they were scared and calmed down quickly. While the wire mother's infants did not go to her and took a while to calm themselves down. The outcomes to this experiment were groundbreaking. Harlow proved that a mother's love toward their infant was emotional, rather than physiological, which differed from past research. "Nurturing ones infant was found a far more determining factor in the healthy psychological development" of the infants than the biological nature between a mother and their infant ("Adoption"). He also proved that attachment between a mother and infant in the early stages of life was critical and crucial to the positive development of their relationship and the infant's well-being. These both were considered huge progresses and

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