Just cause you see a person dressed up with their makeup done and hair it doesn't always mean they have everything figured or that they're okay. We don’t always know what's happening inside of them, we might think there happy since there laughing but that's not always the case. It's important to recognize your own personal monsters, because it can control over your life without you even noticing that it is. Even if we don't see our demons they are still making us feel horrible. Is something I can't even control myself just have to try to handle it, makes you feel really bad like a feeling that you're alone when you're not. My own personal monster is my anxiety, it has really made me feel awful for no reason your happy one moment the next you just feel like you're going …show more content…
It all started with those panic attacks, my heart was racing really fast and my hands were sweating at that moment I didn't knew what it was so I was just their feeling frightened. This monster has really changed my life, it has been a hindrance to me. But I know I can't get rid of it even if I try telling myself to stay calm, and try to think that everything is okay when in reality is not. There might be a smile on my face but it don't actually mean I'm happy when in reality I'm dying in the inside. I don't always make eye contact when there's someone talking to me and they might think I'm not listening to them but I really am I'm just trying to not listened to my own thoughts wondering if you can listened what is going inside my head. It has gotten to the point where is the only voice I can hear since it's the loudest one. Sometimes I do the random things without me even noticing that I'm doing it, like sometimes I'm butting the inside of my cheek or twisting my ring in my finger I just do them not noticing my actually doing
What defines a monster? Is it their grotesque, unnatural appearance that separates them from the rest of mankind, or is it their lack of remorse and compassion that makes them different? The word monster conjures up figures from gothic horror of exotic peoples with horrifyingly exaggerated features, and the kinds of impossible delusive beasts inhabiting the pages of medieval bestiaries. Well at first I thought exactly that. When I used to hear the word “monster”, my mind immediately pictured the petrifying beast that took residence under my bed for a substantial portion of my childhood. It had demonic beating red eyes, razor sharp teeth that glistened with fresh blood and amphibian like scales covering every inch of its enormous body. However, as I got older, I started to realize that there was no such thing as monsters and that it was all just a figment of my imagination. Accordingly, the fear of the monster under my bed slowly dissipated. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until after reading a quote by my favorite author, Steven King, that I was finally able to fully comprehend what the true definition of the word “monster” really was. “Monsters are real, ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win”. It had taken me awhile to truly grasp what King had meant, but then it clicked. Everyone has a monster inside them, dormant or not. That monster is the voice we hear in the back of our heads, urging us to cheat or to steal, and in some instances, worse. That monster
Hey! Nice to meet you! I am Wendy, a water molecule! Oh! Sorry for the yelling. It is just that I am a very excitable person. I am at the top of the atmosphere for the first time! I was left here by a spaceship. I guess they just forgot….. or else they don’t like water molecules! I never thought of that before, but who cares? I’m still here.
“Baby, there’s bills to pay and ain’t no money coming in. Your mama’s got no job come fall and there’s the mortgage and next year's taxes to think of.” I could see the frustration and sadness come over Cassie’s face. I never like to see her so lonesome but what can I do?
Saddens, loneliness, angry, fear, jealousy, envy anything bag and negative it only lets them know your scared and gives them more strength. There all like that all of them, the monster under your bed, the creature with the red eyes and the monsters in your closet. But there is one creature that is worst out of all of them and it's the worst thing you could think of. Now read closely as I explain to you how I know theses things are real.There's a 6th sense that some may call a psychic ability, it comes in many
Monster Inside of Me Vish’s version I'm a cute small skinny little worm with a yellow back, black belly, and my arrow tail "No"! Don't let looks deceive you, I am a vicious cold blooded killer. I start off inside of a rat's intestines and through one bite I start to spread like a wildfire to my next victim. We multiply like mad, it's probably because we don't need a mate to reproduce.
