Our story begins as 7 strange figure set on Golgotha the place Jesus our savior was put to death by man who
have no clue that this one act would ever change their life!
Barabbas the notorious prisoner that set free instead Jesus
Tabus the 44
with Pedro, love, peace, Lawson the great- grandson of Pilates soldiers the one that gambled for Jesus clothes.
Rajah the robber that when to Paradise with Jesus.
Not to mission four fool traveling in old coffee sack on back of a Camille in the middle of hot sandy wind blowing
In the hope we might be able to get back home or at lease back to our normal size that what the old woman at
Union station told us!
Which I hope is true the information cost me $100,000
This have the most insane thing
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as we approach we see what look like five figure!
Before we could said anything!
Micky & Vicky told us to stay here! Will be back in few min to get you two.
Then they flew off!!
I and my sister were kind of daze OK what just happen!
I said about 2 or maybe 4 min later they came back with and group guys!
Vicky tap one those guys and said point to us that they!
Welcome friends my name is Tabus and theses are my brother Hoick, Tang Rajah, Pedro,Hoick,Tang,Lawson.
Tabus carry us close to the camp fire where we could smell the scent French coffee mix with the light scent on lamb stew
MY SISTER SAID I cannot be all sitting in the same place that Jesus was curtailed!
Tang reply
Micky & Vicky why was not rested here will bring y all some stew and coffee!
OK, what the catch!
And why y’all being so nice!
Just get y’all ready for the journey !
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Does anyone has any idea on how were go to get this huge child out here!
That when could hear what sound like another little girl but this one sound like she crying!
As got closer to the sound we open the door to what be the living room! This huge Asian girl looks like she had got
herself stuck inside the living room with her hair caught up in the back door of the house!
O man this day just keep getting better by the second!
When she saw us her face lid up and she stops crying!
Does anyone has any idea on how were go to get this huge child out here! o man, this simply continue improving!
my sister takes a gander at me have a perfect.
in the first place you to close your eyes for a second!
Alright! so I close my eyes what next!
I heard my sister said Hit It!
o snap by the I close the entryway, I saw Mickey & Vicky took got their wand a tap the young lady on her brow.
at that point puff of gold shading smoke.
at the point when the young lady repeal she outside in the lawn only sort of skimming and flip running off the ground.
I'm figuring around 4 or perhaps 6 feet off the simply ignoring her, however .
at that point a boisterous pop then she was
A report was received on 06/05/2017 alleging that the mother (Hermionne) left Ashante (C-V 17) with a non-relative since 02/2017 without any legal rights. According to the report, the mother refuses to take her child back home and will not engage with Ms. Aarons (caretaker) to provide legal documentation for the child to be enroll in school and taken to a Primary Care Physician. Ashante has not been is school for the past 4 months and are unable to enroll in school without paperwork. According to the report, Ashante self mutilates her arms, and the mother refuses to get counseling. The report indicates Ashante was to follow-up with a Cardiologist for a chest pain and the mother refuses to take her to the doctor.
After some time, Louise opens the door to find comfort with her sister. Someone nook the front door, they went downstairs and open the door; it was Brently Collar her husband
The reporter stated that Arlena delivered Aubrey in TX at the age of 16 and both mom and child tested positive for cocaine at the child’s delivery. The reporter stated at that time Aubrey was taken in to TX CPS custody and placed in the care of her paternal aunt. Ms. Lowry is unsure who has custody of the child at this time, but believes Arlena may be running from TX CPS or law enforcement. According to the reporter, Arlena hops from state to state with the child and is in between TX and MS often. The reporter stated Arlena goes between the states from week to week. Per the reporter, the child does not have Medicaid, WIC, she doesn’t have formula and her mother gives her any kind of milk she can get, her shots are not up to date, and she has not been to any well baby check-ups.
