
Monotheism Vs Christianity Research Paper

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The definition of religion is 'the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods'. Judaism and Christianity are two of the major religions of the world. They are monotheistic, meaning they only believe there is only one God. Both religions are unique in their beliefs and morals, but still share similar aspects which clearly show their histories.
Judaism is the oldest known religion that is still practiced, founded in the Middle East in the two holy cities known as Hebran and Jerusalem. Judaism focuses on the belief of 'love thy neighbour', which speaks of loving your fellow man. This is the main message of the Torah, the book of Jewish teachings. Judaism is a very complex religion with many different …show more content…

Most people also celebrate these days, regardless of their beliefs. The objective truths that Christianity claims to teach include that
Jesus was the Messiah and that God created the Universe.
In comparing these two, it can be concluded that although these two monotheistic religions seem different on the outside, once you start looking further into them you discover that they are more alike. For example, broth regions worship a single god whose message is written in a book of scripture. The Jews worship their Messiah who's message is in the Torah and the Christians follow the word of Jesus throughout the Bible. Looking at the general practises of each region, we can observe that they are different. For example, unlike Christians, Jews do not seek to convert other people to become Jews. They believe that one day all countries and people will recognise the importance and significance of God, without their own influence. Both religions celebrate holy days which are mentioned in their scriptures and are celebrated all around the world. However, the
Christian holy days are often celebrated by people not identifying to the religion. Whether or not these are realities is up to personal

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