Somebody should of told you I'm on one!!!!! Fuck you die slow you know who you are. We putting bottles down you suckin fucking thinking I'm mad really im glad cause while you SWALLOW you really sad as it hits your chin there goes my grin it should be a sin how much your pain now makes me smile when you had me to where I'd cry when you hurt that was for a while now its bitch get off mine enjoy yours and if you ain't got tears then you hiding behind fear that new man you got is really queer and feel bad for his ass thinking he's the new love of your life smiling and wilding when you behind his back denying him he don't exist in your mind but he's got me cause you letting him hit it from behind bitch I tried. Enjoy your new year as I toast you
Everyone has good and bad traits, I think monsters can have good and bad traits too. However I think a lot of people struggle with their own inner monsters, which is a good representation of the monsters we have come across in our myths. People struggle to fight these monsters, figuratively and literally, especially in our myths. I think if our human nature shifted to actually acknowledging our own monsters we could do more in battle to defeat. It takes a lot of strength in people not to lie to themselves, and to admit to themselves that they need help. Just like in our myths, if the warrior needs help fighting a monster it’s hard for him or her to admit to it. Monsters will always be around in life but you can’t let them defeat you. Try to focus on the positives of a monster instead of the negatives, even though monsters are seen as negative. A lot dealing with life’s monsters is just making sure to get in the right mind set and realize you shouldn’t worry about things you can’t change. Some people just have bad human nature, and are judgmental but that doesn’t mean you also have to
to accept it, this is my eternity, i'd stay here forever and ever. I guess this is it, my whole life and it's all wasted. I wonder if I could have done anything different, maybe be kinder, give to the poor, I don't know. I'll never get married or have children.
“What do you want from me?” I yell at the psycho killer who is desperately trying to grasp my life. Wait a minute,I think you're wandering why a psycho killer wants my life. Well it all started at my 2 story house when i’m getting ready to go to school.
Society contributes to how people treat others with non-normative bodies. Race is a part of the physical features that contributes to how a person is viewed. In the texts The Monster and The Story of My Life, Henry Johnson and Helen Keller faced different treatments from their peers because of their different racial backgrounds. After saving a little boy from a fire that cost him is face, instead of being treated like a hero, he was treated like a monster because of his ethnicity. Helen Keller, on the other hand, was given education and became civilized through the determination of her peers. Society assumes Henry Johnson is mentally incapable of being more than a monster, while society believes in Helen Keller’s ability to overcome her disabilities because their race.
My drama paragraph: Your mother's "trying to help" days are coming to an end, and the time is coming to let it go. This is a final attempt to reach you saying everything conceivable down to the last atom of my energy. Being strong-minded (in your head) hasn't allowed your heart and spirit to listen and hear the pleas from your children, Grandpa, sister, and parents!!! If this last "try to help" as your "fairy godmother" doesn't work, your parents' twilight years will be peaceful, but with deep sorrow.
Today was the day I would have done without. The day I was caught and imprisoned. Why was I imprisoned? They strongly believe that I’m a creature. I’m in a cage bound in too many chains.
Everyone has a monster, no matter how big or small it is, they still have one. You learn how to tame your monster and progress with it and some even know how to overcome their inner monster. My monster is that I second guess and over think many of the decisions I make, no matter how big or small and how significant or insignificant. I also stress over many things. I sometimes think this has to do with my astrological zodiac sign but sometimes think it’s just my nature of life. I was born to be this way. My monster taunts me in my everyday decision from waking up in the morning, to getting dressed, to the work I complete in school, and then coming home, all the way until I go to sleep. Another part of my inner monster is that I get angry or upset if things are done in ways I dislike.
I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know it could kill me. One time when I was 8, I was playing with some chapstick. I was putting It on everything when I decided to take a bite out of it. I ended up getting really sick and almost dying.
A monster is someone or something that evokes fear and terror. In terms of a human being a monster, they feel little to no remorse for the cruelty that they are implementing on those around them. Someone is not truly a monster until they let their monstrous sins take over their life and emotions and begin to act recklessly on these urges. I believe that everyone has the capability to develop monstrous thoughts or feelings. However, it is how their minds deal with and cope with these emotions that define whether or not that person is a monster, or if they have smaller monsters that are a part of them. These small monsters may be habits, addictions, or tendencies that may not outwardly affect others but they inwardly effect the individual.