agency called Texas Mentor. They had recently taken in a small infant and 2 year old
Brandon says he has been diagnosed with ODD. He did runaway from the home on October 2nd. He did go to school on October 3rd. He was found at another home they own. The address is unknown. He got in the car with the mother and said he wanted to kill him. He had no gun at that time. Brandon is diagnosed with homicidal ideation. He is a threat to himself and others. He doesn't take any medication. He is on a 72 hour hold at Garden Park Medical Center. The father left the hospital to care for his 4 year daughter because mom had to go to work. The hospital will hold him until someone accepts him. Dad is aware of the hospitial's policy that a representative has to be there for the child to be admitted. Dad is aware that DHS would be contacted. Dad said if DHS was to get involved then maybe they could help. Dad can't bring the daughter to the back of the E.R. Dad didn't state if he was coming back. The father denied that there was anyone else available to be present for the child. When the 72 hour hold is up, he will be released to DHS or a parent. Brandon is involved with Biloxi Youth Court. He has a probation officer; there is no information on them. Brandon attempted to run from Garden Park Medical Center. He does need immediate
Presenting Problem: Kaleb is a 12 y/o white male presenting ADHD-CT, ODD, and Adjustment Disorder with anxiety and depressed mood. Kaleb was alleged locked in a closet as a form of discipline for lying, stealing and wetting the bed with only a mattress, pillow and bed sheet allowed where CPS was involved. He was required to perform numerous military style exercises as a form of discipline. He has been engaging in assaultive behaviors at school, and at the Seton house. He has demonstrated behaviors in foster care placement to include cursing using racial slurs, and threatening to run away. He is currently placed back with his biological father and stepmother. He also engages in lying, stealing, manipulating, fire setting, abusive behavior
* If you have to take the child to the doctor call first before taking the child in so that they can make arrangement for the child to be placed in a separate waiting area.
The child in the most immediate concern is Lydia Pederson. She is now 9 months old and was taken to the hospital via ambulance due to Lydia being limp and unresponsive in the cot. The child was report to be grizzle and unsettled for a few days and the foster carer report that she has had trouble keeping fluid and solids for a few days, and she has had not wet nappies today.
Aldous Huxley wrote a book titled Brave New World. The inhabitants of the futuristic society known as "the world state" reside in this book. Efficiency, technology, and science are the main concerns of civilization. There are no lasting relationships in their culture because "everyone belongs to everyone else," and young children are conditioned to lose their emotions and sense of self by being exposed to the drug soma. You can escape from any other emotion since soma makes you feel "happy."
In reviewing business to start for this project, I decided to look within the healthcare industry, as this is an industry I have be involved in for many years. During my normal course of work, I looked at all of the types of companies I engaged on an on-going basis. I looked for companies that would be feasible to start. Smaller companies that would not require outrageous start-up capital, and that could begin services in a relatively short period of time. While I was looking to find the perfect company to start, I was told by one of the nurse managers that we needed to have a PICC line inserted for one of the patients, and she was having difficulty getting someone in to perform the
Fear is so deeply embedded in the human genome, as a defense mechanism. It is so old it is coded into the oldest part of the human nervous system. Throughout history, fear has been used to manipulate whole populations into starting wars, revolts, genocides, and discrimination. Never has that been more true than in Adolf Hitler’s Germany, his rise led to the deadliest conflict in human history, World War II. His consolidation of power and control over the people of Germany, can be attributed to using fear as a weapon of manipulation. In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson, follows the first American ambassador into this dystopia, and the fear he experiences while there. Erik Larson chose to set In The Garden of Beasts in Hitler’s Berlin to
We continued to travel for days on end. By this time we were in the woods. But I had no idea when we would get there, or how far we had traveled. I looked at Zhalen, to ask him, but as soon as I opened my mouth, Zhalen and Li veered off course.
One of the effective ways is reporting abuse & neglect through calling (you can found it on the website of Michigan gov) or complete the application of abuse report and send it through the email. There are three essential things to meet the report 1 the victim is underage, 2 the responsible for abuse is parents or someone related to the child, 3 the allegations minimally meet the child abuse and neglect definitions in the Child Protection Law. For more information please visit http://www.michigan.gov. to know more about reporting abuse & neglect process.
First, assume a seated position and hold the infant facedown. Make sure the infant is facing down on your forearm while resting it on your thigh. Next, you should thump the infant firmly but gently. You should do this five times on the middle of the back using the heel of your hand. This should release the object that is dislodged. Then, hold the infant face up on your forearm with the head lower than the trunk. If thumping the infants back doesn’t work use two fingers place them at the center of the infant’s breastbone and give five quick chest compressions. Repeat the thumps to the back and chest thrusts. This should dislodge the foreign
The techniques of finding a baby for adoption through an independent agency. First thing that needs to be done is to select and adoption attorney. Things to consider when choosing an attorney is remember like all professionals there are good ones and there are bad ones. Consider the quality of their service, depth of their knowledge, and fairness of their fees. The following groups and individuals can provide you with important insight and inside information regarding finding an attorney. The independent adoption social services offices the office is assigned to you is based upon what county