
Monologue About Personal Monsters

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Just cause you see a person dressed up with their makeup done and hair it doesn't always mean they have everything figured or that they're okay. We don’t always know what's happening inside of them, we might think there happy since there laughing but that's not always the case. It's important to recognize your own personal monsters, because it can control over your life without you even noticing that it is. Even if we don't see our demons they are still making us feel horrible. Is something I can't even control myself just have to try to handle it, makes you feel really bad like a feeling that you're alone when you're not. My own personal monster is my anxiety, it has really made me feel awful for no reason your happy one moment the next you just feel like you're going …show more content…

It all started with those panic attacks, my heart was racing really fast and my hands were sweating at that moment I didn't knew what it was so I was just their feeling frightened. This monster has really changed my life, it has been a hindrance to me. But I know I can't get rid of it even if I try telling myself to stay calm, and try to think that everything is okay when in reality is not. There might be a smile on my face but it don't actually mean I'm happy when in reality I'm dying in the inside. I don't always make eye contact when there's someone talking to me and they might think I'm not listening to them but I really am I'm just trying to not listened to my own thoughts wondering if you can listened what is going inside my head. It has gotten to the point where is the only voice I can hear since it's the loudest one. Sometimes I do the random things without me even noticing that I'm doing it, like sometimes I'm butting the inside of my cheek or twisting my ring in my finger I just do them not noticing my actually doing

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